X-ray and Neutron Scattering Studies of the Rb2MnF4 and Cu1x̳Mgx̳GeO3 in an External Magnetic Field

Book Description

This thesis presents results of two scattering studies of low dimensional magnetic materials. The first is a neutron scattering study of Rb2MnF4, a nearly ideal two-dimensional square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with S = 5/2. When this material is placed in a magnetic field on an extrapolation of the spin-flop phase boundary into the paramagnetic phase, Heisenberg critical behavior can be accessed to a much longer correlation length than had previously been achieved for a high-spin system. Comparison of our results with current theories indicate that the probed temperature region lies in a crossover region from classical to renormalized classical behavior. In addition, we show measurements of both the quasielastic and magnon dynamic behavior. The second part of this thesis presents extensive synchrotron x-ray scattering measurements of the high-field incommensurate phase in doped CuGeO3. Random-field behavior, including Lorentzian-squared lineshapes, the changing of a first order transition to second-order, and critical destruction of long-range order is observed in this continuous order parameter system.

X-ray and Neutron Scattering Studies of Magnetic Domain Dynamics and Spin Structures

Book Description

The study of magnetic spin structures at nanometer length scales and their dynamics is of both fundamental and technological importance. X-rays and neutrons are penetrating probes that are suitable for studying these in the bulk and the interfaces of the materials. In this thesis, the magnetic domain dynamics are studied by resonant soft x-ray scattering together with x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. The domain fluctuations reveal when the temperature is close to the phase transition temperature. We find the domain wall dynamics in an antiferromagnet corresponds to a collective motion of spins and exhibit some universal features associated with the jamming behavior in many jammed soft condensed matter systems. We also discuss about the utilization of polarized neutron reflectometry to study the interfacial spin structure in an exchange biased bilayer. The magnetization profiles are obtained which show that some spins are not completely reversible when the magnetic field is reversed. These spins include pinned uncompensated spins in the antiferromagnet and the interfacial spins exchange coupled to those spins. A previously established model was found to reproduce the magnetization profile observed. Finally, we carried out a grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering experiment on an optical grating as a way to test the Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA). DWBA is briefly reviewed and we used it to calculate the scattering intensity of the system.

Neutron and X-ray Scattering Studies of (FeF2){sub M}(CoF2){sub N} Multilayers

Book Description

We have performed elastic neutron scattering measurements of the staggered magnetization in (FeF2){sub m}(CoF2){sub n} superlattices. Thermal expansion measurements, which are proportional to the magnetic contribution to the specific heat, wwre also carried out using high resolution x-ray diffraction. One of the two measured samples has thickness of m = n = 4.5 and the other m = 26 and n = 28 monolayers, as determined from high angle x-ray [theta] - 2[theta] scans. In the m = n = 4.5 sample, only one transition is observed T{sub N} = 62.9K. Analysis of the neutron data, including the rounding effects, indicates an effective [beta] ≈ 0.42. This does not compare well with the 3D Ising exponent [beta] = 0.325. The X-ray data also shows the existence of only one specific heat anomaly at T = 62.8 K. For the m = 26, n = 28 sample, dips in the staggered magnetization, and peaks in the thermal expansion were observed at T ≈ 40 K and 74 K. The higher temperature anomaly, associated primarily with the FeF2 layers, is sharper than the lower one, which is presumably rounded by the staggered ordering field improsed by the long range order in the FeF2 regions on the CoF2 regions.

Magnetic Correlations in High T

Book Description

A review is given of current neutron scattering experiments on La2minus/x/Sr(subscript x)CuO4 and Nd2minus/x/Ce(subscript x)CuO4. Incommensurate magnetic excitations are observed in a high quality single crystal of La/sub 1.85/Sr/sub 0.15/CuO4, which exhibits a sharp superconducting transition at 33 K. The study of magnetic correlations in the electron-superconductor Nd2minus/x/Ce(subscript x)CuO4 is now being carried out. 18 refs., 7 figs.