A Woman's Book of Life

Book Description

The bestselling author of "Minding the Body, Mending the Mind" reveals the interconnected loop of the mind, body, and spirit in a pioneering book that will teach women how to maximize their health and well-being as well as discover the extraordinary power that comes with each stage of the feminine life cycle.

A Woman's Book of Strength

Book Description

A unique book that offers a new treatment of female empowerment, blending spiritual and physical strength in the tradition of Deepak Chopra's New York Times bestseller, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. It is the first book to combine the best of successful self-esteem books such as Gloria Steinem's Revolution from Within and fitness books such as those by Joyce Vedral.

The womans glorie

Book Description

Womans Shoes a Mans Perspective

Book Description

A lighthearted and funny examination of Women's Shoes from a Man's perspective.

'A womans answer is neuer to seke': Early Modern Jestbooks, 1526–1635

Book Description

By turns witty and inane, crude and learned, scurrilous and moralistic, jestbooks offer an important and often overlooked viewpoint on the lives of women in early modern England. This volume reproduces seven jestbooks with connections to early modern Englishwomen as well as showing something of the broad genre itself. Four have a direct connection to women through their jests and framing (Wyddow Edyth, VVestward for Smelts, Long Meg of VVestminster, and Pasqvils Iests), excerpts from two books specifically focus on women in some sections (The Schoolemaster and Wits Fittes and Fancies) and the volume also includes the extremely popular, general jestbook (A C. Mery Talys).

The Working Man and Womans Way to Wealth

Book Description

Are you broke? If you lost your job would you lose your car? In a few months would you lose your home? If you answered yes YOU ARE BROKE! The Working Man and Womans Way to Wealth will show you how to become wealthy - REAL WEALTH. You will not lose your home after you lose your job! You will be able to make your home MORTGAGE FREE after only a few years - not 30 or 40 years as most people pay on their mortgage! You will have to work otherwise I would have named the book The Lazy Way to Getting Rich but I didn't - it does take work but it can be done in a short time span. You can become wealthy! You won't lose your home during hard times and as you know, we are going through some of the hard times right now in America. So do it - become wealthy!