Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Lund, Sweden, 10-16 June, 1984

Book Description

General low PT physics; Low PT collider physics; Glueballs; Heavy flavour production; Cosmic ray physics; High PT jet production; Product of heavy objects; Two photon physics; Leptoproduction; One photon physics; Interplay between hard and soft processes; Quark fragmentation; Gluon versus quark fragmentation; Quark gluon Plasma; Outlook and future facilities.

Pan Xiii: Particles And Nuclei - Proceedings Of The Xiii International Conference

Book Description

This international conference was dedicated to the interface between nuclear and elementary particle physics. It was the thirteenth in a series initiated by T.E.O. Ericson, A. de Shalit and V. F. Weisskopf at CERN in 1963. The series provides the principal international forum for the presentation and critical examination of the main results of the experimental and theoretical research in the field of interest common to nuclear and particle physics. The topics cover the energy region where nucleons must be treated as composite particles, but quarks and gluons cannot be considered asymptotically free.PAN XIII reviews the status of the field in a delicate stage of transition: new experiments and instrumental facilities are bringing in more detailed and more accurate data on the various facets of the nuclear and subnuclear universe, but we are still far from a satisfactory and complete description of nucleons and nuclei in terms of underlying quarks and their interactions.

Proceedings of the XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics

Book Description

This book covers a wide range of problems in elementary particle production physics OCo particle fluctuations and correlations, diffractive processes, soft and hard processes in quantum chromodynamics, heavy ion collisions, etc. Of the utmost importance are inclusion-theoretical papers devoted to the problems associated with high and even very high multiplicity particle production, making proposals for experiments at existing and forthcoming colliders of elementary particles."

Particle Physics: The Factory Era - Proceedings Of The Sixth Lake Louise Winter Institute

Book Description

This volume of proceedings comprises pedagogical lectures given by invited speakers and is intended for senior graduate students. The emphasis is on Heavy Quark Physics and Physics at the future Kaon, Tau-charm, Phi, and B-factories.