Signs and Wonders

Book Description

Explore the miracles of Jesus in Signs and Wonders with Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament studies and Bible study author. In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions. Chapter topics include: Giving sight to the blind: Metaphors of understanding (Mark 8, John 9) “Take up your pallet and walk” (the paralyzed man): On the role of caregivers A bleeding woman and a dead girl: The importance of women’s bodies Walking on water and stilling the storm: Ecological readings of the Gospels The feeding of the 5,000 (or more): The centrality of bread The raising of Lazarus: Taking death seriously Components for the six-week study include a book, comprehensive Leader Guide, and DVD/Video sessions featuring Amy-Jill Levine. Praise for Signs and Wonders Amy-Jill Levine has the rare and wonderful gift of being able to offer solid exegetical work to readers with or without formal theological training as if she is sitting in your living room sharing a cup of tea. Throughout this book she calls us to the interpretive work, reminding us that the big question is not "did this happen?" but "what does it mean?" and ultimately "so what?" How can these old miracle stories speak good news to our lives in this time and place and invite our own healing and transformation along the way? – Rev. Dr. Richard Simpson, Canon to the Ordinary (Assistant to the Bishop), Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts Amy-Jill Levine is herself a sign and wonder, a sign that reading the New Testament through Jewish eyes is not just essential but revelatory, and a wonder, as she always writes with verve, wisdom, humor and rich insight. Her latest is hardly an exception, an accessible, fascinating book we welcome eagerly. – James Howell, Senior Pastor, Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina With brilliant insight and trademark wit, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine reveals wondrous details of the most prominent miracles in the gospels. We become more than readers of these stories; we discover how to be recipients and participants in the ongoing, miraculous work of God. – Magrey R. deVega, Senior Pastor of Hyde Park United Methodist Church in Tampa, Florida, and author of The Bible Year: A Journey through Scripture in 365 Days What a rich and accessible resource for anyone who wants to grow their understanding of the Gospels and the claims they make about Jesus! AJ Levine teaches us how to learn from the miracle stories, marvel at them, worry about them, and respond to them in our own lives. – Matthew L. Skinner, Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary Making space for the believer and skeptic alike, Levine masterfully connects the miracles of the God of Israel with the miracles of Jesus. From friends who clear the way, to a father who pleads for his daughter, to sisters who stand resolute, Levine invites the reader to cherish the helpers and the healed as much as we cherish the healer. Levine's willingness to authentically share portions of her own story reminds the reader of the ways the miraculous breaks into our own lives. –Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Director of Connectional Ministry, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, The United Methodist Church Amy-Jill Levine engages the miracles of Jesus with scholarly acumen and signature wit. Christians who have been confused by these stories will find new clarity in her comprehensive context, including corrective understandings of Judaism. Those who have been intimidated by these texts will be encouraged by her candor. Those who have been inspired by Jesus’ miracles will find even deeper dimensions of meaning in the practical, pastoral, theological, and literary levels she opens and the provocative issues raised, from food insecurity to gender assumptions. Levine presses the essential “so what?” question and challenges us to be changed by these stories – and to be amazed. – The Rev. Deborah A. Block, D.Min. Pastor, Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee

Miracles and Wonders

Book Description

Beginning in the late twelfth century, scholastic theologians such as William of Auvergne, Thomas Aquinas and Engelbert of Admont attempted to provide a rational foundation to the Christian belief in miracles, bolstered by the Aristotelian theory of natural law. Similarly in this period a tension appeared to exist in the recording of miracles, between the desire to exalt the Faith and the need to guarantee believability in the face of opposition from heretics, Jews and other sceptics. As miracles became an increasingly standard part of evidence leading to canonization, the canon lawyers, notaries and theologians charged with determining the authenticity of miracles were eventually issued with a list of questions to which witnesses to the event were asked to respond, a virtual template against which any miracle could be measured. Michael Goodich explores this changing perception of the miracle in medieval Western society. He employs a wealth of primary sources, including canonization dossiers and contemporary hagiographical Vitae and miracle collections, philosophical/theological treatises, sermons, and canon law and ancillary sources dealing with the procedure of canonization. He compares and contrasts 'popular' and learned understanding of the miraculous and explores the relationship between reason and revelation in the medieval understanding of miracles. The desire to provide a more rational foundation to the Christian belief in miracles is linked to the rise of heresy and other forms of disbelief, and finally the application of the rules of evidence in the examination of miracles in the central Middle Ages is scrutinized. This absorbing book will appeal to scholars working in the fields of medieval history, religious and ecclesiastical history, canon law, and all those with an interest in hagiography.

