Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Book Description

This introduction, first published in 2005, considers the philosophical and literary aspects of Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus' and shows how they are related.

Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Book Description

The collection explores Wittgenstein’s early work, with a particular focus on his Tractatus, which examines the relation between language and the world, and which makes the distinction between saying and showing. The book considers the topics of logic, ontology, metaphysics, and the epistemological and moral aspects of Tractatus.

Tractatus Logico-philosophicus

Book Description

The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is the only book-length philosophical work by the Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein that was published during his lifetime. The project had a broad goal: to identify the relationship between language and reality.

An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Book Description

Anscombe guides us through the Tractatus and, thereby, Wittgenstein's early philosophy as a whole. She shows in particular how his arguments developed out of the discussions of Russell and Frege. This reprint is of the fourth, corrected edition.

Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Book Description

First published in 1921, Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is one of the most influential—and one of the most obscure—philosophical works of the twentieth century. Duncan Richter’s new translation of and commentary on the Tractatus help the reader understand the text and directs the reader to relevant secondary literature. To avoid imposing any particular interpretation on the text, this translation is as literal as possible while honoring Wittgenstein's wishes about how his words should be rendered in English. For similar reasons, Richter more often quotes than paraphrases the selected secondary sources, which represent a variety of opinions on what Wittgenstein meant. This book also includes an introduction by Richter and a bibliography. Like the Tractatus itself, this is not a textbook but a version of the text designed for those who want to read and understand it for themselves.

Elucidating the Tractatus

Book Description

Discussion of Wittgenstein's Tractatus is currently dominated by two opposing interpretations of the work: a metaphysical or realist reading and the 'resolute' reading of Diamond and Conant. Marie McGinn's principal aim in this book is to develop an alternative interpretative line, which rejects the idea, central to the metaphysical reading, that Wittgenstein sets out to ground the logic of our language in features of an independently constituted reality, but which allows that he aims to provide positive philosophical insights into how language functions. McGinn takes as a guiding principle the idea that we should see Wittgenstein's early work as an attempt to eschew philosophical theory and to allow language itself to reveal how it functions. By this account, the aim of the work is to elucidate what language itself makes clear, namely, what is essential to its capacity to express thoughts that are true or false. However, the early Wittgenstein undertakes this descriptive project in the grip of a set of preconceptions concerning the essence of language that determine both how he conceives the problem and the approach he takes to the task of clarification. Nevertheless, the Tractatus contains philosophical insights, achieved despite his early preconceptions, that form the foundation of his later philosophy. The anti-metaphysical interpretation that is presented includes a novel reading of the problematic opening sections of the Tractatus, in which the apparently metaphysical status of Wittgenstein's remarks is shown to be an illusion. The book includes a discussion of the philosophical background to the Tractatus, a comprehensive interpretation of Wittgenstein's early views of logic and language, and an interpretation of the remarks on solipsism. The final chapter is a discussion of the relation between the early and the later philosophy that articulates the fundamental shift in Wittgenstein's approach to the task of understanding how language functions and reveal the still more fundamental continuity in his conception of his philosophical task.

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Chiron Academic Press - The Original Authoritative Edition)

Book Description

DER TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS oder kurz Tractatus (ursprünglicher deutscher Titel: Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung) ist das erste Hauptwerk des österreichischen Philosophen Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951). Wie im Titel des Buches angedeutet, enthält es zum einen eine logische Theorie, zum anderen legt Wittgenstein darin eine philosophische Methode dar. „Das Buch will also dem Denken eine Grenze ziehen, oder vielmehr – nicht dem Denken, sondern dem Ausdruck der Gedanken: „Denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müssten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können.“ (Vorwort). Wittgensteins Hauptanliegen ist es, die Philosophie von Unsinn und Verwirrung zu bereinigen, denn „[d]ie meisten Sätze und Fragen, welche über philosophische Dinge geschrieben worden sind, sind nicht falsch, sondern unsinnig. Wir können daher Fragen dieser Art überhaupt nicht beantworten, sondern nur ihre Unsinnigkeit feststellen. Die meisten Fragen und Sätze der Philosophen beruhen darauf, dass wir unsere Sprachlogik nicht verstehen.“ (Vorwort)

Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus'

Book Description

Wittgenstein's Tractatus - the only book he actually published within his lifetime - was an immensely important work which changed the direction of philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Highlighting the importance of the nature of language in philosophy and the problematic nature of metaphysics, it strongly influenced the work of Russell, the Vienna Circle and A. J. Ayer. An understanding of the ideas in the Tractatus is essential to fully grasp Wittgenstein's remarkable thought. In Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus': A Reader's Guide, Roger White provides a thorough account of the philosophical and historical context of Wittgenstein's work. The book provides a detailed outline of the themes and structure of the text, guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of this remarkable text. White goes on to explore the reception and influence of the work and offers a detailed guide to further reading. This is the ideal companion to study of this hugely important philosophical work.

Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Book Description

This text is a dynamic new translation of Wittgenstein' s most famous work -- one of the most influential philosophy works of the Twentieth Century. Kolak' s translation is the first to read like an original work written in English and is the first to restore the poetical and lyrical qualities of the original Tractatus as intended by the author.

Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Book Description

This book is a strikingly innovative study of the Tractatus.