
Book Description

Veda literally means knowledge in Sanskrit. It can t be said in the written form because it is certain that in that hoary past period writing had not been invented. Nevertheless, the four Vedas, viz. Rigveda, Saamveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, are known to contain the pristine gems of Indian wisdom. They appear universally important because they constitute one of the first records of the human awakened experiences. They can be said to be the very fount of Indian wisdom. It is their status, apart from the contents, that made them universally popular.

A Brief Summary of the Yajurveda Brahma Yagnam

Book Description

Brahma Yagnam is one of the important daily rituals to be performed by those following the Sanatana Dharma particularly those belonging to the brahmin community. It is a very simple process and would involve approximately 10 to 15 minutes daily. As is well known, the Vedas have been classified into four groups by Sage Veda Vyasa as Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda. Hinduism prescribes the learning, preserving and propagation of the Vedas particularly by the brahmin community. So, everyday after the Sandhyavandana in the afternoon, the learning process of the Vedas is required to be done. As a prelude to this process, the first mantra from each of the four Vedas is recited. While doing so, other important deities are worshipped in brief and tarpana, which may be called as oblations in English, is given to the Devas, Rishis and Pitrus. This is the Brahma Yagnam. A brief summary of the various mantras contained in Brahma Yagnam relating to the Yajurveda followers is given in this book along with the mantras. There is also an addendum consisting of the Sandhyavandhanam mantras.

The Texts of the White Yajurveda

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The Yajurveda : with glossary and index

Book Description

Description: The Vedas are the foundation on which the imposing Hindu religious edifice is built. The Yajurveda contains hymns taken from the older Rigveda and prose passages which are new. The hymns display considerable deviation from the original Rigvedic text. It can be called a priestly manual; for it lays down rules for the performance of various sacrifices. It has two samhitas or a collection of hymns of mantras; these are Taittiriya Samhita and Vajasaneya Samhita, popularly known as Black and White Yajur respectively. The subject-matter of both the samhitas is almost the same, though the arrangement is somewhat different. Of the two the Vajasaneya Samhita is planned in a more systematic and orderly manner than the other. It also contains some texts which are not found in the Taittiriya Samhita. This translation of Yajurveda by Devi Chand is based upon Swami Dayanand's interpretation. The translator has provided references in the footnotes to the different views of other scholars. To bring home to the common man the message of the Yajurveda, he has spared no pains to remove all obscurities inherent in the old form of Sanskrit which was in vogue three thousand years ago. The introduction and the index are added to help the reader. Everyone interested in the Vedas will find this book indispensable.

Puranas (In 19 Vols.)

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Retold in simple language, underlining importance of each Purana, with a lucid summary.

Yajurveda Saṃhitā

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Hindu canonical text.


Book Description

YAJURVEDA The YAJURVEDA in Sanskrit means 'wisdom of sacrificial formulas'. The YAJURVEDA is the book of rituals which was compiled in ancient times to perform the Yagya and other rituals in right order. The YAJURVEDA is popular as the second Veda. It is claimed that the hymns of YAJURVEDA have been created from the hymns of the Rigveda as 663 hymns are copied from it. The YAJURVEDA not only depicts the situation prevailing during yagya period along with spread of knowledge, god, and social importance. This translation is based on the grammar of famous Vedic interpreter Acharya Uvat. The entire text, the names of the gods and rituals whose equivalent could not be found in English have been given as proper nouns. This Veda is a precise and accurate in the translation from its Hindi version translated by renowned Sanskrit grammar expert.


Book Description

'Veda’ literally means 'knowledge' in Sanskrit. It is because the term was derived when the ancients thought of putting their experiences in an organised manner. It can't be said in the written form because it is certain that in that hoary past period writing had not been invented. Nevertheless, the four Vedasy viz. Rigveda, Saamveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, are known to contain the pristine gems of Indian wisdom. They appear universally important because they constitute one of the first records of the human 'awakened' experiences. They can be said to be the very fount of Indian wisdom. It is their status, apart from the contents, that made them universally popular. It is to highlight their extreme significance that we are undertaking this project of revealing before the curious readers their Sookta or aphorism- wise translation.