Women, Abuse, and the Bible

Book Description

Why are spouse and child abuse so frighteningly common in the church? According to the findings of this book’s contributors, the main reason stems from misuse and misunderstanding of the Bible’s teachings on headship and submission. Based on a Christians for Biblical Equality conference, Women, Abuse, and the Bible shows that many abusers see no conflict between their behavior and their Christian beliefs. Some abusers even justify their behavior by citing biblical passages and religious principles. With input from counselors, biblical scholars, an abuser, and survivors, this eye-opening book will: —Compel Christians to recognize the existence of domestic violence. —Offer practical and creative pathways to healing. —Challenge churches to honestly address the issues of domestic, verbal, and clergy abuse, emotional cruelty, sexual harassment, and rape. This book speaks frankly of the way that the Bible can be used to hurt or to heal, to disperse God’s grace or to obstruct it. It serves as a sourcebook for all Christians courageous enough to address the problem.

Is it Abuse?

Book Description

"Providing practical tools and exercises, counselor Darby Strickland shows how anyone can recognize clues suggesting abuse, identify oppressive behavior, and work with a victim to bring clarity, help, and healing"--

The Headship of Men and the Abuse of Women

Book Description

In recent years the issue of domestic abuse and violence has gained a lot of attention as the extent of it has become known. Domestic abuse and violence is now of high concern to most churches because it is evident that domestic abuse figures are much the same in our churches, and possibly higher in evangelical churches where the headship of men and the submission of women is made the God-given ideal. In this book, Kevin Giles surveys competently the scientific information on this matter now available and notes that the consensus is that the most sure indicator of higher incidences of abuse are found in communities where men are privileged and expected to be in charge and women are subordinated. This, he argues, should make complementarians consider afresh if in fact the subordination of women is the God-given ideal, established in creation before the fall.

Family Abuse and the Bible

Book Description

Learn the fundamental distinctions with this thoughtful study of Christ-ordained marriage! This unique volume reconciles a Biblical interpretation of marriage with the reality of domestic violence. Designed to raise awareness of abuse issues within the born-again community, Family Abuse and the Bible: The Scriptural Perspective works to promote the genuine sanctity of marriage and headship of the husband by examining the ways this God-given position can be subverted by Satan. It combines close Biblical exegesis with psychological insight into the effects of verbal, sexual, physical, and spiritual abuse. Family Abuse and the Bible offers new hope to conservative Christian women in abusive relationships. It demonstrates that abuse is not the will of God and that submission to violence is actually giving in to demonic forces. The tools in this book can ultimately free them from the horror of an abuse they may feel is ordained by God, while leaving them with an intact source of strength in their faith. Secular therapists and counselors will find Family Abuse and the Bible an essential resource that can help them remain sensitive to the needs of abused Christian women. This book explains conservative Christian beliefs about marriage, while providing powerful Biblical justifications that will reach Christian clients when secular ideas fail. Family Abuse and the Bible offers a clear-sighted Scriptural interpretation of domestic violence issues, including: the link between drugs and demonic possession the ways abusers twist the Scriptures to justify their ungodly actions the cycle of violence the role of repentance and forgiveness the difference between Biblical headship and abuse This book is an essential tool for pastors, Christian counselors, and family therapists who work with Christian clients and also for husbands and wives who want the Lord’s will for their marriage.

No Place for Abuse

Book Description

In this thoroughly revised and updated edition, Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark share with readers a further ten years of experience in listening to the voices of women from around the world and especially to those in the church. They help us hear their cries and find concrete ways to respond so that no home will be a place of abuse.

