Women, Adult Education, and Leadership in Canada

Book Description

This work is a celebration of Canadian women in adult education and in community or institutional leadership. Through chapters and vignettes, this edited volume highlights the challenges these women have faced, and continue to face, as well as the remarkable contributions, as individuals and collectives, that women have made along the road to knowledge creation, empowerment, and social change. As such, this book is a legacy of feminist and women's struggles recorded for future generations. The contributing authors to this volume are scholars, researchers, community educators, students, and activists. They are themselves leaders in the cause of adult education, continuing a tradition set by the early feminist educators and activists in the field. There has never been a volume of work documenting the initiatives and accomplishments of women in adult education and leadership in Canada. This edited volume seeks to redress this imbalance. Book jacket.

Adult Learning Through Collaborative Leadership

Book Description

By attending to the adult learning that takes place through more collaborative approaches to leadership, this volume draws upon scholars who understand leadership as more participatory, transformative, generative, and democratic. Looking beyond position-based individual leadership it captures how adults learn through the diverse actions, processes, and strategies collaborative leaders employ to bring about change. Drawing from scholarship and practice, this sourcebook weaves theory with the authors experiences by showcasing real-life examples of collaborative leadership in a variety of contexts including community, healthcare, secondary, and post-secondary education. It also provides a range of creative strategiessuch as playbuilding, coaching, fostering global partnerships, and ensemble leadershipas well as indigenous and feminist perspectives on leadership. This sourcebook will support adult educators seeking to promote learning through more collaborative approaches to leadership and engagement in a variety of settings. Readers will benefit by deepening their understanding of how leadership is not only enacted among individuals, but how it is also expressed in collective ways of thinking, doing, being, knowing, and learning. This is the 156th volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Feminism in Community

Book Description

The authors draw upon their earlier research examining how feminists have negotiated identity and learning in international contexts or multisector environments. Feminism in Community focuses on feminist challenges to lead, learn, and participate in nonprofit organizations, as well as their efforts to enact feminist pedagogy through arts processes, Internet fora, and critical community engagement. The authors bring a focused energy to the topic of women and adult learning, integrating insights of pedagogy and theory-informed practice in the fields of social movement learning, transformative learning, and community development. The social determinants of health, spirituality, research partnerships, and policy engagement are among the contexts in which such learning occurs. In drawing attention to the identity and practice of the adult educator teaching and learning with women in the community, the authors respond to gender mainstreaming processes that have obscured women as a discernible category in many areas of practice.

Power in Practice

Book Description

"The single most important contribution to our field's knowledgebase in the past two decades. The authors have managed to shift thefocus of adult education back to the social concerns that weretaken for granted when the field was founded. We are ready for thislong overdue book. Indeed, we have been yearning for this book. Itwill tilt our field back towards its moral center." --B. Allan Quigley, chair, Department of AdultEducation, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia "Power in Practice is a wonderful book--full of case studies,updated theories, new perspectives, and evidence that adulteducation can and does change people's lives." --Michael Newman, senior lecturer in adult education,University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Adult educators know that they can no longer focus solely on theneeds of learners without responsibly addressing the political andethical consequences of their work. Power in Practiceexamines how certain adult education programs, practices, andpolicies can become a subtle part of power relationships in widersociety. It provides a rich array of real-world cases thathighlight the pivotal role of adult educators as "knowledge andpower brokers" in the conflict between learners and the socialforces surrounding them. The authors discuss how to teachresponsibly, develop effective adult education programs, andprovide exemplary leadership in complex political contexts,including the workplace and higher education. Educators in themiddle of power struggles will learn how to become more politicallyaware while actively shaping their enterprises to meet importantsocial needs.

Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung / International Yearbook of Adult Education 2018

Book Description

Die kanadische Erwachsenenbildungsforschung steht im Fokus der diesjährigen Ausgabe des Internationalen Jahrbuchs für Erwachsenenbildung. Die Mehrschichtigkeit des Feldes zeigt sich in der thematischen Vielfalt ebenso wie in den unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroperspektive. Auf der Makroebene geht es um die Rolle Kanadas bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung von PIAAC sowie verschiedene Phasen der Institutionalisierung und De-Institutionalisierung von Alphabetisierung in der kanadischen Gesellschaft. Auf der Meso- und Mikroebene befassen sich die Autorinnen und Autoren mit der kanadischen Erwachsenenbildung aus feministischer Sicht sowie mit indigenen Perspektiven auf Lebenslanges Lernen.

Women and Leadership in Canadian Education

Book Description

Vrouwen en leidinggeven is het onderwerp van dit boek. Meer bepaald gaat het over vrouwen die leiding geven op verschillende niveaus in het Canadese onderwijssysteem. In het eerste deel krijgen wij een overzicht van feministische standpunten en kritieken t.a.v. leiderschap en beleid in het onderwijs. In deel twee komen de vrouwen die een leidinggevende functie bekleden aan bod. Zij vertellen welke strategieën zij gebruikten om de obstakels op hun weg te omzeilen. We krijgen ook een idee van de impact die hun aanwezigheid heeft op hun scholen/universiteiten. Deel drie bekijkt leiderschap vanuit het standpunt van de leerkrachten. Wat zijn hun ervaringen met vrouwelijke directeurs?

Feminism, Adult Education and Creative Possibility

Book Description

This book argues that feminist aesthetics as practices of adult education can inform our responses to gendered, racial, class and ecological injustices. It illustrates the critical, creative, and provocative pedagogical theorising, research, and engagement work of feminist adult educators and researchers who work in diverse community, institutional, and social movement contexts across North America and Europe. This book captures the complexity, diversity, energy, and imagination of those who theorise, decolonise, facilitate, investigate, visualize, story, and create within the politics of gender (in)justice and radical change.

Pathways of Adult Learning

Book Description

This book provides educators and facilitators with a comprehensive overview of the historical underpinnings and philosophical orientations of adult education and adult learning while attending to the various roles individuals play both within and beyond the formal constraints of the classroom. Positioning learners' and instructors' educational narratives as central to the theories that inform adult education, Pathways of Adult Learning opens up a dialogue among students, educators, community members, scholars, and working professionals about the many possible avenues toward knowledge sharing. Employing a personal, accessible tone, Janet Groen and Colleen Kawalilak take up a relational approach that encourages readers to reflect upon their own experiences as learners within the broadening context of adult education. Conscious of the power imbalances that can emerge in both institutional and professional work and learning environments, this text explores specific teaching and facilitation strategies that effectively generate ideas and accommodate adult learners of varying gender orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and ethnicities. Through their collaborative analysis of a diverse collection of first-person narratives, provided by both students and scholars working in the field, the authors construct a multi-faceted portrait of the status of adult learning today. Integrating a critical lens to explore how social, cultural, and economic factors influence and shape individual and collective pathways toward lifelong learning, this text is an indispensible guide for anyone studying or facilitating educational programming for adults in diverse work and learning contexts.