Worshipping a Hidden God

Book Description

“The ways of God are not our ways, and the spiritual life is almost the contrary of what we fancy it.” So declares author Luis Martinez, the Mexican bishop and mystic whose wise spirituality, rooted in St. John of the Cross and St. Therese of Lisieux, shows you here how to enter into an intense, sustained communion with God. Bishop Martinez doesn’t offer new rules of prayer or demand that you abandon the forms of meditation that suit you. He simply reminds you that our God is a hidden God. To find Him, says Martinez, we have to seek Him, but through His ways, not ours. If we do that, the gaze of faith will always find Him right where He hides: in the spiritual desolation that led us wrongly to believe He was far away. Martinez shows you how to live in the obscurity of faith, detached both from consolations and desolations, and why this is best for your soul. The Christian who learns to do this leaves behind the perturbations of the world that shake the faith of those who don’t In the obscurity of faith, the Divine Master will listen to you, speak to you, and instruct your soul, but without the noise of words. Says Martinez: “Once you know how to profit from faith and to live by faith, you will always find God. You will have solved your problem; you will have discovered the great secret of the interior life.” Let these pages teach you that secret!

True Devotion to the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Luis M. Martinez, the former Archbishop of Mexico City, maintains that as the Spirit is God's supreme gift, so your devotion to Him should be profound and encompassing. In beautiful, practical terms, Martinez illuminates the difference the Spirit can make when He's given His proper place in your soul. This handbook explains how you should respond to the Spirit, how the Spirit helps you grow in virtue, and the characteristics of true love of the Spirit.

Close Encounters with God

Book Description

Close Encounters with God presents a study of multiple close encounters with Yahweh, the name of God in Hebrew Scripture. These encounters enable us to have a clearer portrayal of the self-revealed God, one who is different from the conceptualized deity envisioned through such means as transcendental meditation, vision quest, or mystical rapture. By rediscovering the true personality of the self-revealed God, we will be able to understand the great mysteries of the universe that have baffled mankind for millennia. Why do the blameless suffer? Why does evil persist in the world? Why do the wicked prosper? Must the chosen people suffer the destiny of martyrdom? And why should Yahweh remain the hidden God?

The Hidden God

Book Description

When Jesus Sleeps

Book Description

When Jesus Sleeps shows you how to trust God even when He seems unresponsive and remote -- even when, as in the incident in the Gospels, He seems to sleep while you are buffeted by storms. You'll make better sense of your life once you realize that God is closest to you when He seems farthest away; and once you learn why He often speaks to you only in silence.

Hidden God

Book Description

Orishas: African Hidden gods of Worship

Book Description

A emerging shift in praise, worship and music has secretly been introduced into many Christian fellowships during past 400 years and now is the hour of restoration. The demonic effects of drumming in Christian Worship, Drum assisted Prophesy, Secular Music and Television.

Hidden God

Book Description

The Presence of a Hidden God

Book Description

D. James Kennedy, PhD, was for decades one of the most trusted and gifted leaders of the Christian faith. And now with The Presence of a Hidden God, the book he completed shortly before his passing, he offers you one more opportunity to know and love the God whom Dr. Kennedy served so courageously. With powerful biblical exposition, clarity of thought, and fascinating examples from history and life, Dr. Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe guide you into a fuller clearer knowledge of almighty God. They reveal that, first and foremost, God is found in Jesus Christ: “No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matthew 11:27, esv). But we must not be passive if we want a relationship with God. The Bible tells us that God can be found through faith, repentance, prayer, Bible reading and study, meditation, giving, and sharing our faith. In this book, Dr. Kennedy expounds brilliantly on these truths. Join in this life-changing journey of discovery, and see that God is not hidden after all, but is present with you…now and forever.

When God is Silent

Book Description

When God Is Silent shows you how to trust God even when He seems unresponsive and remote — even when, as in the famous incident in the Gospels, He seems to sleep while you are buffeted by the storms of life. Author Luis Martinez quotes that beautiful line from the Song of Songs — “I sleep, but my heart is awake” — and confirms that with Jesus this is indeed the case: His love for you never sleeps, no matter what. Martinez shows how you can make better sense of your life once you realize that God has actually been closest to you when He seemed farthest away; and once you learn why He often speaks to you only in silence. Best of all, Martinez teaches you the secret of true happiness, which you can achieve even amid the troubles that are inescapable elements of every human life. With sober realism and simple faith, this book will show you how to discover — and then to take refuge in — the comfort our Lord offers you, even when He seems to sleep. “A powerful masterpiece. A great gem of Catholic spirituality.” Fr. Benedict Groeschel Author, Arise from Darkness “Anyone who wants to progress in prayer or who seeks to get past blockages in spiritual growth will find graceful help here.” Bert Ghezzi Author, Getting Free “In the silence of Christ’s sleep, we can learn the silence of charity, cultivate the silence of discretion, experience the interior silence of contemplation, and so find peace.” Donna Steichen Author, Prodigal Daughters Learn to get through the times when God seems distant, as you discover: Silence: why it’s essential for all real gr0wth in the spiritual lifeWhy Jesus must seem to sleep in order to refine your love and purify your soulJesus’ thirty “hidden years”: the important lessons they hold for your life todayWhy worry? Two common reasons why people do worry — and remedies for eachA simple, effective, and gentle procedure for becoming holy in your daily lifePrudence: why it’s one of the most difficult — and most important — virtues that you must acquire while Jesus sleepsThe three paths to spiritual peace: are you taking them? Do you know what they are?Two times that Jesus grieved — and what He meant to teach you in eachThree surprising things that promote your spiritual welfare — if you know how to use themHow the presence of Jesus in your life can transform your experience of sufferingThe medicine of the spiritual life: why it must often be bitterAnd much more that will help you endure the storms of your life with confidence that even as Jesus sleeps, He cares for you!