Yoga of the Planets

Book Description

This book has many uses. In itself it is a meditation. You can enjoy and benefit without any special prior knowledge. There are insights into astrology but the main focus is enlightening the consciousness and providing a rebalancing of the energies represented by the planets. This will happen automatically as one reads through the mantras and their commentaries. There are 108 names expressed as mantras for each of the nine planets used in Vedic Astrology. These mantras activate the positive values of the planet throughout the Zodiac. For the first time ever, the mantras are listed with translation and commentary. Even if you only read the commentaries, you will get some of the benefit. If the planet is weak or afflicted, then this acts as a remedy. If it already strong, this helps to enliven its full potential. Easy techniques are also given that will allow you to find out which of the mantras will especially enliven your personal chart and, hence, have the greatest benefit for you. There is also a bonus section at the end which, for the first time, explains the sequence and lengths of the famous Vimshottari Dasha and gives new insights into how to interpret them. This system of prediction is so remarkable that even Western Astrologers often use it.

Core Yogas

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Yogas in Astrology

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Easy Journey to Other Planets

Book Description

Forget NASA's elaborate arrangements and huge, dangerous metal machines. Learn the easy way to journey through the solar system. Using subtle, spiritual energy you can travel to other planets and see the wonders of God's creation. Or you can choose to travel beyond the material creation to your eternal home with Krishna. Easy Journey to Other Planets gives a bird's-eye view of the vast cosmos and spiritual world, so you can intelligently choose your travel destination.

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas

Book Description

In Vedic astrology, the associations the planets form or variations of how they are placed in a horoscope are referred to as yogas. Yoga literally means union or that which adds, joins or yokes. Astrologically, Yoga refers to planetary combinations or configurations and their special results, which affect the life of an individual. In traditional Indian ephemeris, known as Panchang, Yoga is also a particular division of time, arrived at by adding longitudes of the Sun and the Moon at birth. These are 27 in number, starting from Viskumbha to Vaidhriti, each governed by a different constellation or lunar-mansion, which are also 27 in number. In spiritual field, the word “Yoga” means training, taming and stimulating the body and mind with universal soul. In Ayurveda, the yoga of two or more medicines gives specific results. Yogas are one of the unique features of Vedic astrology. There are hundreds of yogas mentioned in various classical texts. Most of the yogas are formed of more than one planet, but all combinations do not mean a yoga formation. The idea behind these yogas is to equate the planets’ strength in a chart, and how & when they will produce their effects in a native’s life.

The Greatness of Saturn

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The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bringing healing to people facing adversity. The greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the East Indian Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitations, loss, and all forms of adversity.

1001 Yogas in Vedic Astrology

Book Description

If you are even a little bit interested in Vedic astrology, you must have heard of the term “Raj Yoga”. It is a special combination that if exists in a horoscope makes the native wealthy, healthy and prosperous. Like Raj Yoga, there are many other special Yogas that are considered important in Vedic astrology. “Yogas” is an aspect that is unique to Vedic astrology. Yogas essentially are special combinations and positions of planets in relation to houses and other planets. Certain planetary positions can lead to some specific results, whether good or bad. And Vedic astrology has defined some of these very special positions as Yogas. The meaning of the word Yoga is “union” so certainly, the different ways planets associate with each other and form combinations is also called Yogas. Most Yogas consist of more than one planet. There are a huge number of Yogas in Vedic astrology but some are more important than others, which apparently should be on tips of any perspective astrologer. When a Yoga is formed in a particular house by lords of different houses, it can deem positive or negative results based on the area of life that the associated planets and houses signify. You would rarely see someone who only has auspicious Yogas in his or her horoscope.

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology : Revised Edition 2020

Book Description

This book is an attempt to create awareness about true nature of a number of important Yogas mentioned in Vedic astrology. These Yogas include benefic Yogas like Hamsa Yoga, Malavya Yoga, Ruchaka Yoga and Vipreet Rajyoga; and they include malefic Yogas like Guru Chandal Yoga, Grahan Yoga and Angarak Yoga. This edition features comprehensive details about various yogas. The focus here is going deeper and deeper. In case of each one of these Yogas, its prevalent definition is given first. The scientific as well as logical probabilities of that definition holding well or not are discussed after that. Then the additional conditions required for proper formation of the Yoga are considered. Finally, other important factors which may affect the good or bad results given by that particular Yoga are discussed. These factors include placements of various planets in various houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; influences of other benefic and malefic planets; and the impact of planetary periods. This way, a logical, balanced and comprehensive approach has been implemented in case of each one of these Yogas.

Essentials of Vedic Astrology

Book Description

The most comprehensive book to date on the use and understanding of the Lunar Nodes in Vedic astrology. The author is a widely known and immensely respected teacher with students all over the world. She has used her experience of working with the nodal axis to show how, by sign and placement, they affect every level of our spiritual existence. Students of astrology, yoga and ayurveda will find this book particularly helpful.

Planets in Therapy

Book Description

This book explores archetypal symbolism, predictive technique, and counseling process in therapeutic astrology. Combining insights from Jungian depth psychology, developmental theory, alchemy and dream symbolism with the precision of planetary transits, progressions and midpoints, Planets in Therapy is an inspiring approach to the healing art of astrology. Planets in Therapy clearly and succinctly explains the interpretation of the language and techniques of astrology, the depth psychological, transpersonal and spiritual meaning of planetary symbolism, and its power to heal and transform. Greg Bogart masterfully guides the reader through the principles of psychological astrology, emphasizing the process of selftransformation, spiritual evolution, and discovering the meaning in every event and every moment. A wide range of examples demonstrate how to apply this knowledge to skillfully help others as a counseling astrologer.