Y fodrwy aur

Book Description

Trwy'r Tonnau

Book Description

Yn y dilyniant hwn i'r nofel Trwy'r Darlun, mae Cledwyn, Sian a Gili DAu'n cael antur arall. Mae Trwy'r Tonnau yn datrys mwy o ddirgelion am eu rhieni a chawn gwrdd a chymeriadau newydd sbon. Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2010.

Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer TGAU Cemeg (Essential Skills for GCSE Chemistry: Welsh-language edition)

Book Description

This book is the Welsh Language Edition. Build essential maths, literacy and working scientifically skills to boost marks in GCSE Chemistry and ensure that students reach their full potential. Suitable for all specifications, this skills book provides additional support and will help to: - Sharpen mathematical skills with plenty of practice questions and coverage of all the maths techniques needed for the exams. - Improve literacy skills with tips on how to write longer answers, plus peer-assessment marking activities. - Develop the working scientifically skills needed to plan, carry out and evaluate practical experiments, in order to secure the maximum number of marks. - Build confidence by putting skills into practice; using our three-step formula students will progress from worked examples to guided questions and exam-style questions, with fully-worked solutions in the book. - Raise performance in the exams with practical advice on how to revise effectively and tips on understanding the questions, command words and assessment objectives.

The Tutorial Welsh Course

Book Description


Book Description

Detholiad o gerddi caeth a rhydd gan y bardd a'r ymgyrchydd gwleidyddol, Hywel Griffiths. Mae'r gyfrol yn cynnwys cerdd fuddugol y Goron a enillodd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Caerdydd, 2008. Mae'r pynciau'n amrywio o wleidyddiaeth ac iaith i dirwedd, hanes a phobl Cymru.


Book Description

Mae trigolion pentre dychmygol Pantglas yn wynebu newid byd wrth i'r gwaith mawr ar yr argae ddigwydd o'u cwmpas. Symud fydd eu hynt, ond cyn hynny bydd llawer o ddAur wedi mynd dan bont eu bywydau. Nofel egniol sy'n defnyddio peth o hanes Llanwddyn a Llyn Efyrnwy yn fan cychwyn i ddychymyg byrlymus Mihangel Morgan.