Heinrich Wittenwiler

Book Description

Considered a "Haupt- und Schlüsselwerk des Spätmittelalters" (one of the most important texts of the Late Middle Ages), Heinrich Wittenwilers Ring (ca. 1410) is a comic, didactic, verse narrative of courtship, violence and war and even world war that reflects the crisis of meaning and breeches during the transition from the medieval to the modern era. This new translation is based on the sole manuscript and not on the edition previously published by Edmund Wiessner (1931). Even today, the fascination of The Ring is founded on its powerful eloquence, its delight at the reversal of socio-cultural orders and the play with all forms of the ugly and obscene, but also on its profound piety and its - admittedly futile - faith in the triumph of its teachings.

Festival and Fiction in Heinrich Wittenwiler's Ring

Book Description

This volume investigates Heinrich Wittenwiler s famous poem Ring. Main focus is the relation of the narrative to the traditional topoi of marriage, folly, and play.

Ritterliche Taten der Gewalt

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Florian Dörschel deals with the martial side of German chivalry towards the end of the Middle Ages. Knightly violence was at the center of social, military and political life as an instrument of power, representation and communication. Florian Dörschel befasst sich mit der kriegerischen Seite des deutschen Rittertums im ausgehenden Mittelalter. Diese ritterliche Gewalt stand als Machtinstrument, Repräsentations- und Kommunikationsmittel im Mittelpunkt des sozialen, militärischen und politischen Lebens.

Marriage in Wittenwiler's Ring

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Wittenwiler's Ring and the Anonymous Scots Poem Colkelbie Sow

Book Description

Heinrich Wittenwiler's Ring, written in a Swiss dialect and presented in English translation for the first time in this 1956 volume, is a comic-didactic and religious allegory that documents late medieval views on many aspects of literature, history, law and religion. Besides his translation of Ring, Jones adds an exposition on the text as well as a translation of the Middle Scots poem Colkelbie Sow with a comparative analysis of the two works.

Günter Grass's Use of Baroque Literature

Book Description

This is the first study to discuss the affinity between Grass's complete works and baroque literature. Grass's employment of baroque literature is of particular interest because it takes up a tradition from which German literature has long broken away. Alexander Weber's argument moves from an outline of general thematic parallels in the early works to an analysis of the conscious use of baroque literature in Der Butt and Das Treffen in Telgte. He offers both a close reading of Grass and general reflections on how a past literary tradition can be adopted by a modern writer. The study focuses on the themes of vanity, carpe diem, and Senecan Stoicism in the early works; it discusses parallels between the rhetorical structure of the courtly-historical novel and Der Butt and traces the artist's melancholy and baroque allegories in Der Butt and Das Treffen in Telgte.

Rural Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age

Book Description

Older research on the premodern world limited its focus on the Church, the court, and, more recently, on urban space. The present volume invites readers to consider the meaning of rural space, both in light of ecocritical readings and social-historical approaches. While previous scholars examined the figure of the peasant in the premodern world, the current volume combines a large number of specialized studies that investigate how the natural environment and the appearance of members of the rural population interacted with the world of the court and of the city. The experience in rural space was important already for writers and artists in the premodern era, as the large variety of scholarly approaches indicates. The present volume signals how much the surprisingly close interaction between members of the aristocratic and of the peasant class determined many literary and art-historical works. In a surprisingly large number of cases we can even discover elements of utopia hidden in rural space. We also observe how much the rural world was a significant element already in early-medieval mentality. Moreover, as many authors point out, the impact of natural forces on premodern society was tremendous, if not catastrophic.

Beards and Texts

Book Description

Beards and Texts explores the literary portrayal of beards in medieval German texts from the mid-twelfth to the early sixteenth centuries. It argues that as the pre-eminent symbol for masculinity the beard played a distinctive role throughout the Middle Ages in literary discussions of such major themes as majesty and humanity. At the same time beards served as an important point of reference in didactic poetry concerned with wisdom, teaching and learning, and in comedic texts that were designed to make their audiences laugh, not least by submitting various figure-types to the indignity of having their beards manhandled. Four main chapters each offer a reading of a work or poetic tradition of particular significance (Pfaffe Konrad’s Rolandslied; Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm; ‘Sangspruchdichtung’; Heinrich Wittenwiler’s Ring), before examining cognate material of various kinds, including sources or later versions of the same story, manuscript variants and miniatures and further relevant beard-motifs from the same period. The book concludes by reviewing the portrayal of Jesus in vernacular German literature, which represents a special test-case in the literary history of beards. As the first study of its kind in medieval German studies, this investigation submits beard-motifs to sustained and detailed analysis in order to shed light both on medieval poetic techniques and the normative construction of masculinity in a wide range of literary genres.

Affectionate Authorities

Book Description

In one of his sermons, the medieval preacher Bernardino of Siena listed seven ’fathers’ to whom one owed obedience: God, one’s natural father, godfather, confessor, benefactor, a government official, and any elderly man. This book seeks to answer the question of why medieval Europeans saw the need for so many ’fathers.’ Why was fatherhood so appealing as a metaphor? Situated at the intersection of social and cultural history, the study draws upon a variety of late-medieval and early-modern sources including witness depositions, personal letters and pedagogical treatises from the city of Basel, Switzerland. It focuses on how people from different walks of life invoked ideas about fatherhood in the pursuit of various goals - not only the ideological agendas of scholarly elites, but also the more pragmatic problems of closing a business deal, claiming an inheritance, or choosing sides in a fistfight - before turning to what these ideas reveal about fatherhood ’on the ground.’ The book argues that it was precisely fatherhood’s basis in lived experience that gave it a familiar ’shape’ in the several roles that fathers played, including provision, affection, disciplinary authority, and education. The most potent rhetorical aspect of fatherhood, however, was not as a static image or shape, but rather the possibility of invoking connections between one role and another. The most potent connection between roles was the idea that fathers were 'affectionate authorities,' combining power over subordinates with desire for their well-being. Tracing the connections and contradictions of these identities, this study provides a nuanced view of concepts of fatherhood on the eve of the Reformation.