Wrath Against the Day of Wrath: Previously Unpublished Sermons by Jonathan Edwards

Book Description

This book contains 15 sermons by the American preacher Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). These sermons have never been published before anywhere. The theme is a familiar one for Edwards, that of God's judgment against sin and sinners.

The Wrath of Almighty God

Book Description

These sermons and treatises each deal with some aspect of hell or God's judgment against sin. This systematic theology on the doctrine of hell can also be used as an impactful evangelistic tool to be used in helping to save sinners "from the wrath to come."

Grace and Truth: Rare Sermons by Jonathan Edwards

Book Description

Grace and Truth: Rare Sermons by Jonathan Edwards is a collection of fifteen sermons on various topics, with the general theme being the gracious warning of God to flee approaching wrath by coming to the Savior for mercy and forgiveness. Readers familiar with the preaching of Jonathan Edwards, as well as those who are new to his ministry, will find encouragement in these pages. These sermons have been carefully edited by Dr. Don Kistler to make them more approachable to the modern reader, while still allowing the original language to retain its full character and impact.

Jonathan Edwards in the Pulpit

Book Description

The five sermons of Jonathan Edwards chosen for this edition have shown enduring popularity. "A Divine and Supernatural Light" contrasts having an intellectual knowledge against having a supernatural experiential knowledge of God. "The Justice of God and the Damnation of Sinners" is a discourse on why it is just for God to render a harsh judgment. "The Excellency of Christ" clarifies the almost contradictory conjunctions of Christ, such as being a lion and a lamb. "Heaven, a World of Love" shows the glories of heaven and discusses the objects, subjects, and circumstances of love in heaven. "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," the best known of Jonathan Edwards' sermons, promotes the seriousness of sin and the mercy of God as the only way to stay out of hell.

Jonathan Edwards on Worship

Book Description

The great American pastor-theologian Jonathan Edwards remains undeniably relevant today, more than 250 years after his death, as attested by the unending flurry of articles, books, and dissertations treating him. Despite this, virtually nothing has been written concerning Edwards's views on worship, a subject central to the Christian faith, and certainly to Edwards himself. This volume explores Edwards's perspective on both public and private dimensions of worship, aspects of which rise from well-understood Puritan categories, and proposes the practice of self-examination as a bridge between public and private devotion. As Ken Minkema, of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale, writes in the foreword, "Ted Rivera's study is the first that systematically attempts to show us Edwards's views of worship, and so represents an important resource for scholars and religious practitioners alike who are interested in liturgy, 'the practice of piety,' and spiritual growth. Through an engagement with Edwards's own words--in letters, notebooks, and sermons--we learn of Edwards's own spiritual life, and of the nature of private and corporate devotion."

The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards

Book Description

Way of holiness -- Pleasantness of religion -- Importance and advantage of a thorough knowledge of divine truth -- Sinners in the hands of an angry God -- God glorified in the work of redemption -- Reality of conversion -- To the Mohawks at the treaty, August 16, 1751 -- He that believeth shall be saved -- Divine and supernatural light -- I know my redeemer lives -- Excellency of Christ -- Much in deeds of charity -- Farewell sermon -- Heaven is a world of love.

Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables, Volume III

Book Description

This third volume of Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Matthean Parables contains a previously unpublished series of sermons by Edwards on Jesus' Parable of the Net, as found in Matthew 13. Edwards preached these sermons in 1746, after the major phase of the Great Awakening had passed in New England and during the very months he was completing and publishing A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, his masterful statement on the true and false signs of true grace. Therefore, this series is significant for its place in Edwards' rich and evolving view of the nature of religious experience. To assist the reader, preceding the series are two introductions that describe Edwards' preaching style and method, and provide an historical context. Prepared from the original manuscripts by the staff of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, this series represents a significant addition to the available Edwards corpus that will be of interest to scholars, religious leaders, and general readers.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Book Description

Preached at Enfield, Connecticut on July 8, 1741, this is perhaps the greatest sermon ever preached in America—and is certainly among the most well known. Owing to its forthright dealing with God’s wrath and His intense hatred of sin and the sinner, it is also one of the most controversial. Indeed, for more than three-quarters of the sermon Edwards lays down a relentless stream of the most vivid and horrifying descriptions of the danger facing unregenerate men. While it is difficult to read such graphic language, there is abundant hope in the sermon’s conclusion. Edwards puts it this way, “And now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day wherein Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open and stands calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners.” While those who would rather ignore God’s justice in favor of His mercy condemn Edwards and his sermon, those who were present and actually heard him preach that day reacted in a decidedly different manner. According to the diary of Reverend Stephen Williams who attended the sermon, “Before the sermon was done there was a great moaning and crying through the whole House, ‘what shall I do to be saved; oh, I am going to hell, etc.’” The diary goes on to indicate that Edwards had to interrupt his sermon and come down to minister to those who were under such awful conviction. And so, in spite of what the scoffers might think or say, “the amazing and astonishing power of God” was manifested among the people that day—with many falling not into the hands of an angry God, but into the arms of a mighty Savior.