Yahweh's Breath Bible, Volume 2

Book Description

Yahweh's Breath is a unique Bible. In original Hebrew language it would be Yahweh's Nshamah meaning, 'Yahweh's puff or breath of divine inspiration'. It was written in the Literal form of the original languages of Hebrew and Greek and then matched with the New Strong's Exhausitve Concordance of the Bible, a thorough verbal index to the Holy Scriptures. It's one of a kind format puts the Sacred Name of our Father/Creator back into the text where it had been removed nearly 6,000 times by the scribes and translators throughout history. An outstanding feature also makes those hard to pronounce Biblical names easy as they were written in the original language of the script with the pronounciation following the name. Also, the meanings of some of the names follows the pronounciation. Using the wording from the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible gives His Word a detailed 'come to life' picture in your mind. At times you can see the glistening green grass or smell the fragrant smoke of spices. If you listen carefully you can hear the vibrating trumpet ram's horns or taste the sticky gummy syrup of honey. You might even be able to feel with your finger the scar from the spikes in the hands and feet of the Messiah. Another feature of this version of His Word, the Bible, is that any added text by our Romanized translations that was not in the original text languages has been put back into its original form. Above all, this version makes reading and understanding His love letter to us about His Son easy and enjoyable.

Yahweh's Breath Bible, Volume 1

Book Description

Yahweh's Breath is a unique Bible. In original Hebrew language it would be Yahweh's Nshamah meaning, 'Yahweh's puff or breath of divine inspiration'. It was written in the Literal form of the original languages of Hebrew and Greek and then matched with the New Strong's Exhausitve Concordance of the Bible, a thorough verbal index to the Holy Scriptures. It's one of a kind format puts the Sacred Name of our Father/Creator back into the text where it had been removed nearly 6,000 times by the scribes and translators throughout history. An outstanding feature also makes those hard to pronounce Biblical names easy as they were written in the original language of the script with the pronounciation following the name. Also, the meanings of some of the names follows the pronounciation. Using the wording from the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible gives His Word a detailed 'come to life' picture in your mind. At times you can see the glistening green grass or smell the fragrant smoke of spices. If you listen carefully you can hear the vibrating trumpet ram's horns or taste the sticky gummy syrup of honey. You might even be able to feel with your finger the scar from the spikes in the hands and feet of the Messiah. Another feature of this version of His Word, the Bible, is that any added text by our Romanized translations that was not in the original text languages has been put back into its original form. Above all, this version makes reading and understanding His love letter to us about His Son easy and enjoyable.

The Word of Yahweh

Book Description

"Complete bible - old and new testaments The prime objective in producing this new edition of the scriptures was a desire to accurately represent the most sacred names of our Father and His Son. The personal name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, was inspired into the Hebrew and Aramaic texts of the Old Testament nearly 7000 times. This includes 134 instances where the Masoretic scribes admittedly changed Yahweh to the more common Hebrew Adonai. In all instances where LORD, or GOD was substituted for the Sacred Name in the English text we have properly restored Yahweh. It was also our goal to restore the Hebrew name of our savior Yahshua into the text."

Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?

Book Description

How can creatures made from dust become members of God's household "forever"? In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Michael Morales explores the narrative context, literary structure and theology of Leviticus, following its dramatic movement from the tabernacle to the temple—and from the earthly to the heavenly Mount Zion in the New Testament.

Holy Bible (Part 2/2)

Book Description

Yahweh's Word

Book Description

When the Apostle Paul, who refers to himself as a Hebrew of Hebrews, writes in 2 Timothy 3:16 that "Every Scripture is God-breathed," he is making a reference to the original Hebrew Scriptures commonly referred to by most Christians as the Old Testament. Those original inspired Hebrew Scriptures were primarily written in Hebrew with small portions written in Aramaic and included God's proper name over 6000 times. The transliteration of God's proper name, known as the Tetragrammaton, is YHWH and by a majority consensus is pronounced Yahweh. Yahweh's name is used more than 1000 times in connection with the communication of His Word and over 600 times by the inspired writers of the Psalms. A reading of the Psalms, in any translation where the name Yahweh is used, will confirm the importance of "The Name" and an attitude that all who claim Yahweh as their God should demonstrate in their personal relationship and communication with Him. Since the new millennium began, there have been a number of Bible translations that have restored the name Yahweh to the Old Testament Scriptures. Leading the way in this new trend is the "World English Bible" first published in 1997 and last updated in September of 2016. Using the "World English Bible" as its translation foundation, "Yahweh's Word" has taken this trend one step farther and has also restored Yahweh's name to the New Testament. The New Testament often records Jesus and his apostles quoting from the Old Testament Scriptures. One can easily assume Jesus, the only begotten Son of Yahweh, would have quoted verbatim from the original Hebrew Scriptures. In "Yahweh's Word," Old Testament references and quotes found in the New Testament have been edited, where possible, to be more consistent with the Old Testament Scriptures. This, in turn, causes the name Yahweh to be read within the text of the New Testament in the same context as it appears in the Old Testament. The reader of "Yahweh's Word" will see the connection between the Old Testament Scriptures and the New Testament Scriptures from a clear and more literal perspective.