Miracles, Signs And Wonders

Book Description

Owing to a lack of revelation, it is a typical scenario in the Body of Christ that many people use the phrase "signs and wonders" as an umbrella term for all kinds of supernatural displays of power and consider miracles, a large subset of such events, usually objectively observable. There are vast differences between signs, wonders, miracles and mighty deeds although they are all manifestations of God's power. An understanding of the distinction between these divine concepts as elaborated in this book will help you to delve in the supernatural realm to manifest the veracity of God's power without any misunderstanding or confusion. The reading of this book will therefore cause you to understand the principles and precepts of how to function in the realm of the miraculous and practically demonstrate the power of God through miracles, signs and wonders as well as mighty deeds. In this publication, Apostle Frequency Revelator clarifies the distinction between this critical concepts as follows: He defines a sign as a wondrous occurrence that takes place in an unusual way and transcends the common course of the natural world. He affirms a miracle as an incredible happening, occurrence or unusual manifestation that takes place in the natural realm as a result of a sudden divine intervention of God in the affairs of humanity to the extent that it cannot be fathomed or comprehended by human reasoning and intellectual ability. He connotes a wonder to a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexcited, unfamiliar or inexplicable in the natural realm. The difference between a sign and a wonder is that a sign points to something specific while a wonder appeals to the imagination, intellect and the heart of the observer and draws him to worship God. He further presents a mighty deed is a manifestation of the supernatural power of God in extreme cases and radical situations where human comprehension and reasoning cannot suffice. These four words often function interchangeably. However, other signs and wonders that might not be classified as miracles could include more subjective supernatural experiences such as dreams, visions, trances, angel encounters, and prophetic words of knowledge.

Signs, Wonders & Miracles

Book Description

This book contains practical ideas for removing those things that stand between the reader and the breakthrough he or she longs for. The volume delves into topics such as breaking generational curses, dismantling fears grip, and conquering attitudes that prevent miracles. (Practical Life)

God of Wonders

Book Description

Get ready to see the voice of God! God speaks to us in many different ways. Some unusual. Some downright otherworldly. And some more common than others. And yet, is it possible for God to speak to you in a way that can be seen with your eyes? He’s been doing it for centuries! Join Brian Guerin on a life-changing journey to experience the God Who speaks through the supernatural—signs, wonders, and miracles. - Expect to be overwhelmed by the awe, glory, and wonder of God - Experience new intimacy with the Holy Spirit that will increase your ability to not only hear God’s voice, but see it - Evaluate the difference between genuine and counterfeit miracles - Encounter the supernatural power of God like never before Get ready for an unforgettable journey into the miraculous and come face to face with the God of Wonders!

