Working on the quality of working life

Book Description

In November 1975, the German Marshall Fund of the United States agreed to support a proposal from the International Council for the Quality of Working Life for study of 'cross-cultural com munication' on developments associated with the quality of work ing life -a shared interest of the fund and the council. In early 1976 the council invited four action researchers, each from a major language area in Europe Andreas Alioth, Switzerland and Germany; Max Elden, Norway and Sweden; Oscar Ortsman, France; and Rene van der Vlist, the Netherlands, to consider pro duction of a joint publication which would make more generally available, at international levels, reports on innovative Q. W. L. ex periences within individual European countries. The main task of the four 'correspondents' was seen as facilitating the exchange of experiences across international boundaries -it was left to them to decide which experiences, how these should be communicated, and how the project itself should be organized. In early March 1976, the 'correspondents' decided at their first meeting to search informally, through their existing national con tacts, for suggestions as to what papers might be of value to a larger and more international Q. W. L. readership. Decisions on the char acter of the proposed book publication, and further definition of the project itself, were at this point deferred. At their second meeting, some sixty suggestions from six countries were reviewed.

Working Together

Book Description

This book provides illustrations of urban school-university partnerships recognized by the Shirley Schwartz Award of Council of Great City Schools. The authors share their work by blending practitioner and researcher voices to offer other school and university based educators, policy makers, and foundation leadership potential solutions to the complex problem of preparing educators and enhancing teaching within urban schools. In each chapter, the authors describe their urban partnership story, the greatest challenges they faced, how they responded to those challenges, and evidence of impact. Given that each partnership is unique, the authors conclude each chapter by offering a set of questions for discussion. This book serves as an excellent resource for educators interested in establishing urban school-university partnerships that improve educator quality, strengthen the pipeline of urban educators, and expand Pk-12 students’ learning experiences. The book is divided into three sections: (1) Teacher Candidate Preparation, (2) Teacher Professional Development, and (3) Principal Development.

Annual Report

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Soil Conservation

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Handbook for the Home

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Quality-of-Life Research in Chinese, Western and Global Contexts

Book Description

The majority of studies on the quality of life have been conducted in Western contexts and are based on Western participants. Comparatively speaking, there are only a few studies that have been conducted in different Chinese contexts. Also, there are fewer QOL studies based on children and adolescents, or studies that examine the relationship between QOL and economic disadvantage. In addition, more research is needed to address the methodological issues related to the assessment of quality of life. This volume is a constructive response to the challenges described above. It is the first book to cover research in Chinese, Western and global contexts in a single volume. It is a ground-breaking volume in which Chinese studies on the quality of life are collected. The book includes papers addressing family QOL, quality of life in adolescents experiencing economic disadvantage, and methodological issues in the assessment of QOL. It is written by researchers working in a variety of disciplines.

California's Living Marine Resources

Book Description

This 592-page spiral-bound reference provides a baseline of information for all those involved with managing living marine resources in California and chronicles changes that have occurred in many of the state’s fisheries. Organized by marine ecosystems: bays and estuaries, nearshore and offshore. Includes illustrated species descriptions with details of biological knowledge, fishery history, landings data, population status and references. Also includes sections on marine birds and mammals and appendices containing management considerations (by species), a glossary of technical terms and acronyms and fishing gear illustrations. Jointly produced by the California Sea Grant Extension Program and the California Department of Fish and Game following the passage of the Marine Life Protection Act in January 1999.

Global Handbook of Quality of Life

Book Description

This handbook provides a comprehensive historical account of the field of Quality of Life. It brings together theoretical insights and empirical findings and presents the main items of global quality of life and wellbeing research. Worldwide in its scope of topics, the handbook examines discussions of demographic and health development, the spread of democracy, global economic accounting, multi-item measurement of perceived satisfaction and expert-assessed quality of life and the well-being of children, women and poor people. It looks at well-being in specific regions, including North and Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, South America and Eastern and Western Europe. In addition to contributions by leading and younger authors, the handbook includes contributions from International Organizations about their own work with respect to social reporting.

The Collaborative Habit

Book Description

In a career that has spanned four decades, choreographer Twyla Tharp has collaborated with great musicians, designers, thousands of dancers, and almost a hundred companies. She's experienced the thrill of shared achievement and has seen what happens when group efforts fizzle. Her professional life has been -- and continues to be -- one collaboration after another. In this practical sequel to her national bestseller The Creative Habit, Tharp explains why collaboration is important to her -- and can be for you. She shows how to recognize good candidates for partnership and how to build one successfully, and analyzes dysfunctional collaborations. And although this isn't a book that promises to help you deepen your romantic life, she suggests that the lessons you learn by working together professionally can help you in your personal relationships. These lessons about planning, listening, organizing, troubleshooting, and using your talents and those of your coworkers to the fullest are not limited to the arts; they are the building blocks of working with others, like if you're stuck in a 9-to-5 job and have an unhelpful boss. Tharp sees collaboration as a daily practice, and her book is rich in examples from her career. Starting as a twelve-year-old teaching dance to her brothers in a small town in California and moving through her work as a fledgling choreographer in New York, she learns lessons that have enriched her collaborations with Billy Joel, Jerome Robbins, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, David Byrne, Richard Avedon, Milos Forman, Norma Kamali, and Frank Sinatra. Among the surprising and inspiring points Tharp makes in The Collaborative Habit: -Nothing forces change more dramatically than a new partnership. -In a good collaboration, differences between partners mean that one plus one will always equal more than two. A good collaborator is easier to find than a good friend. If you've got a true friendship, you want to protect that. To work together is to risk it. -Everyone who uses e-mail is a virtual collaborator. -Getting involved with your collaborator's problems may distract you from your own, but it usually leads to disaster. -When you have history, you have ghosts. If you're returning to an old collaboration, begin at the beginning. No evocation of old problems and old solutions. -Tharp's conclusion: What we can learn about working creatively and in harmony can trans- form our lives, and our world.