Yoga Darshana Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Darshana Upanishad has ten sections which describe in detail the eightfold path of yoga. They are yama, niyama, asana, the subtle or pranic body, pranayama (two sections), pragyadhara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi, the eighth limb of raja yoga. These tantric teachings on pragyadhara and dharana are unique, and will not be found in other texts on yoga or meditation. Included in the text are the original Sanskrit verses, transliteration, word meanings, translation and a comprehensive commentary by Swami Satyadharma Saraswati.

Yoga and the Hindu Tradition

Book Description

Yoga Chudamani Upanishad

Book Description

Aims to serve as a manual of higher sadhana for advanced and initiated aspirants. This title describes the ancient path of Kundalini awakening in its original form before the proliferation of modern Yogic literature.

Yoga Darshan

Book Description

Sri Jabala Darsana Upanishad

Book Description

The Upanishads, which are the end portions of Vedas are storehouses of Jnana. However, there are few Upanishads which exclusively deal with Yoga. Sri Jabala Darsana Upanishad is one among the twenty Yoga Upanishads available to us. In this Upanishad, Ashtanga Yoga is explained with reference to the Vedic tradition. Lord Dattatreya teaches the secrets of Yoga to his disciple name Sankriti. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Maharshi and Ashtanga Yoga as explained in this Upnishad differ in many respects from each other. Yoga Sutras are influenced by Buddhist thought whereas Sri Jabala Darsana Upanishad leans towards the Vedic tradition more and more. It is by the grace of Lord Dattatreya that we could publish this treatise on Yoga from our Panchawati Publications. The Upanishads, which are the end portions of Vedas are storehouses of Jnana. However, there are few Upanishads which exclusively deal with Yoga. Sri Jabala Darsana Upanishad is one among the twenty Yoga Upanishads available to us. In this Upanishad, Ashtanga Yoga is explained with reference to the Vedic tradition. Lord Dattatreya teaches the secrets of Yoga to his disciple name Sankriti. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Maharshi and Ashtanga Yoga as explained in this Upanishad differ in many respects from each other. Yoga Sutras are influenced by Buddhist thought whereas Sri Jabala Darsana Upanishad leans towards the Vedic tradition more and more.

Yoga Darshana Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Darśana Upaniśa belodngs to Sāmaveda. It primarily deals with Aṣṭāṅga Yoga philosophy. The main theme of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga is described in it in the form of dialogue between Lord Dattātreya and Sage Sāṅkṛti. There are mainly ten khaṇḍas (parts) in it. In the first part the philosophy of the eight limbs of yoga and the ten yamas are described. In the second part the ten niyams are explained. Nine types of asanas are described in the third part. There is a long explanation of introduction to nāḍīs, the pilgrimage to the Self and the glory of the knowledge of Self-realization in the fourth part. Methods of the purification of the nadis and the self-purification are described in the fifth part. Prāṇāyāma, its methods of practice, results and applications are described in the sixth part. Pratyāhāra, its types and results are described in the seventh part. Dhāraṇā and dhyāna are described in the eighth and ninth parts. The state of samādhi and its results are described in the last tenth part. Thus, the major subjects of yoga with its vedantic view are presented in this Upaniṣad, which makes it unique and complete.

Yoga Kundali Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Kundalini Upanishad is arranged in three parts. Chapter one contains the yogic physiology of kuṇḍalinī and the requisite disciplines necessary to undertake her activation and awakening. Chapter two contains an exposition of the important practices of khecarī mudrā and sūtra neti. Chapter three contains more specific instructions on how to maintain a higher sādhana, including meditation practices on sound and Soham, on the ātman, spontaneous jñāna yoga, and merging with the ātman. Finally the master tells how to become a supreme yogī.Included in the text are the original Sanskrit verses, transliteration, word meanings, translation and a comprehensive commentary by Swami Satyadharma Saraswati.

Nadabindu and Dhyanabindu Upanishads

Book Description

Included is a foreword on the life and teachings of Swami Satyadharma, who passed away while writing the commentary on Dhyānabindu. Her commentary on Nādabindu is complete. The Dhyāna and Nādabindu Upaniṣads were probably composed between the ninth and fourteenth centuries CE. The bindu is a psychic centre located in the brain at the top back of the head. These upaniṣads focus on meditation on the bindu, the source point or origin of individual creation, where begins the primal sound or first vibration, the mantra Om. They define and describe in detail the mantra Om, the effects of meditating on it until one attains perfect liberation, merging with the Divine.Nādabindu describes the components of Om, that is, its three and a half measures (mātrā) which are the sounds a u m, and the half measure, the echo of m. Always meditating on Om, the yogin is liberated from worldly life, unaffected by his/her karmas. The nāda is first heard through the right ear, and many other inner sounds are heard. Eventually the yogin hears no other sounds and transcends duality.Dhyānabindu, an expansion of Nādabindu, confirms that meditation on Om can destroy all karmas. The yogin should meditate on the lotus of the heart, then at the eyebrow centre, then on the Sun, Moon and Agni, leading to the ātman. The six parts of yoga, the cakras, nāḍīs and prāṇas are described. Kuṇḍalinī Śakti can be awakened by the repetition of the mantra haṃsa, ham spontaneously accompanying the inhalation, and sa the exhalation, as well as uḍḍiyāna and jālandhara bandhas, khecarī mudrā and mahāmudrā. The ātman is described in detail. Finally, the teacher recommends meditating on the bija mantras of the five elements, the five prāṇas and the nāda.

Yoga Tattwa Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Tattwa Upaniṣad is Volume 2 in the Yoga Upaniṣad series. Volume 1 is Yoga Chudamani, commentary by Swami Satyadharma, published by Yoga Publications Trust in 2003. Yoga Tattwa Upaniṣad is an ancient treatise of 142 verses which deals with the philosophy, systems and practices of yoga. It is a significant integration of Vedānta and Tantra, expounding important topics such as mantra yoga, laya yoga, haṭha yoga, raja yoga, and the four stages of yoga. The text discusses particular practices of yoga: nāḍīśodhan prāṇāyāma, kumbhaka, bandhas, mahāvedha, khecarī mudra, viparītakaraṇī mudra, vajrolī mudra, and amarolī. It further discusses the five tattwas, or elements of creation: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and provides detailed instructions on how to meditate upon and realize these elements and their associated powers. Included in the text are the original Sanskrit verses, transliteration, word meanings and translation by Ruth Perini, as well as a comprehensive commentary by Swami Satyadharma Saraswati.