The Realm of the Miraculous, Signs and Wonders

Book Description

If you want God to use you mightily as a miracle worker in the demonstration of signs and wonders, to raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind, raise the lame from wheel chairs, heal HIV/AIDS, cancer and other critical cases which medical doctors have declared as unfathomable, then inundate your spirit with the revelations encapsulated in this book. This book is jam-packed with Throne Room revelations on the supernatural power that will blow off your mind, blast off your spirit like a rocket booster and catapult you to an arena of divine exploits in which demonstrating the power of God is a normal occurrence. The fundamental purpose of this book is to present astounding and practical biblical truths on how to tap into the realm of the supernatural to unlock Heavens' solutions for the masses who are desperately in need of God's power. The purpose of this book is to equip the Body of Christ with revelation knowledge needed to mature in walking in the supernatural power of God.This book is truly an experiential read where the Throne Room revelations of God's word and the practical spiritual experiences of the author are juxtaposed as interwoven threads. It is a Holy Ghost-breathed revelation that unveils the greater depths of the miraculous as well as the realms, dimensions and degrees of God's power, ushering believers who have a perennial hunger, insatiable appetite and unquenchable thirst for the supernatural into newer, deeper and profound territories of the glory realm. The essence of this book is to unveil, unpack and decode the divinely coded mysteries of God's Word in the arena of supernatural power so as to launch the world in divergent spheres of humanity across the globe into the greater depths of the miraculous. It is a roadmap that takes you on a journey from a spiritual recession of God's power into a plethora of divine manifestations. It invites the reader to ascend into the greater heights of the Heavenly realm to breathe a fresh air of God's presence, far above the polluted atmosphere of near-sighted religious ideas. As one who has been enlisted in God's agenda for the supernatural in this season, my passion in writing this book is that you will step into your birth right to operate in the greater depths of the supernatural realm. This is because demonstrating the power of God through miracles, signs and wonders is a divine legitimate birth right bestowed upon humanity and an irrevocable inheritance bequeathed upon every believer. Therefore, the Throne Room revelations that are encapsulated in this book will awaken you to an arena of divine consciousness of the power of God in you so that you don't stay in the league of the ordinary fanatics forever. As you step out of the ordinary convictions of the life of mediocrity into the realm of the undefinable, uncharted and unrecorded miracles in this very hour, you will be instantaneously catapulted into the highest realms of God's power to be a solution to every case in all facets of human existence.Presiding over a global network of apostolic and prophetic visions, in the capacity of the Director of the World renowned Global School of Signs and Wonders (GSSW), the President of Christ Resurrection Movement (CRM), the Director of Global School of Resurrection (GSR), Senior Pastor of Resurrection Embassy (RE) and the founder of Resurrection TV (The Dead-Raising Channel, Apostle Frequency Revelator hands us the lost keys to the Throne Room of Heaven and shows us the way back to the Heavenly realm as he calls the church back to her original mandate of demonstrating the supernatural power of God. Therefore, if you are a fire-starter and God-chaser who is willing to pioneer a revolution of signs and wonders in this world, continue to plunge into the depths of revelations encapsulated in this publication.There shall be an unmistakable imprint of the divine stamped on the life of everyone who shall be touched by reading this book.Apostle Frequency Revelator


Book Description

“For thousands of years, the hope of heaven has called to people through miracles. When we stop to consider their stories, God’s voice calls to us as well.” In our age of constant innovation, technological achievement, and the sad tendency to see ourselves as the captains of our fate, we may be tempted to make little time for miracles, or give little credence to them. But to live our lives without a sense of the miraculous is to live impoverished lives. Our word for miracle comes from the Latin word mirari, “to wonder.” And well might we wonder when we consider the nature of miracles and their purpose. It is here that a grand conversation beckons. God has been our help in ages past. He is our hope for years to come. To learn of holy events and people—supremely, to look upon the Savior—is to see the power of God, and how He has always sought to draw us to Himself. He is our eternal home. Miracles point the way there. Look at a night sky, studded with numberless constellations of stars. Each is a celestial shard of glory—bestowing glimpses of the eternal. Miracles in Scripture are like the stars. They, like the heavens, declare the glory of God. In these pages are scenes and lives touched by eternity, settings of almighty declaration, moments marked by deliverance, by mercy, or visionary unfoldings of God’s divine intent. Kevin Belmonte provides learned insight into the profoundly important history of miracles. Miraculous is a richly researched text of wondrous things that have taken place from ancient times to the present.

