Yoga Tattwa Upanishad

Book Description

The Yoga Tattwa Upanishad, an ancient treatise on early yogic practices leading to higher meditation, is one of twenty Yoga Upanishads. There is no known commentary on it and there has been no published English translation for over 100 years. There are 142 verses translated from Sanskrit into English. A separate translation of each word or short phrase is also given. Many important topics are dealt with, such as mantra yoga, laya yoga, hatha yoga, raja yoga, which include the philosophy, systems and practices of yoga. The text also discusses the five tattwas, or elements of creation: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and provides detailed instructions on how to meditate upon and realise these elements and their associated powers. Swami Satyadharma, a world-renowned teacher of yogic meditation and allied philosophies, has also written the commentary on the Yoga Chudamani Upanishad, available on Amazon. Born in Connecticut USA, she lived in India for over 30 years imbibing the traditional yogic teachings, and becoming Director of the Department of Undergraduate Studies at Bihar Yoga Bharati. Ruth Perini (Srimukti) is a Sanskrit scholar, linguist and yoga teacher.

Yoga Tattwa Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Tattwa Upanishad, one of twenty Yoga Upanishads, is an ancient treatise on early yogic practices leading to higher meditation. This is the first published translation for over 100 years and the first ever published commentary. World-renowned meditation teacher and yogic scholar, Swami Satyadharma Saraswati is the author of this detailed commentary. Yogatattwa Upanishad is comprised of 142 verses, which deal with the philosophy, systems and practices of yoga. There are many important topics dealt with here, such as: mantra yoga, laya yoga, hatha yoga, raja yoga, the four states of yoga - arambhavastha, ghatavastha, paricayavastha and nispattyavastha. The text discussses particular practices of yoga, ie: nadishodhan pranayama, kumbhaka, bandhas, mahavedha, khechari mudra, vipareetakarani mudra, vajroli mudra, and amaroli. It further discusses the five tattwas, or elements of creation: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and provides detailed instruction on how to meditate upon and realise these elements and their associated powers. The text finally states that, only by the mastery of these practices, is raja yoga perfected. Dealing with the principle of non-attachment, it explains the practice of Pranava, meditation on Aum in the lotus of the heart. It ends with the discussion of the method of attaining knowledge of the atman by restraining the senses. The text is written in both devanagari and a transliteration. A word by word meaning for each verse is given, followed by a full translation into English and an explanation and commentary.

Yoga Tattwa Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Tattwa Upaniṣad is Volume 2 in the Yoga Upaniṣad series. Volume 1 is Yoga Chudamani, commentary by Swami Satyadharma, published by Yoga Publications Trust in 2003. Yoga Tattwa Upaniṣad is an ancient treatise of 142 verses which deals with the philosophy, systems and practices of yoga. It is a significant integration of Vedānta and Tantra, expounding important topics such as mantra yoga, laya yoga, haṭha yoga, raja yoga, and the four stages of yoga. The text discusses particular practices of yoga: nāḍīśodhan prāṇāyāma, kumbhaka, bandhas, mahāvedha, khecarī mudra, viparītakaraṇī mudra, vajrolī mudra, and amarolī. It further discusses the five tattwas, or elements of creation: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and provides detailed instructions on how to meditate upon and realize these elements and their associated powers. Included in the text are the original Sanskrit verses, transliteration, word meanings and translation by Ruth Perini, as well as a comprehensive commentary by Swami Satyadharma Saraswati.

Yogatattva Upanishad

Book Description

This Upaniśad belongs to Kriśna Yajurveda. The various subject matters of yoga are elaborately described in it. In the beginning Lord Viśnu imparts the knowledge of the mysterious truth of yoga to Brahma. It is said that yoga is a means to attain the highest state or self-realization. Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Haṭha Yoga and Rāja Yoga and their four states - ārambha, ghaṭa, paricaya and niśpatti are described. Further the moderation in diet and daily routine for a yogi are stated. The description of preliminary signs of yoga siddhis (perfection in yoga) and instructions for keeping oneself away from these powers are detailed. Yoga Sādhanā when followed and practiced with full devotion and a concentrated mind certainly bestows success to a yogi and he is equipped with all the siddhis (aṇimā, garimā and mahimā, etc.). He becomes the authority of the divine powers. Finally, after realizing the essence of the Self like an unwavering lamp within himself, he is liberated from the worldly cycles of death and birth.

Upanishad Yoga tattva darśana

Book Description

Study of Yoga philosophy as described in Upanishads, Hindu philosophical classic.

Nadabindu & Dhyanabindu Upanishads

Book Description

Nadabindu and Dhyanabindu Upanishads comprise Volume 5 in the Yoga Upanishad series. These Upanishads focus on meditation on the bindu, the source point or origin of individual creation, where begins the primal sound or first vibration, the mantra Om. They define and describe in detail the mantra Om, the effects of meditating on it until one attains perfect liberation, merging with the Divine. Nadabindu states that always meditating on Om, the yogin is liberated from worldly life, unaffected by his/her karmas. The nada is first heard through the right ear, and many other inner sounds are heard. Eventually the yogin hears no other sounds and transcends duality. Dhyanabindu, an expansion of Nadabindu, recommends many practices including mudras, bandhas, bija mantras and raising kundalini shakti. This volume includes a foreword on the life and teachings of Swami Satyadharma, who passed away while writing her commentary on Dhyanabindu.

Yoga Darshana Upanishad

Book Description

Yoga Dar?ana Upani?ad is Volume 3 in the Yoga Upani?ad series. Yoga Chudamani Upani?ad and Yoga Tattwa Upani?ad are Volumes 1 and 2 in the series.Yoga Dar?ana Upani?ad has ten sections which describe in detail the eightfold path of yoga. The topics of the ten sections are yama, niyama, ?sana, the subtle or pranic body, pr???y?ma (two sections), praty?h?ra, dh?ra??, dhy?na and sam?dhi, the eighth limb of r?ja yoga. These tantric teachings on praty?h?ra and dh?ra?? are unique, and will not be found in other texts on yoga or meditation.Included in the text are the original Sanskrit verses, transliteration, word meanings and translation by Ruth Perini (Srimukti) and a comprehensive commentary by Swami Satyadharma Saraswati.

Yoga Chudamani Upanishad

Book Description

Aims to serve as a manual of higher sadhana for advanced and initiated aspirants. This title describes the ancient path of Kundalini awakening in its original form before the proliferation of modern Yogic literature.

Shandilya Upanishad

Book Description

Read how Lord Atharvan, the seer of the Atharva Veda, instructs the sage Shandilya on the eightfold path of yoga. Atharvan describes to him in intricate detail each step of the eightfold path, together with practices, leading to self-realisation, knowledge of Brahman.