She Comes to Take Her Rights

Book Description

Using the contemporary workings of property law in India through the lives and thoughts of middle-class and poor women, this is a study of the ways in which cultural practices, and particularly notions of gender ideology, guide the workings of law. It urges a close reading of decisions by women that appear to be contrary to material interests and that reinforce patriarchal ideologies. Hailed as a radical moment for gender equality, the Hindu Succession Act was passed in India in 1956 theoretically giving Hindu women the right to equal inheritance of their parents' self-acquired property. However, in the years since the act's existence, its provisions have scarcely been utilized. Using interview data drawn from middle-class and poor neighborhoods in Delhi, this book explores the complexity of women's decisions with regard to family property in this context. The book shows that it is not passivity, ignorance of the law, naiveté about wealth, or unthinking adherence to gender prescriptions that guides women's decisions, but rather an intricate negotiation of kinship and an optimization of socioeconomic and emotional needs. An examination of recent legal cases also reveals that the formal legal realm can be hospitable to women's rights-based claims, but judgments are still coded in terms of customary provisions despite legal criteria to the contrary.

Gender at Work in Economic Life

Book Description

This new volume from SEA illuminates the importance of gender as a frame of reference in the study of economic life. The contributors are economic anthropologists who consider the role of gender and work in a cross-cultural context, examining issues of: historical change, the construction of globalization, household authority and entitlement, and entrepreneurship and autonomy. The book will be a valuable resource for researchers in anthropology and in the related fields of economics, sociology of work, gender studies, women's studies, and economic development. Published in cooperation with the Society for Economic Anthropology. Visit their web page.

She Comes to Take Her Rights

Book Description

Using the contemporary workings of property law in India through the lives and thoughts of middle-class and poor women, this is a study of the ways in which cultural practices, and particularly notions of gender ideology, guide the workings of law. It urges a close reading of decisions by women that appear to be contrary to material interests and that reinforce patriarchal ideologies. Hailed as a radical moment for gender equality, the Hindu Succession Act was passed in India in 1956 theoretically giving Hindu women the right to equal inheritance of their parents’ self-acquired property. However, in the years since the act’s existence, its provisions have scarcely been utilized. Using interview data drawn from middle-class and poor neighborhoods in Delhi, this book explores the complexity of women’s decisions with regard to family property in this context. The book shows that it is not passivity, ignorance of the law, naiveté about wealth, or unthinking adherence to gender prescriptions that guides women’s decisions, but rather an intricate negotiation of kinship and an optimization of socioeconomic and emotional needs. An examination of recent legal cases also reveals that the formal legal realm can be hospitable to women’s rights-based claims, but judgments are still coded in terms of customary provisions despite legal criteria to the contrary.

Dowry & Inheritance

Book Description

The essays in this book examine the sociological, legal, cultural and economic implications of dowry. The connection between dowry or bridewealth norms and the status of women, inheritance and its impact on women's empowerment are discussed from the multiple perspectives adopted by different feminist scholars. Feminist interventions have dealt with slippery definitions, concepts in legal formulations and theoretical questions regarding the volition and agency of women in a patriarchal structure. The essays examine the activist position vis-Ã -vis dowry and inheritance: should dowry be boycotted in toto, or only its excesses? Is dowry a form of inheritance? Legal intervention is often seen as the most concrete means to address issues of equity, but the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1984 leaves room for manoeuvre: dowry as a condition of marriage is punishable, but voluntary gifts are excluded from the ambit of the law. More recently, legislative intervention has sought to grant equal inheritance rights to women. Will these developments make for greater gender equity? This book brings together intellectually stimulating analysis and radical activism, in a cogent and comprehensive assessment of an issue and a practice that has preoccupied Indian feminists for the past three decades.

South Asians and the Dowry Problem

Book Description

Collection of the main papers from three International Conferences on Dowry and Bride-Burning; the 1st and 2nd conferences were held at Harvard University in 1995 and 1996 and the 3rd at London University in 1997.

Sahaja Yoga

Book Description

Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”

Feminism and the Family

Book Description

Why has the interlacing of gender issues and the family become a dominant strand of political discourse and policy development in the late twentieth century? Will the historical contradictions that have beset the relationship between the family and feminist aspirations continue through the new millennium? Is the 'new feminism' a resolution of these tensions or part of the 'anti-feminist backlash'? This study examines the continuing 'war over the family' in the USA and the UK in the context of major socio-economic and cultural changes that have fundamentally shifted the ground of traditional gender relations and redrawn the material and psychological conditions for family life in the next century.

Dictionary of Abbreviations in Medical Sciences

Book Description

Not everyone is a friend of the manifold abbreviations that have by now beCome a part of the scientific language of medicine. In order to avoid misunderstanding these abbreviations, it is wise to refer to a reliable dic tionary, such as this one prepared by Heister. The abbreviation ED means, for instance, effective dose to the pharmacologist. However, it might also stand for emetic dose. Radiologists use the same abbreviation for erythema dose, and ED could also mean ethyl dichlorarsine. A com mon meaning of ECU is European currency unit, a meaning that might not be very often in scientific medical publications. ECU, however, also means environmental control unit or European Chiropractic Union. Hopefully, those making inventions and discoveries will make use of Heister's dictionary before creating new abbreviations when preparing manuscripts for scientific publications. It is a very worthwhile goal not to use the same abbreviation for several different terms, especially if it is already widely accepted to mean only one of them. It may be impossible, however, to achieve this goal in different scientific disciplines. Therefore, although it is wise for the abbreviations used in a publication to be defined, it is also very helpful for readers and writers to use a dictionary such as this one. The author deserves our warmest thanks since we know that compiling such a comprehensive dictionary is based upon incredibly hard effort.