World Trade: Cancùn, Hong Kong and Beyond

Book Description

At this critical stage in the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, this authoritative report takes stock of the limited progress that has been made since the Ministerial Conference in Cancùn in September 2003. There is a detailed, critical assessment of what has actually happened and where the WTO stands after the Ministerial Conference of December 2005 in Hong Kong. The conclusions are stark, casting doubt on whether the target dates of April and July 2006 for agreeing modalities in agriculture and non-agriculture market access (NAMA) and submitting schedules of commitments in both areas are achievable. In spite of further bargaining sessions between various Ministerial groups in camera, little if anything has occurred since the beginning of the year to raise hopes that these deadlines may be met. The report brings readers up-to-date on some key revisions in WTO practice under these headings: Anti-dumping Regulations and Practices (with particular reference to EU Law); Resolving Trade Disputes in the WTO; Private Party Enforcement of WTO Law in the EC; Legal Context Mechanisms for Regulating Environmental Barriers to Trade within the WTO.

The WTO after Hong Kong

Book Description

After the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) critical December 2005 Hong Kong ministerial meeting, negotiations to implement the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) broke down completely in the summer of 2006. This book offers a detailed and critical evaluation of how and why the negotiations arrived at this point and what the future holds for the WTO. It brings together leading scholars in the field of trade from across the social sciences who address the key issues at stake, the principal players in the negotiations, the role of fairness and legitimacy in the Doha Round, and the prospects for the DDA’s conclusion. The WTO after Hong Kong is the most comprehensive account of the current state of the World Trade Organization and will be of enormous interest to students of trade politics, international organizations, development and international political economy.

Benchmarking Development for Hong Kong and Beyond

Book Description

Developing countries and particularly African countries must not think that they are asking for charity by demanding development-oriented outcomes. Their demands are justified not only on the basis of the promise of Doha Ministerial Declarations and Decisions but also on any calculation of give and take in the multilateral trade negotiations. Developing countries, particularly African and least-developed countries (LDCs), are not free riders in the multilateral trading system. In fact they have offered more concessions than their developed country partners in the Uruguay Round and the WTO. Their concessions are not limited to binding themselves to stringent multilateral rules in new areas such as trade-related intellectual property rights (Agreement on TRIPS), trade-related investment measures (Agreement on TRIMS) and services (General Agreement on Trade in Services). Even in the area of market access their commitments go far beyond those of the developed countries. Hence developing countries should not be on the defensive. They have contributed and continue to contribute to the multilateral trading system, often far beyond their capacities and certainly more than their developed country partners.

Expanding Frontiers of Global Trade Rules

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Combining theoretical analysis with insights derived from interactions with trade negotiators, this book analyzes the issues surrounding the creation of newtrade rules', addressing trade topics including the trade and development linkage.

The World Trade Organization and Trade in Services

Book Description

The World Trade Organisation plays the primary role in regulating international trade in goods, services and intellectual property. Traditionally, international trade law and regulation has been analysed primarily from the trade-in-goods perspective. Services are becoming an important competence for the WTO. The institutional, legal and regulatory influence of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) on domestic economic policymaking is attracting increasing attention in the academic and policymaking literature. The growing importance of services trade to the global economy makes the application of the GATS to trade in services an important concern of international economic policy. The GATS contains important innovations that build on the former GATT and existing WTO/GATT trade regime for goods. This book fills a void in the academic and policymaking literature by examining how the GATS governs international trade in services and its growing impact on the regulatory practice of WTO member states. It offers a unique discussion of the major is-sues confronting WTO member states by analysing the GATS and related international trade issues from a variety of perspectives that include law, political economy, regulation, and business. Moreover, the role of the WTO in promoting liberalised trade and economic development has come under serious strain because of the breakdown of the Doha Development Round negotiations. The book analyses the issues in the Doha services debate with some suggested policy approaches that might help build a more durable GATS framework. The book is a welcomed addition to the WTO literature and will serve as a point of reference for academics, policymakers andpractitioners.

Beyond Western Economics

Book Description

This book combines intellectual history with contemporary events to offer a critique of mainstream economic thought and its neoliberal policy incarnation in global capitalism. The critique operates both theoretically, at the level of metaphysics and the philosophy of science, and concretely, in case studies of globalization and world events. Trent Schroyer provides a moral and cultural interpretation of modernity and scientism, highlighting their political and economic consequences – but the book’s main purpose is not to criticize. The author moves beyond this to offer alternative "economic cultures," again combining abstract theoretical analysis with concrete case studies of alternative economic formations from local self-sufficiency movements to cooperatives and other anti-capitalist institutional experiments. These case studies exhibit an impressive range of variation, from first world to third world, from reformist to utopian transformative. Finally, Schroyer links the project to the global justice movement that opposes corporate globalization and eventually links participatory economics and democratic politics to a new image of science as "participatory social learning."

Japan's New Regional Reality

Book Description

Since the mid-1990s, Japan’s regional economic strategy has transformed. Once characterized by bilateralism, informality, and neomercantilism, Japanese policy has shifted to a new liberal strategy emphasizing regional institution building and rule setting. As two major global powers, China and the United States, wrestle over economic advantages, Japan currently occupies a pivotal position capable of tipping the geoeconomic balance in the region. Japan’s New Regional Reality offers a comprehensive analysis of Japan’s geoeconomic strategy that reveals the country’s role in shaping regional economic order in the Asia-Pacific. Saori N. Katada explains Japanese foreign economic policy in light of both international and domestic dynamics. She points out the hurdles to implementing a state-led liberal strategy, detailing how domestic political and institutional changes have been much slower and stickier than the changing regional economics. Katada highlights state-market relations and shows how big businesses have responded to the country’s interventionist policies. The book covers a wide range of economic issues including trade, investment, finance, currency, and foreign aid. Japan’s New Regional Reality is a meticulously researched study of the dynamics that have contributed to economic and political realities in the Asia-Pacific today, with significant implications for future regional trends.

Making Global Trade Governance Work for Development

Book Description

Discussion of the governance of global trade and the multilateral trading system is too often dominated by developed-country scholars and opinion-makers, with inadequate attention given to developing country perspectives. Making Global Trade Governance Work for Development gathers a diversity of developing country views on how to improve the governance of global trade and the WTO to better advance sustainable development and respond to the needs of developing countries. With contributions by senior scholars, commentators and practitioners, the essays combine new, empirically-grounded research with practical insights about the trade policy-making process. They consider the specific governance issues of interest to developing countries and acknowledge the changing dynamics in the global economy and in trade decision-making.

The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization

Book Description

Since its first edition, this textbook has been the first choice of teachers and students alike, due to its clear introduction to the basic principles of the multilateral trading system and its detailed examination of the law of the World Trade Organization. The third edition continues to explore the institutional and substantive law of the WTO. Material has been restructured to closely align with teaching approaches making it even more user-friendly. It has been updated to incorporate all new developments in the WTO's body of case law. Questions and assignments are integrated to allow students to assess their understanding, while chapter summaries reinforce learning. Chapters end with an exercise reflecting real-life trade problems: these challenge students (and practitioners) and enable them to hone their analytical skills. This title is an essential tool for all WTO law students and will also serve as the practitioner's introductory guide to the WTO.