Journeys of a Wombman

Book Description

A wombman is not a term assigned to only women who've given birth. You can be taken back to the womb by doulaship, by death of a loved one, or by your own meditation of going back to your biological roots. This is the documentation of a struggle being overcome, the rural challenges a mother faces and the grace she defeats them with. We are no longer bound to the societal restrictions in the past. This is the uprising; the rewriting of her story. We are the seeds of the ancestors who didn't die. The journey never ends. Every step is a victory in itself.

The Beauty In The Womb-Man

Book Description

The Beauty in the Womb-Man is a self-revealing work that turns the light on and shows you that you have valuable things to say, outstanding words to share, and eternal wisdom to give! Having obtained a degree in Christian Counseling, Dr. Carroll embarked upon her own personal journey of self-awareness, self-enhancement, self-enlightenment and self-empowerment. Through the years she has passed on this baton of power to women as she's traveled the world over. Make no mistake about are included in this self-realization and this reality will become clearer to you as you turn through the pages of this soul-searching work!

Stop Acting Like an Animal!

Book Description

Stop Acting Like an Animal! by Elgren T. Green Ever have the feeling like “something is missing” and you feel incomplete in many areas of life? This feeling of emptiness is your poor intelligent soul/spirit calling out to be freed from the bondage of the physical body and brain. The physicist David Bohm stated, “Who we are is much greater than what we perceive ourselves to be.” Follow Elgren T. Green on a journey of fourteen plus years of research and study of freeing the spirit to become a divine expression. This is a clue to “one having dominion over the earth,” hence, the human body. Humanity may overlook the fact that the brain is the home where the mind resides, manifesting intelligence while the brain manifests intellect. The mind has a higher calling, dealing with our purpose in life; while the brain only impels career choices, enhancing emotional and/or mental concerns at times.

The Soul of A Black Poet

Book Description

This is a collection of my poems I've written throughout the years, I've been writing since I was 11 in the 6th grade dealing with depression, puppy love, fake love, and true love, dealing with what it means to be a Black Poet.

Widening Horizons

Book Description

Mohit K. Ray, b.1940, former Professor of English, Burdwan University; contributed articles.

Lexicology, Semantics, and Lexicography

Book Description

Including a selection of papers originally presented at the 10th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, the contributions to this volume aim to show the breadth and depth of late-1990s studies in lexicology, semantics and lexicography.


Book Description

Is being a woman a disadvantage? Most women in a bid to discover who they are, and why they have some peculiar qualities have sought answers where there are no answers. In WOMBMAN; The Good of a Man, family, and society, you will discover what happened to the rib in the secret place, why no information was given about the building up and making of a woman, and most importantly, why God made you a woman, the intrinsic abilities embedded in you and how to maximize them to become the good of the man, the children, the family, and that of the society at large.You will know the importance and the implications of not understanding the times and seasons of your life, the SMART ways to plan and achieve your life purpose, and the need to add an 'extra' to your ordinary to become an extraordinary woman. This book is for every woman who wants to understand and maximize her intrinsic abilities, and for every man who wants to understand how to grow a quality Helper meet.


Book Description

Psychsoulology is a fascinating socio-spiritual science outlining the connection between mind, body, and soul. It provides a fresh perspective on a wide variety of modern social issues and provides affirmative and corrective measures to modern social and biological quandaries. Psychsoulology may serve to educate parents, teachers, social workers, psychologists, holistic healers, and spiritualists for years to come and may enlighten many through its behavioral science and spiritual revelations.

The Power of the Wombman

Book Description

The roles of women, clearly spelt out right from creation till date cannot be swept off by both the creator and the created. It has been significantly proven that for a worthy cause to be carried out and successfully achieved, woman's involvement is vital. Sadly, many women are not aware of their potentials. Our world is replete with homes where women who are rightful owners, legally bound, oath covered and heavenly secured ignorantly loose out to calculated satanic strategies initiated either by strange women or occult family members. Do we talk about honoured killings in the Middle East of girls and women for causes that are no faults of theirs or the fact that in Africa, where by estimation, women represents nearly 50 percent of the population, yet are grossly marginalized. Sadder is the fact that matrimonial beds and the sanctities have been grossly polluted, intimate first love relationships have been turned sour while marital vows are been violated by the day. Why these ugly trend? It's simply because some women never realized how powerful they have been endued and the enemy of their soul is feasting graciously on this ignorance. This book is coming as a timeless gift to all women as a wake up call to rise up and embrace the God of the suddenly who is about to raise purpose driven women that will rise above the tide of ignorance, discover latent talents, new abilities and sound the battle cry that enough is enough in their generation. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! ABRAHAM OYEDELE.

My son marries my daughter

Book Description

In the Kingdom of God, I came to the conclusion that, the key principle when it comes to marriage is: "My Son Marries My daughter." I coined this phrase as my contribution to the world on the subject of Christian (or religious) marriages. God instructs that His children marry among themselves. Don't be horrified, this principle is not the same as incest. 2nd Corinthians 6:14 instructs that God's children should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. It is God's principle. As a child of God, you violate it at your own peril. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible is awash with examples of those who followed this key principle and had successful marriages (e.g. Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel, Joseph and Mary) while other examples show what happened whenever this principle was violated (e.g. Ahab and Jezebel). Our Heavenly Father wants His sons to marry His daughters. The creation account in Genesis 1:26 - 28 tells us that God created Adam, His own son. Later on, out of Adam, God made His daughter, Eve. Apart from creation, God's first official role was to conduct a marriage in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:18 -24). That day His son Adam married His daughter, Eve. He sealed the key principle on Kingdom relationships, and in a way declared: 'My son marries my daughter.' That's marriage, God's way. To sum up the book: God started with a wedding in the garden of Eden; He is going to finish with a wedding in the clouds (1st Thess. 4:13-18), completing the full circle of this Divine principle. His only begotten son (Jesus Christ/the Bridegroom) will marry His only daughter (the Church/the Bride). It's official: 'My son marries my daughter', says God. Enjoy