World-Ether-Elemental Beings - Kingdoms of Nature

Book Description

An annoted bibliography for advanced study of Rudolf Steiner's indications in books and lectures about the etheric realm and its effects on the physical world. It is probably the only gathering in a systematic fashion on the highly differentiated world of the elemental beings.

Nature Spirits: The Remembrance

Book Description

In this lucid, step-by-step guide, Susan Raven introduces us to the world of nature spirits and elemental beings, and explains why these entities wish to reconnect with us. By working together with the elementals - which reside in earth, water, air and fire - we can become responsible co-creators at this critical time in our evolution. The future of humanity, and that of the Earth, may be dependent upon such a positive and reciprocal relationship. Susan investigates the nature of the accelerated, evolutionary wave of consciousness pulsing into Earth at the present time, and how its effects are helping us forge a new link with the spiritual and etheric worlds. It is in the ether - where the dissolving and coalescing forces behind physical matter exist - that we find the kingdom of the nature spirits. Making use of her personal experiences, Susan describes the activities of these beings in the landscape, in plants and in human beings. She presents meditations and exercises to prepare us for a meeting with the nature spirits, and emphasises the importance of working with the elemental kingdom in our immediate environment. The path of personal development outlined in Nature Spirits: The Remembrance features a wide range of insightful testimony from some of the most well-respected seers, with particular emphasis on the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Lord of the Elements

Book Description

The four classical elements of earth, water, air and fire are present in Genesis and continue to be significant throughout Christianity. Different streams of thought, such as the School of Chartres, and Celtic Christianity, have emphasised them in different ways. In this unique book, Bastiaan Baan, an experienced spiritual thinker, brings these elements together with ideas from Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy. He considers, in particular, how elemental beings -- nature spirits -- relate to the four elements, and explores the role of elemental beings in our world. This is a fascinating and original work on the connections between Christianity and the natural world.

Cosmos, Earth and Nutrition

Book Description

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in organic and biodynamic produce. Although once marginal and 'alternative', escalating concerns about the environment, health, food quality and animal welfare have brought organics into mainstream consciousness. Biodynamics, a unique development of the organic approach, does not narrowly focus on agricultural techniques. It was conceived as a new way of thinking about farming, nutrition and the world of nature, allowing for a revitalized relationship with the living soil, the elemental world and the cosmos. Originating from a series of eight lectures given by Dr Rudolf Steiner in 1924, biodynamics broadens the outlook of agriculture and the science behind it, leading to a holistic perspective that incorporates astronomical rhythms and unique preparations for plants and earth. The author describes the foundations on which not only biodynamics but also the wider organic movement is based. He builds bridges between mainstream science and Steiner's insights, making it easier for the wider organic and ecological movement to approach biodynamic concepts and practise. This book has much to offer to the beginner as well as to those already involved with biodynamics. Its broad range of topics - including the ecology of the farm organism, food quality and nutrition, community supported agriculture, planetary influences, seed quality, and the vitality of water - contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject. The author is also concerned to promote innovation so that biodynamics moves with the times. An appendix includes details for contacting various elements of the biodynamic world. DR RICHARD THORNTON SMITH was formerly a geography professor at the University of Leeds, specializing in soil science, environment and conservation. Widely travelled, he has a long-standing interest in indigenous and sustainable farming. He was introduced to the work of Rudolf Steiner at an early age, although his full involvement with biodynamics dates from 1990 when he began to participate in training programmes and workshops at Emerson College, Sussex. In 1996 he began a biodynamic extension programme in Sri Lanka, for which he published a book, most recently updated in 2007. Since 2001 he has been an inspector for the Biodynamic Association's Demeter and Organic Certification in the UK. In 2003 he produced an edited selection of Steiner's work relating to agriculture. He is currently a council member of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association, and lives in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.

Searching for the Spirit of the West

Book Description

How can the West rediscover its authentic spirit? Exploring the period from 1899 to 1945 – from the end of the US frontier and the writing of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to the conclusion of World War II and the dropping of the atom bomb – Luigi Morelli traces the events that led the United States to become the world’s dominating imperial force. America, he demonstrates, is deeply connected to Britain, Germany and Eastern Europe, particularly Russia. Yet despite their tragic collective histories, there is hope for the future – if only America can claim its true task. Searching for the Spirit of the West challenges many of the falsehoods that pass for mainstream history. Utilizing a wealth of documented evidence from the research of overlooked historians, economists, social and spiritual thinkers, the author takes a symptomatic view of the past, revealing hidden, longer-term trends. This approach offers a new understanding of events such as the rise of Nazism, the Great Depression, the new Deal, and even the roles of banking and clandestine ‘brotherhoods’ in world history. Morelli also appraises The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in parallel with America’s cultural achievements. Through imagination, L. Frank Baum’s contemporary fairy-tale enables us to intuit the true mission of the West and its potential contribution to world culture, now and in the future.

The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail

Book Description

Recent works of fiction and popular history have promoted the idea that the Holy Grail symbolizes a physical bloodline that resulted from a union of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. It is claimed by some that this is the secret kept tirelessly by certain esoteric movements for the past two millennia. Based on her groundbreaking research, Sylvia Francke exposes this notion as a blatant misinterpretation of the mystery traditions that preceded and ran parallel to the birth of Christianity. She traces the ancient spiritual paths of knowledge from the Cathars, the Knights Templar, and the enigmatic Rosicrucians, to the work of Rudolf Steiner in the twentieth century. Here, she concludes, is true Grail knowledge--the Tree of Life and the Holy Grail itself, explained in their metaphysical context. She suggests a solution to the mystery of sudden wealth and the strange behavior of Bérenger Saunière, the mysterious priest of Rennes-le-Château in southern France. True Grail knowledge, Francke concludes, has nothing to do with bloodlines or worldly status; rather, it is an ancient lifeline to the spiritual origins of creation. Its energetic forces radiate out from the Earth and in from the constellations and planets, while interacting with human individuals. It represents the key to fulfilling humanity's quest and the next step in human evolution. The recent explosion of interest in revisionist Christianity history--the shadow Grail--prompted Sylvia Francke to revise The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail, first published in 1996. The result is a completely reworked and expanded book that offers a powerful and convincing refutation of distorted esoteric truths.

