Wörterbuch der Schmierungstechnik / Dictionary of Lubrication Engineering

Book Description

It was often felt as a shortcoming that there was no dictionary of lubrication engineering English-German and German-English on the market, since many terms of tribology are not contained in standard or technical dictionaries. The field of lubrication engineering is multidisciplinary, it overlaps with many sciences such as chemistry, physics and mechanical engineering. Therefore, relevant terms from these sciences have been included as well as terms from the field of applied economics. This publication fills the gap and is inevitable for everyday's work!

Dictionary of lubrication engineering

Book Description

Wie kaum eine andere Industrie ist die Schmierstoffindustrie international verflochten. Sowohl die Kommunikation mit Kollegen als auch die mit Kunden erfolgt immer häufiger auf englisch. Doch oft ist es gar nicht so einfach, den exakt passenden Ausdruck zu finden, denn in kaum einem Wörterbuch sind die spezifischen Fachausdrücke der Tribologie verzeichnet. Das vorliegende Fachwörterbuch ist deshalb für all diejenigen eine Hilfe, die auf dem Gebiet der Schmierstofftechnik und der Tribologie englische Fachliteratur lesen und verstehen müssen, und Texte vom Deutschen ins Englische (oder umgekehrt) übertragen müssen, sei es für Broschüren, Datenblätter, Produktinformationen, Veröffentlichungen, Vorträge oder Patentschriften. Für die Kommunikation deutsch- und englischsprachiger Fachleute miteinander ist es unentbehrlich.

The Chemical Engineer

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National Union Catalog

Book Description

Dictionnaire Anglais-français

Book Description

A French-English dictionary with French-Canadian terms and essential French vocabulary.

Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas

Book Description

Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, engineering, architecture and sports science. Compiled by a team of linguists working across a range of technical schools within the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this practical dictionary fills a gap in the field of technical language and will be an indispensable reference for students within the fields of science, engineering or sports science seeking to work internationally and for translators and interpreters working in these specialist fields.

The Routledge Spanish Bilingual Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry

Book Description

The Routledge Spanish Bilingual Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry contains over 100,000 entries making this the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of its kind. The Dictionary provides concise, comprehensive and current coverage of every word or phrase used in the study and practice of psychiatry and psychology. This valuable reference tool covers all disciplines and sub-disciplines, both research-based and clinical. This is a vital resource to those in the healthcare professions, to academicians and to those who work in translation and/or interpretation, healthcare and the law who are in contact with the English and Spanish speaking communities.

Dictionary of Building and Civil Engineering

Book Description

In the last few decades civil engineering has undergone substantial technological change which has, naturally, been reflected in the terminology employed in the industry. Efforts are now being made in many countries to bring about a systematization and unification of technical terminology in general, and that of civil engineering in particular. The publication of a multilingual dictionary of civil engineering terms has been necessitated by the expansion of international cooperation and information exchange in this field, as well as by the lack of suitable updated bilingual dictionaries. This Dictionary contains some 14.000 English terms together with their German, French, Dutch and Russian equivalents, which are used in the main branches of civil engineering and relate to the basic principles of structural design and calculations (the elasticity theory, strength of materials, soil mechanics and other allied technical disciplines); to buildings and installations, structures and their parts, building materials and prefabrications, civil engineering technology and practice, building and road construction machines, construction site equipment, housing equipment and fittings (including modern systems of air conditioning); as well as to hydrotechnical and irrigation constructions. The Dictionary also includes a limited number of basic technical expressions and terms relating to allied disciplines such as architecture and town planning, as well as airfield, railway and underground construction. The Dictionary does not list trade names of building materials, parts and machines or the names of chemical compounds. Nor does it give adverbial, adjective or verbal terms.