Wondrous Glories Of Vraja (English)

Book Description

Wondrous Glories Of Vraja – India’s spiritual culture degraded under foreign subjugation and also in the post-independence era due to the government’s apathy. This neglect was visible in India’s temples and holy places. Once vibrant and flourishing, these places became dilapidated and dirty. After India’s independence, the government declared the factories and malls to be India’s new temples and synagogues. Western materialism replaced the age-old traditional values.

Glories Of Thy Wondrous Name (English)

Book Description

Glories Of Thy Wondrous Name – Since time immemorial, in every continent and in every major organized and pagan religion, followers have used a string of beads to chant repetitive, uplifting sonic phrases to help create a sense of calm and purpose in life. Most common among these phrases are the ones that refer to the names of God and chanting these names is probably the single most important religious practice that cuts across all religion, culture, and civilization lines.

An Italian Did What British Could Not Do

Book Description

An Italian Did What the British Could Not Do – There is an urgent need to frame the right strategy for the development of meat and poultry production in the country. This will certainly bring prosperity to millions of our rural citizens and create employment in rural India. Having achieved the Green Revolution, the white revolution and the Blue Revolution, it is time to ask the question can the Pink Revolution be far behind? Certainly, this will require a large investment in infrastructure, mainly in cold storage, and modern meat processing plants. Without a strong and dependable cold chain, a vital sector like the meat industry, which is based mostly on perishable products, cannot survive and grow.

Life Is Nothing But Time (English)

Book Description

Time is the stuff life is made of. Time equals life, and wasting your time is wasting your life. if you spend one hour on someone or something, you are giving away a piece of your life to that someone or something. Therefore you have to be careful to whom or where you away your life. if you are careful with time, time slips away like sand in your fist. Letting time slip away is letting life slip away. Like time and tide, life too waits for none. Life is Precious, therefore time is precious.

Lost Time is Never Found Again (English)

Book Description

Time needs your tender loving care because it is a unique, irreplaceable resource. Taking it for granted would be your undoing. Time is not found on supermarkets shelves in case you need an extra supply. There are no vending machines even. There is no place where you can buy or hire extra time. Neither you can pull it out from the last year’s stock. As the Sun sets on the horizon, your day is gone and as the Sun rises in the east, your night is gone. Gone means gone for ever, never to return. There are many things in life which go and come back but time is not one of those.

World Through The Eyes Of Scriptures (English)

Book Description

Mahabharata says, “Ordinary men see through their eyes, cows see by smell, kings by spies, and the learned men see through the scriptural knowledge. We think of the world as we do. In fact, the world is different than the ways we see it. Most of our paradigms are inaccurate because we do not have all of the information. We think we do, but we don’t. When we receive additional or new information, it often causes us to rethink and change our paradigm. Challenge your assumptions about yourself, others, situations, and things. The world transforms as you transform yourself. The key to personal effectiveness is to change our paradigms, our assumptions, and the way we see the world.

To Save Time Is To Lengthen Life (English)

Book Description

Time is our most precious resource. All we have in life is time. Often, we realize the importance of time only when there is little of it left. Our greatest capital asset is our unexpired years of productive life. We can not influence the supply of this resource. C.S. Lewis says, “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” This realization is not very easy to come by. It is said that a wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.

An Inch Of Time Cannot Be Bought (English)

Book Description

This book (An Inch Of Time) is based on the One Victory A Day format. The chapters are arranged date-wise. A reader need not read the book serially. He can open any chapter and he will find something useful for the day.

Sharnagati (English)

Book Description

Sharnagati- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura composed songs for all classes of people. They are very instructive and practical for people of all ages, of all castes, and of all religions. By means of these songs, he hopes to attract everyone to the path of devotional service.

Vaishnava Etiquette

Book Description

Vaishnava Etiquette is a collection of quotes & teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.