Miracles and Wonders

Book Description

* Jesus Loves Me, Calvin Miller's most recent novel, was published by Warner Faith in 4/02. His previous book, Into the Depths of God (Bethany House, 4/01), sold 38,000 copies and was chosen as a Featured Main Selection by Insight for Living. * Calvin Miller has more than 30 published books to his credit. His first fiction series, The Singer Trilogy, sold over one million copies and was a bestseller. With Wings Like Eagles, (Thomas Nelson, 1998), which he wrote with Thomas Kinkade, was also a bestseller, selling over 85,000 copies. * A pastor, poet, theologian, and painter, Calvin Miller currently serves as a professor of preaching and pastoral ministries at Beeson Divinity School in Alabama.

Miracles Are Easy

Book Description

God Can Use You to Work Miracles! After Joe Kirkwood had an encounter with a healing angel, he became convinced that any Christian believer can operate in the wonderful world of miracles, signs, wonders. The inspiring stories of Pastor Joe's journey reveals that you too can see miracles flowing through your life. You will read about: angel encounters that paved the way for a journey of faith into the miraculous. a man in the Philippines who did not have an eyeball and as Pastor Joe prayed, God miraculously created an eyeball that matched his other eye. a man who was deaf and mute, walking with a deformed leg, who was healed in Ghana, West Africa, while Joe preached to a crowd of idol worshipers. a village of idol worshipers who came to accept Christ when they saw this man's twisted leg straighten out before their eyes. This book will also take you into a realm where you can practically apply simple principles of God's kingdom, the results of which will astound you. This book will make it easy for signs and wonders to be a part of your everyday normal life! Just imagine miracles happening throughout everyday life-on your job, in a supermarket, shopping mall, or while you travel on airplanes! Miracles are easy when you walk with the Holy Spirit every day. Endorsements "The power of the first-century church is still available today. I believe that there are no second-class citizens in God's kingdom. You too can be used by God. Join Pastor Joe in this journey to become a visible image of the invisible God. The harvest is truly in need of laborers. In this book you will, read, learn, and then see His kingdom and will manifest in your life and ministry." -DR. BRIAN ADAMS "Miracles Are Easy is a prophetic and apostolic blueprint on how to flow in miracles, signs, and wonders from the practical perspective of a man who has lived on the frontlines of the miraculous for decades. Joe's world-renowned healing ministry has been used by God to perform miracles reminiscent of the miracles experienced by crowds when Jesus walked the earth. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about advancing the Great Commission and discipling nations." -DR. FRANCIS MYLES "Joe's new book lays out how to walk in miracles in a way anyone can understand. The simplicity and depth of this book will open the eyes to many people seeking miracles! Knowing Joe and how much he loves the Lord, I can understand how he was able to simplify miracles for everybody. While reading this book, you will get to know Joe's heart like I do and understand his love to help anyone in need." -IVAN S. TUTTLE "If you are looking for an easy read to encourage you and be challenging at the same time, then this book is for you. Pastor Joe Kirkwood will capture your attention with exciting testimonies of miracles in various parts of the world. Joe's passion for miracles will stir your soul for the supernatural to do the same." -KERRY KIRKWOOD "Joe Kirkwood is a man who knows by personal experience the mighty power of God! In these pages, you will read supernatural stories that demonstrate God's glory! Pastor Joe shares teachings you can trust and revelations that get results! Prepare for new inspiration leading you into new manifestations of Jesus in your life and ministry! -PASTOR TONY KEMP About the Author Pastor Joe Kirkwood is the founder of Cornerstone Ministries and co-pastor of Cornerstone Worship Center with his wife, Jacquie. Having served in ministry for over forty years, Pastor Joe has a God-given mandate upon his life in the ministry of healing and has seen amazing miracles at the hands of the Lord, including the dead raised. He is also called to train disciples of Jesus to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in healing the sick. Joe lives with his wife and family in Amarillo, Texas.