Yahweh's Council

Book Description

Ellen White explores the depiction of the divine council under the authority of Yahweh in the type-scenes of the Hebrew Bible. She proposes criteria for determining a Council of Yahweh type-scene and membership requirements. Following these criteria the Council of Yahweh texts are Isaiah 6, 1 Kings 22, Job 1-2, Zechariah 3, and Daniel 7. After determining a cast of characters, the author explores the structure of the council and realizes that the structure contains three tiers with two divisions on tiers 2 and 3. The first tier belongs to the chief god, the second tier is called the Councilors and the two divisions are Judicial Officials and Advisors. The third tier is the Agents and the two divisions on this tier are the Court Officers and Commissioned. Characters who play a role relating to the council, but are not themselves members of the council are also analyzed. Finally, Ellen White evaluates the potential for conceptual evolution, especially in relationship to monotheism and the participation of human beings within the Council of Yahweh.

The Origins of Yahwism

Book Description

This compendium examines the origins of the God Yahweh, his place in the Syrian-Palestinian and Northern Arabian pantheon during the bronze and iron ages, and the beginnings of the cultic veneration of Yahweh. Contributors analyze the epigraphic and archeological evidence, apply fundamental considerations from the cultural and religious sciences, and analyze the relevant Old Testament texts.

Breath and Bone

Book Description

This festschrift honours Chris Wright on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The theologians and leaders who have contributed to it have all benefitted from his friendship, scholarship, and partnership in the gospel. These essays demonstrate how preachers, scholars and writers from around the world are fleshing out the mission of God and breathing new life into the bones of Chris’s thinking. Contributions include: • A Life Devoted to the Mission of God • A Seed Bears Fruit in Latin America • Mission as Making (and Wearing) New Clothes • Election, Ethics, Mission and the Church in India • Preaching to Impress or to Save CHRISTOPHER J. H. WRIGHT, the International Ministries Director of Langham Partnership, has had a long connection to the global church. Born in Belfast to missionary parents, he has taught at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India, and at All Nations Christian College in Ware, England. In his PhD studies at Cambridge, he focused on the ethics of land, family, economics, debt and slavery. He has authored twenty-eight books, including The Mission of God, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, Sweeter than Honey, and Knowing God – The Trilogy. Recognizing Chris’s commitment to scholarship, preaching and the global church, John Stott welcomed him as a friend and as his successor as head of Langham Partnership. Contributors: • Mark Hunt, USA • Jonathan Lamb, UK • Ian J. Shaw, UK • Igor Améstegui, Bolivia • Qaiser Julius, Pakistan • Collium Banda, Zimbabwe • Danut Manastireanu, Romania • Peter Penner, Germany • Brian Wintle, India • Frew Tamrat, Ethiopia • Las Newman, Jamaica • C. Rosalee Velloso Ewell, Brazil • Paul Swarup, India • Andrea Z. Stephanous, Egypt • Dwi Handayani, Indonesia • Athena E. Gorospe, Philippines • Gail Atiencia, Colombia • Riad A. Kassis, Lebanon • Mark Meynell, UK • Greg R. Scharf, USA • Pieter Kwant, Netherlands

Breath of Life

Book Description

The world began when God, the Creator of everything said, “Let there be light.” As the wonder of the world came to life with all its intricate beauty, the most miraculous moment had yet to become reality. That’s when God breathed into Adam and, with that one breath, shaped humanity. In this thoughtful and inspiring book, Daniel Kooman, the award-winning director of She Has a Name and Dream: Find Your Significance, shares the creation story in a way you have never experienced it before. Breath of Life examines three breaths from God that shaped humanity: The first breath that brought humanity to life; a second breath that redeemed humanity from sin; and a third breath that continues to shape the course of human history as we know it. Original and refreshing, it helps readers rethink something they take for granted every waking moment of the day: the very breath in their lungs.