Foundations of Esotericism

Book Description

‘It is a cosmic law that what has once taken place can never vanish, but must reappear later in a metamorphosed form. Every thought, feeling and action brought about by man does not only affect the world around him but will reappear in the future…’ (From the Preface) This course of lectures was originally offered as private, strictly verbal instruction to a select group of esoteric pupils. In an atmosphere of earnest study, Rudolf Steiner ‘translated’ from the Akashic Script valuable concepts of human and cosmic knowledge into words of earthly language – content that is often not to be found in his later lectures. Although working within the Theosophical Society, Steiner was an independent spiritual teacher: ‘… I would only bring forward the results of what I beheld in my own spiritual research.’ The manifold, exact and detailed descriptions of the events of evolution in these lectures form a background to the evolving figure of the human being. The mighty event of the moon leaving the Earth, vividly described, took place – according to Rudolf Steiner – in order to provide an environment suited to human progress. The wonderful moment when the higher being of man descended in a bell-like form and enveloped the lower human body, still on a level with the animals, depicts what eventually provided human beings with a body suited to the development of the self or ‘I’. Spiritual beings and the great initiates led humanity along the path it was destined to tread. Rudolf Steiner presents a sweep of occult knowledge, including the phases of planetary evolution, various myths and symbols, human physical and spiritual organs, illness, reincarnation, and much more. Also included are unexpected insights into specific phenomena such as dinosaurs, bacteria, radiation, black and white magic, the Sphinx and Freemasonry.

The Seat of the Soul

Book Description

‘There is one temple in the Universe and it is the body of Man.’ – Novalis How are the internal and external forms of the human organism shaped? How does human consciousness emerge? These are questions to which conventional science has no answers. In The Seat of the Soul, Yvan Rioux invites us to consider new concepts that can explain these phenomena. His exposition is based on the existence of external ‘formative forces’ – or morphic fields – which, he argues, create the human body or organism in conjunction with forces that resonate within us from the living solar system. The psyche – or soul – emerges progressively as an inner world of faculties that in time learns to apprehend and understand the outer world. In his previous book The Mystery of Emerging Form, Rioux explored the formative forces of the twelve zodiacal constellations. In this absorbing sequel, he investigates how such activity from the planetary spheres works within us, as ‘life stages’ or metabolic processes. Through seven chapters, he explores the impact of each of these planetary spheres on our complex organic make-up and psychic activity. The link between organs and tissues, he says, produces five specific ‘inner landscapes’ in relation to the external rhythmic environment. Rioux also gives a description of Rudolf Steiner’s seven ‘planetary seals’ from a biological perspective. According to Steiner, these seals are: ‘…occult scripts, meaning that, as hidden signatures, they show their ongoing etheric impacts on the seven stages of our metabolism’. Between Steiner’s indications concerning human physiology and the ancient Chinese view on the subject, there is a convergence of ideas – as synthesized here – that breaks through the boundaries of modern reductionist science, offering exciting perspectives for understanding the human being. ‘The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet. Where they overlap, it is in every point of the overlap.’ – Novalis

Symphonies of Creation

Book Description

‘No true understanding of the world is possible without an understanding of the elementary kingdoms.’ – Oskar Kürten A hidden gem for students of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual-scientific research, Symphonies of Creation offers a breathtaking overview of the physical and metaphysical development of the world and humanity. In describing the elementary kingdoms, Kürten elucidates the exalted spiritual realms out of which all creation has arisen. These are the formative forces that provide successive life-waves of being with the subtle and physical forms through which their evolution becomes possible. He traces the beginnings of creation – an unformed ‘thought seed’ in the elementary kingdoms that is elaborated by hierarchical beings at all levels, through the planes of the spiritual, soul and physical worlds – to the manifold and evolving aspects of the human being. What emerges is a picture of astonishing complexity and beauty in which all spiritual beings connected with the earth, from the highest to the lowest, work together in symphonic harmony. Rudolf Steiner spoke on many occasions and in different places of these elementary kingdoms and the multiple processes that take place within them. Kürten has sought out these references, meditated on their content and re-presents it here in an inwardly coherent synthesis. Even for those who have been studying anthroposophy for decades, this book can offer startlingly fresh insights. Symphonies of Creation is the life’s work of a man who, due to severe deafness, led a retiring existence. His inner work, however, was full of life – the results of which are presented in this inspiring study.

What Is Biodynamics?

Book Description

And if she stayed still Without making a sound She could see gnomes Helping plants through the ground. This radiant picture book was written for Julianna Margulies--the film actor and former star of the hit television series "ER"--when she was six years old. Her father, Paul Margulies, captures the pure openness of a child's imagination. These reflections on what a small girl sees around her remind us all, young and old, that life's riches can come to us through our loving attention to the simple and "ordinary." The vibrant images by Famke Zonneveld (the illustrator of Living Alphabet) bring this book to life. (Ages 4 - 7 years)