The Life-Saving Divorce

Book Description

You Can Love God and Still Get a Divorce. And get this, God will still love you. Really. Are you in a destructive marriage? One of emotional, physical, or verbal abuse? Infidelity? Neglect? If yes, you know you need to escape, but you're probably worried about going against God's will. I have good news for you. You might need to divorce to save your life and sanity. And God is right beside you. In "The Life-Saving Divorce" You'll Learn: - How to know if you should stay or if you should go.- The four key Bible verses that support divorce for infidelity, neglect, and physical and/or emotional abuse. - Twenty-seven myths about divorce that aren't true for many Christians. - Why a divorce is likely the absolute best thing for your children. - How to deal with friends and family who disapprove of divorce. - How to find safe friends and churches after a divorce. Can you find happiness after leaving your destructive marriage? Absolutely yes! You can get your life back and flourish more than you thought possible. Are you ready? Then let's go. It's time to be free. This book includes multiple first-person interviews. Explains psychological abuse, gaslighting, the abuse cycle, Christian divorce and remarriage, children and divorce, domestic violence, parental alienation, mental abuse, and biblical reasons for divorce. Includes diagrams such as the Duluth Wheel of Power and Control (the Duluth Model) and the Abuse Cycle, as well as graphs based on Paul Amato's 2003 study analyzing Judith Wallerstein's book, The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. Includes quotes by Leslie Vernick, Lundy Bancroft, Shannon Thomas, David Instone-Brewer, Natalie Hoffman, LifeWay Research, Kathleen Reay, Gottman Institute, Glenda Riley, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Steven Stosny, Michal Gilad, Leonie Westenberg, Nancy Nason-Clark, Julie Owens, Marg Mowczko, Justin Holcomb, Barna Group, Justin Lehmiller, Alan Hawkins, Brian Willoughby, William Doherty, Brad Wright, Bradford Wilcox, Sheila Gregoire, E Mavis Hetherington, John Kelly, Betsey Stevenson, Justin Wolfers, Norm Wright, Virginia Rutter, Judith Herman, and Bessel van der Kolk. Recommended reading list includes: Henry Cloud, John Townsend Boundaries books, Richard Warshack books.

Caught in the Acts of Grace Bible Study Leaders Guide for Women

Book Description

In modern society, 1 in 3 women have been sexually abused in some form. Currently the news relays stories of women and girls being trafficked as sex slaves. The problems in our world are growing. Christians must face their own demons in order to respond to the needs of others, instead of turning a blind eye or over-reacting to those problems. This bible study is designed to help women who have been sexually abused to overcome the residuals of that abuse in a safe and down-to-earth manner, using the Bible and psychology in a complementary way. The end result sought for is a restored woman with a desire to minister to others. We have been first-hand witnesses of beautifully changed lives, healed marriages and restored families as a result of this study.

Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife

Book Description

Ruth Tucker recounts a harrowing story of abuse at the hands of her husband—a well-educated, charming preacher no less—in hope that her story would help other women caught in a cycle of domestic violence and offer a balanced biblical approach to counter such abuse for pastors and counselors. Weaving together her shocking story, stories of other women, and powerful stories of husbands who truly have demonstrated Christ’s love to their wives, with reflection on biblical, theological, historical, and contemporary issues surrounding domestic violence, she makes a compelling case for mutuality in marriage and helps women and men become more aware of potential dangers in a doctrine of male headship.

Is the Bible Good for Women?

Book Description

What does the Bible actually say about women? This scripturally accurate book rejects harmful misinterpretations and reminds us of the dignity God places on His daughters, with a helpful guide for reflection and group discussion included. In the wake of the Me Too and Church Too movements, many of our loved ones are leaving the church or questioning Christianity because the Bible has at times been misused against them. How do we help our loved ones understand Scripture accurately? Apologetics for Women In this helpful look at God’s work of redemption from Creation to today, Wendy Alsup explores questions such as: • How does God view justice and equal rights for women? • What does it mean to be made in the image of God? • How have the centuries distorted our interpretation of how God views women? • How did Jesus approach the Old Testament and how does that help us read difficult passages today? • What is the difference between a modern view of feminism and the feminism that Scripture models? • How does the Bible explain the Bible to us? Using a Jesus-centered understanding to look at both God’s grand storyline and specific biblical passages, Alsup shows the noble ways God speaks to and about women in its pages. Most of all, she gives concrete tools for understanding Scripture to women who are questioning if the Bible is truly good for them.

We Were the Least of These

Book Description

An expert in pastoral ministry illuminates the good news of healing and liberation the Bible offers survivors of sexual abuse.