Women in Exile and Alienation

Book Description

Since World War II, exile and alienation have become two of the most prominent themes in world literature. Canadian and Indian literatures are no exception. Modern human civilisation is passing through a terrible ordeal following on from the catastrophic consequences of two world wars, and many people have been overwhelmed and overawed by the growth of science, technology and urbanisation. Alienation, a feeling of not belonging, has filled the life of modern man with uncertainties and disappointments, obstructions and frustrations. Indian and Canadian literatures are currently two of the most acclaimed forms of global literature, with major themes including a search for identity, a struggle for survival, and self and social isolation, and it is not surprising that female writers are major voices in both Indian and Canadian literature. There is a heavy imbalance of power between two sexes in both cultures, where men are considered to be domineering and the centre of the family while women are regarded as subordinate to men. Women’s suppression compels them to live in their self-exiled and alienated world. The works of Margaret Laurence and Anita Desai depict heart-rending facts and bitter realities which women have to face in an emotionless modern society. Since the patriarchal structure is prevalent in India and Canada, women are categorised as second-rate citizens and are treated as liabilities by their families due to a lack of financial power. In the absence of any economic, social, emotional, and financial support, they also consider themselves inferior to men. Time and again, they revolt against the mechanical and merciless treatment of their family and society, and sometimes they choose self-exile as a safeguard against the callous and selfish treatment of their family members. Their inner desire to revolt against an oppressive society and the prevailing cultural norm only increases their isolation. In their works, Laurence and Desai have unveiled the tortured psyche of sensitive women, who are unable to share their feelings with others and are destined to live an emotionally deprived life.

Exile through a Gendered Lens

Book Description

This interdisciplinary anthology highlights exiled/alienated women in literature, history, and cinema. Contributors investigate when and how women from diverse backgrounds have been relegated to the margins in order to shed light on the state of alienhood that stems from gendered otherness.

Searching for Safe Spaces

Book Description

Home. Exile. Return. Words heavy with meaning and passion. For Myriam Chancy, these three themes animate the lives and writings of dispossessed Afro-Caribbean women. Understanding exile as flight from political persecution or types of oppression that single out women, Chancy concentrates on diasporic writers and filmmakers who depict the vulnerability of women to poverty and exploitation in their homelands and their search for safe refuge. These Afro-Caribbean feminists probe the complex issues of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class that limit women's lives. They portray the harsh conditions that all too commonly drive women into exile, depriving them of security and a sense of belonging in their adopted countries -- the United States, Canada, or England. As they rework traditional literary forms, artists such as Joan Riley, Beryl Gilroy, M. Noubese Philip, Dionne Brand, Makeda Silvera, Audre Lorde, Rosa Guy, Michelle Cliff, and Mari Chauvet give voice to Åfro-Caribbean women's alienation and longing to return home. Whether their return is realized geographically or metaphorically, the poems, fiction, and film considered in this book speak boldly of self-definition and transformation.

Exile and Nomadism in French and Hispanic Women's Writing

Book Description

Women in exile disrupt assumptions about exile, belonging, home and identity. For many women exiles, home represents less a place of belonging and more a point of departure, and exile becomes a creative site of becoming, rather than an unsettling state of errancy. Exile may be a propitious circumstance for women to renegotiate identities far from the strictures of home, appropriating a new freedom in mobility. Through a feminist politics of place, displacement and subjectivity, this comparative study analyses the novels of key contemporary Francophone and Latin American writers Nancy Huston, Linda Le, Malika Mokeddem, Cristina Peri Rossi, Laura Restrepo, and Cristina Siscar to identify a new nomadic subjectivity in the lives and works of transnational women today.

Modernist Short Fiction by Women

Book Description

Taking on the neglected issue of the short story's relationship to literary Modernism, Claire Drewery examines works by Katherine Mansfield, Dorothy Richardson, May Sinclair, and Virginia Woolf. Drewery argues that the short story as a genre is preoccupied with transgressing boundaries, and thus offers an ideal platform from which to examine the Modernist fascination with the liminal. Embodying both liberation and restriction, liminal spaces on the one hand enable challenges to traditional cultural and personal identities, while on the other hand they entail the inevitable negative consequences of occupying the position of the outsider: marginality, psychosis, and death. Mansfield, Richardson, Sinclair, and Woolf all exploit this paradox in their short fiction, which typically explores literal and psychological borderline states that are resistant to rational analysis. Thus, their short stories offered these authors an opportunity to represent the borders of unconsciousness and to articulate meaning while also conveying a sense of that which is unsayable. Through their concern with liminality, Drewery shows, these writers contribute significantly to the Modernist aesthetic that interrogates identity, the construction of the self, and the relationship between the individual and society.

Exile and Nomadism in French and Hispanic Women's Writing

Book Description

Women in exile disrupt assumptions about exile, belonging, home and identity. For many women exiles, home represents less a place of belonging and more a point of departure, and exile becomes a creative site of becoming, rather than an unsettling state of errancy. Exile may be a propitious circumstance for women to renegotiate identities far from the strictures of home, appropriating a new freedom in mobility. Through a feminist politics of place, displacement and subjectivity, this comparative study analyses the novels of key contemporary Francophone and Latin American writers Nancy Huston, Linda Le, Malika Mokeddem, Cristina Peri Rossi, Laura Restrepo, and Cristina Siscar to identify a new nomadic subjectivity in the lives and works of transnational women today.

Looking for Home

Book Description

Contains poems about migration by more than seventy women.

Literature of Exile and Displacement

Book Description

The text includes excerpts and short stories from an international body of writers examining almost 100 years of literature on the experience of exile from a home country and displacement to the United States. Through the selections readers will investigate how the authors have portrayed the journeys, hopes, and hardships of dislocation and alienation, and the role literature may play in creating a sense of community for immigrants, refugees, and people living in exile.