Ecology of Woodlands and Forests

Book Description

A concise, non-technical account of the structure and evolution of woodlands and forests, first published in 2007.

Natural Woodland

Book Description

A fascinating account of woodland natural history for all those concerned with woodland management and ecology.

Wetland, Woodland, Wildland

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The first field guide to all of Vermont's natural communities

Woodland Ecology

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Ecology and Management of Coppice Woodlands

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Contributed to by leading experts, this book looks at the history of coppice woodlands, their physical environment, the different management techniques used and their effects on the flora and fauna. The implications of this for conservation is controversial and this is debated in a lively way in many of the chapters.

Coppice Agroforestry

Book Description

Cut and come again forestry – reviving the ancient practice of resprout silviculture to power local woodland-based economies. Coppice Agroforestry is a richly illustrated, comprehensive guide to resprout silviculture – managing trees and shrubs by coppicing, pollarding, shredding, and pleaching – for a continuous supply of small diameter polewood for products from firewood to fine furniture. Contextualizing resprout silviculture historically, ecologically, and economically, Coppice Agroforestry explores the potential of this ancient practice for modern times. Coverage includes: The cultural history of coppicing in Europe and North America Tree and shrub anatomy, biology, and woodland ecology A suite of woodland management systems Dozens of handcrafted wood products on a continuum of value, offering a wide range of business opportunities Case studies of diverse coppice-based enterprises Assessing existing forests for coppice potential Designing new resprout silviculture systems Tables highlighting diverse species for various uses A vision of a modern resprout silviculture renaissance. A decade in the making, encyclopedic in scope, and written by the hand of a woodsman, Coppice Agroforestry is a deep dive into this ancient practice, blending it with modern science, systems thinking, and tools to land it firmly into the 21st century. Whether you have a few trees or an entire forest, Coppice Agroforestry is the must-have practical guide for homesteaders, farmers, foresters, land managers, and educators who ally themselves with the remarkable resilience of woody plants.

Woodland Ecology

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Mediterranean Oak Woodland Working Landscapes

Book Description

The oak tree was a boon companion as humans expanded their presence across much of the globe. While oak woodlands (Quercus spp.) come today in stunningly diverse forms, the stately dehesas of Spain and the dramatic oak-dominated ranchlands of California are working landscapes where cultivation and manipulation for a couple of millennia have shaped Mediterranean-type ecosystems into a profoundly modified yet productive environment that is sought-after by every manner of species. The grazing of wildlife and livestock in oak woodlands yields a remarkable plant and animal biodiversity, creating a mosaic of habitats and visually pleasing savannas. Added products unique to Spain such as Iberian pigs and cork, and in California multiple landowner benefits, include valued ecosystem services that allow owners, visitors, and conservation supporters to experience the benefits of woodland life. With its 15 chapters a decade in the making, this handsomely illustrated book covers key topics in oak woodland policy, ecology, and management in Spain and California, presenting new research results and reviewing an existing expert literature.

Woodland Ecology

Book Description

An Introduction to Woodland Ecology

Book Description

Woodlands as ecosystems. How do woodland change with time?. Sucession and climax. The history of british woodland. Population in the ecosystem. Assessing the relative importance of species populations I Primary producers. Assessing the relative importance of species populations II The decomposers. Assessing the relative importance of species populations III Herbivores, predators and parasites. Predictive models. Woodland types.