Yoked Together

Book Description

Couples working together in ministries, businesses, and missions will find encouragement as they walk through seasons of change. Practical questions punctuate each chapter's inspiring lessons. A classic in the making!

The Unsaved Christian

Book Description

What to do when they say they’re Christian but don’t know Jesus Whether it’s the Christmas and Easter Christians or the faithful church attenders whose hearts are cold toward the Lord, we’ve all encountered cultural Christians. They’d check the Christian box on a survey, they’re fine with church, but the truth is, they’re far from God. So how do we bring Jesus to this overlooked mission field? The Unsaved Christian equips you to confront cultural Christianity with honesty, compassion, and grace, whether you’re doing it from the pulpit or the pews. This practical guide will: show you how to recognize cultural Christianity teach you how to overcome the barriers that get in the way give you easy-to-understand advice about VBS, holiday services, reaching “good people,” and more! If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure how to minister to someone who identifies as Christian but still needs Jesus, this book is for you.

Respectable Sins

Book Description

Over 250,000 copies sold Have we become so focused on “major” sins that we’ve grown apathetic about our subtle sins? Renowned author Jerry Bridges takes you into a deep look at the corrosive patterns of behavior that we often accept as normal, in this established and impactful book. Practical, thought-provoking, and relevant at any stage of life, Respectable Sins addresses a dozen clusters of specific “acceptable” sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, such as: Jealousy Anger Judgementalism Selfishness Pride Writing from the trenches of his own battles with sin, Bridges offers a message of hope in the transforming grace of God to overcome our “respectable sins.” Now with an added study guide for personal use or group discussion so you can dive deeper into this staple of Jerry Bridges’s classic collection. “Read this book—we need to—and be ready for a gentle surgeon’s sharp knife.” —J. I. Packer, author and speaker

God Is a Matchmaker

Book Description

God is the divine matchmaker, and this is His plan for you. Marriage is God's sacred creation, a beautiful gift for His children. But too often we fail to leave the choice or the timing to Him. In this revised and expanded edition of his bestselling book, well-known Bible teacher Derek Prince and his wife, Ruth, reveal God's true plan for you and your future spouse. In addition to sharing their own real-life love story, Derek lays out seven biblical steps to finding your mate. He will also help you answer tough questions, such as · How can I know if it is God's will for me to marry? · How can I prepare myself for marriage? · How can I find the mate God has appointed for me? · What is God's plan for remarriage? Full of inspiring testimonies from people who found their perfect matches by following these principles, God Is a Matchmaker also offers special counsel and material for parents, pastors, counselors, teachers and youth ministers involved with those preparing for this exciting time of life. When you discover God's pattern for marriage, you will experience His perfect gift: a match truly made in heaven.


Book Description

This collection of true stories is written by Mihee Kim-Kort and Andy Kort, a married clergy couple who met while they were in seminary. They share their unique perspective on the joys and challenges of ministry in alternating segments, forming a collective narrative that illuminates the inner workings of a clergy marriage, even as it inspires with heartfelt tales of life in ministry. Throughout the book Mihee and Andy relate their respective impressions of shared experiences, revealing inherent differences and potential sources of conflict, but also demonstrating how they work through their differences, communicate, and collaborate to make the most of their strengths. With 20 years of ministry experience between them, a blue Subaru Outback crammed full of child car seats, an old dog named Ellis, and life experience in three states, Andy and Mihee have struggled with infertility, survived the threat of foreclosure, travelled abroad and led mission trips together, and through it all remain yoked together. This tale of endurance is only made possible by hard work, sympathetic friends, endless conversations, countless cups of coffee and bottles of beer, and the grace of God.

Preparing Your Heart for Marriage

Book Description

The wedding is planned, but are you spiritually prepared for your wedding day? Trusted relationship author Gary Thomas coaches engaged couples on how to grow closer to the Lord in the days leading up to the wedding as a means of preparing them for all the days after the wedding. Engagement is bursting with promise, hope, joy, and anticipation of all kinds. It can also be one of the busiest times your life. For some, planning a wedding, with all the decisions involved, can feel less like the exciting onset of marriage and more like a tedious to-do list. Amidst the busyness, this devotional is designed to encourage and guide you through the spiritual priorities and challenges that lie ahead in order to grow a joy-filled marriage filled with love, grace, and God's blessing. In addition to helping you celebrate the joys of marriage and become radically connected as you create an even deeper passionate relationship, this lovely book also provides encouraging entries that will help you deal with common issues such as: Building physical and emotional intimacy Repairing trust Celebrating differences Being a team player Managing finances With a special section on the marriage vows and thoughtful meditations for the bride and groom, Preparing Your Heart for Marriage will help you grow in your relationship as a couple on your journey from “me” to “we.”

Unequally Yoked

Book Description

This practical guide provides a roadmap of hope to help you grow in your Christian faith while married to a non-believing spouse. Discover how you can enrich your marriage and strengthen your faith. Identify and understand your common problems and misunderstandings. Get the help and support that you need.

Can Two Walk Together? Bible Study

Book Description

Find spiritual balance in your marriage. The Can Two Walk Together? Bible Study is an excellent tool to help couples put offered guidance into practice. Many Christians are in spiritually unbalanced marriages, desperate for someone to minister to them in their unique place. This is a wonderful tool to provide those in unequally yoked relationships with hope and help in dealing with disappointment, hurts, and heartaches. Sabrina Black brings her counseling expertise to bear on this difficult subject, assisting couples with creating and maintaining a vibrant, growing relationship despite their differences.

Love and War

Book Description

What the Eldredge bestsellers Wild at Heart did for men, and Captivating did for women, LOVE & WAR will do for married couples everywhere. John and Stasi Eldredge have contributed the quintessential works on Christian spirituality through the experience of men and the experience of women and now they turn their focus to the incredible dynamic between those two forces. With refreshing openness that will grab readers from the first page, the Eldredges candidly discuss their own marriage and the insights they’ve gained from the challenges they faced. Each talks independently to the reader about what they’ve learned, giving their guidance personal immediacy and a balance between the male and female perspectives that has been absent from all previous books on this topic. They begin LOVE & WAR with an obvious but necessary acknowledgement: Marriage is fabulously hard. They advise that the sooner we get the shame and confusion off our backs, the sooner we'll find our way through. LOVE & WAR shows couples how to fight for their love and happiness, calling men and women to step into the great adventure God has waiting for them together. Walking alongside John and Stasi Eldredge, every couple can discover how their individual journeys are growing into a story of meaning much greater than anything they could do or be on their own.

The Unequal Yoke

Book Description

Now, amongst the numerous hindrances to this thorough consecration of heart to Christ which I earnestly desire for myself and my reader, "the unequal yoke" will be found to occupy a very prominent place indeed. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what partnership hath righteousness with unrighteousness (or rather lawlessness)? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, 'I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.' 'Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.' " (2 Cor. 6:14-18.)