Forestry for Local Community Development

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Women in Development

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Gender and Forests

Book Description

This enlightening book brings together the work of gender and forestry specialists from various backgrounds and fields of research and action to analyse global gender conditions as related to forests. Using a variety of methods and approaches, they build on a spectrum of theoretical perspectives to bring depth and breadth to the relevant issues and address timely and under-studied themes. Focusing particularly on tropical forests, the book presents both local case studies and global comparative studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as the US and Europe. The studies range from personal histories of elderly American women’s attitudes toward conservation, to a combined qualitative / quantitative international comparative study on REDD+, to a longitudinal examination of oil palm and gender roles over time in Kalimantan. Issues are examined across scales, from the household to the nation state and the global arena; and reach back to the past to inform present and future considerations. The collection will be of relevance to academics, researchers, policy makers and advocates with different levels of familiarity with gender issues in the field of forestry.

Strengthening tenure security and community participation in forest management in Kibaale district, Uganda

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Key messages Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) proved to be effective for encouraging collective reflection to identifythreats to forest tenure security as well as to develop ways to improve local people's tenure security over forests in Kibaale district, Uganda. A PPA exercise carried out in 2015/16 brought together stakeholders from district government, civil society, local communities and the Bunyoro kingdom, as well as politicians, to discuss the past, present and future of forest tenure security in the district. As the forest and land sectors are male dominated, a separate women-only PPA workshop was organized to gather women’s perspectives.While the mixed group and women-only PPA stakeholders identified four common key influences on forest tenure security, they also each identified four unique influences. Commonly identified influences were: the role played by politicians; the implementation capacity of key stakeholders (particularly at district level); the implementation and enforcement of forest laws and policies; and population dynamics, including the influx of migrants. Influences identified only by the women’s workshop were: access to adequate funding for reform implementation; the level of security in the district; and the role of NGOs, particularly those working to advance and defend women's forest tenure rights. Influencing factors identified only by the mixed group included: the knowledge, attitudes and participation of local people in implementing forest tenure reforms; and the extent of forest tenure rights actually granted to communities.Stakeholders identified two desirable and three undesirable scenarios to envision the potential forest tenure security situation in Kibaale in 2025. Desirable scenarios involved participatory formulation and implementation of forest policies and plans; clear tenure rights; adequate funding for implementing forest tenure reforms; well-informed local communities; and corruption-free political leadership. Undesirable scenarios were characterized by insecure forest tenure rights due to immigration; and unfair enforcement of forest laws in favor of powerful, well-connected immigrants over indigenous peoples.The PPA then identified potential actions to be undertaken by different stakeholders to improve access to local forest tenure rights over the next decade. These included: the dissemination of laws, policies and technologies to communities and their political leaders; increased community involvement in resource planning and implementation (including the enforcement of rules); and the development of policies and laws to address problems caused by immigration.The women-only PPA workshop viewed major threats as being the prospect of men taking over trees that women have planted (due to discriminatory cultural practices that prevent women from owning land and trees). They also viewed the lack of funding to invest in tree planting and for acquiring their own land, lack of access to markets, political instability and limited NGO influence as factors that could undermine forest tenure security over the next decade.

Women and Natural Resource Management

Book Description

The overview is intended to deepen the understanding of women's roles in environmental and natural resource management. It examines the conceptual and practical connections between gender and the environment, presents an overview of women and natural resource management issues in the Commonwealth, and presents relevant recommendations on women and environmental issues emanating from Commonwealth and international sources.