Y Fro Dywyll

Book Description

Nofel hanesyddol gyffrous sy'n symud o Gymru i feysydd y Rhyfeloedd Cartref yn Lloegr ac i goedwigoedd gogledd America, wedi'i gosod ym merw un o'r cyfnodau mwyaf cythryblus yn hanes ynysoedd Prydain, yn wleidyddol ac yn grefyddol.

Y fro dywyll

Book Description

Dark Territory

Book Description

From the Civil War battlefields of England and Ireland to a mystery lost in the forests of North America, this is both a roaring adventure and a timely commentary on the dangers of religious extremism. Rhisiart Dafydd is a zealous Roundhead who embraces Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army and the violence it entails. But can his convictions survive the atrocities of the English Civil Wars and Parliament's campaign in Ireland? Called upon by his former commander to voyage to America to seek out a missing group of Welsh Puritans, he must first survive the journey, and then - if he can find the community - see whether they really have created the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. An epic historical adventure set during one of the most turbulent periods in history, this gripping thriller also poses questions about violence, power, religious extremism and rejection of difference which are chillingly relevant to our world today.

Ysbryd yr Oes

Book Description

Nofel arobryn Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, 2018. Nofel ddramatig am ddau John a'r stori'n symud yn ol ac ymlaen ar wib rhwng y gorffennol a'r presennol; John Penry, y merthyr Piwritanaidd, a John Williams, athro Hanes mewn ysgol gyfun Gymraeg yng Nghaerdydd heddiw.

Fel Hyn y Bu - Hunangofiant Eirwyn George

Book Description

Hunangofiant y prifardd o sir Benfro, Eirwyn George. Cyfrol hwyliog a difyr yn olrhain hanes y gAur diwylliedig a hynaws a fu'n driw i'w fro enedigol yng ngogledd sir Benfro.

Sons of Arthur, Children of Lincoln

Book Description

Nearly ten thousand pages of writing in Welsh stemming from the American Civil War has survived--offering contemporary readers a surprising opportunity to look at the war from an entirely new perspective. In the first study of its kind, Jerry Hunter sifts through this huge archive of letters, diaries, poetry, and prose from soldiers, civilians, and professional writers to give a fascinating account of Welsh-American reactions to the war and its context. His examination of issues such as the Welsh community's support for abolition and the war's effects on notions of Welsh-American identity will captivate historians, literary scholars, and Civil War buffs alike.

The Cambro-Briton

Book Description

Comparative Stylistics of Welsh and English

Book Description

An analysis of Welsh stylistics in a corpus of 20th and 21st century texts. A study of the structure of Welsh compared with English via a translation corpus. A study of methods in translation.

Language and Place-names in Wales

Book Description

This wide-ranging study takes the story of Kenneth Jackson's Language and History in Early Britain on from the 12th century to the end of the 20th century, mainly by using written and oral recordings of place-names.

Huw Erith - Llanw Braich, Trai Bylan

Book Description

Hunangofiant gwladwr o bysgotwr o ben draw LlA*n, yn cynnwys portreadau o'i fro, ei deulu, a throeon trwstan ei fywyd, ac ambell hanesyn am gymeriadau lliwgar pen draw'r byd. 29 llun lliw a 7 llun du-a-gwyn.