Jets From Young Stars III

Book Description

The study of the mechanisms that govern origin and propagation of stellar jets involves the treatment of many concurrent physical processes such as gravitation, hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, atomic physics and radiation. In the past years, an intensive work has been done looking for so- tions of the ideal MHD equations in the steady state limit as well as studying the stability of out?ows in the linear regime. These kind, of approaches have provided a contribution to the understanding of jets that can hardly be ov- estimated. However, the extension of the analyses to the time-dependent and nonlinear regimes could not be avoided, and the MHD numerical simulations were the only mean to achieve this goal. Intherecentyears,considerableprogresseshavebeenmadebythecom- tational?uiddynamiccommunityinthedevelopmentofnumericaltechniques, theso-calledhighresolutionshockcapturingschemes,wellsuitedforthetre- ment of supersonic ?ows with discontinuities. The numerical simulations of astrophysical jets took advantage of these developments; however new physics needed to be incorporated, such as magnetic ?eld e?ects, radiation losses by diluted gases, and proper astrophysics environments. These needs led to the nontrivial extension of the methods devised for the Euler equations of g- dynamics to the magneto-hydrodynamical system. On the other hand, the possibility of carrying out numerical calculations has been greatly facilitated bytheavailability, ononehand,ofpowerfulsupercomputersand,ontheother hand, of fast processors at low cost. Large scale 3D simulations of jets at high resolution are now possible thanks to supercomputers, but also high reso- tion 2D MHD simulations can be performed routinely on desktop computers.

Young Stars Plus 3

Book Description

Physical Processes in Circumstellar Disks around Young Stars

Book Description

Circumstellar disks are vast expanses of dust that form around new stars in the earliest stages of their birth. Predicted by astronomers as early as the eighteenth century, they weren’t observed until the late twentieth century, when interstellar imaging technology enabled us to see nascent stars hundreds of light years away. Since then, circumstellar disks have become an area of intense study among astrophysicists, largely because they are thought to be the forerunners of planetary systems like our own—the possible birthplaces of planets. This volume brings together a team of leading experts to distill the most up-to-date knowledge of circumstellar disks into a clear introductory volume. Understanding circumstellar disks requires a broad range of scientific knowledge, including chemical processes, the properties of dust and gases, hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, radiation transfer, and stellar evolution—all of which are covered in this comprehensive work, which will be indispensable for graduate students, seasoned researchers, or even advanced undergrads setting out on the study of planetary evolution.

Young Stars 3

Book Description

Jets from Young Stars

Book Description

This volume presents the edited lecture notes of the First JETSET School on Jets from Young Stars: Models and Constraints, held by the Marie Curie Research and Training Network on JET Simulations, Experiments and Theory. The first half of the book is devoted to general observational constraints. The second section is devoted to theoretical knowledge of magneto-hydrodynamic processes pertinent to the jet launching mechanism in young stars.

Star-Disk Interaction in Young Stars (IAU S243)

Book Description

Reviews latest star-disk interaction region in young stars for graduate students and researchers.

Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars

Book Description

This book reports the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "An gular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars" held from 17 to 21 September 1990 at Noto, Italy. The workshop had its immediate origin in a discussion about the availability of stel lar rotation data, that took place in 1987 at Viana do Castelo Portugal during the NATO meeting, Formation and Evolution of Low Mass Stars. We recognized that nearly 20 years had passed since the last meeting on stellar rotation and that significant progress in the observation of rotation rates in low mass stars had been made. During the last 20 years, new efficient instrumentation (CCD and photon counting de tectors and echelle spectrographs) and new analysis techniques (profile Fourier analysis) have allowed us to measure rotational velocities as low as 1-2 km/s and to reach low mass stars in young clusters. Even with these advances, rotational velocities of low mass stars would have remained challenging to determine if all single, low mass stars later than GO had rotational velocities of order or less than 10 km/sec. Evidence that this is not always the case was first provided by the photometric variability data obtained by van Leeuwen and Alphenaar for K dwarfs in the Pleiades and more recently by the vsini measurements of low mass stars in several young clusters.

Young Stars Plus 3

Book Description

Jets From Young Stars V

Book Description

Studying the complex physical systems of stellar jets necessitates the incorporation of nonlinear effects which occur on a wide variety of length and timescales. One of the primary methods used to study the physics of jets is numerical simulations that apply high performance computing techniques. Such techniques are also required for analysing the huge modern astrophysical datasets. This book examines those computing techniques. It is a collection of the lectures from the fifth and final school of the JETSET network, "Jets From Young Stars V: High Performance Computing in Astrophysics." It begins with an introduction to parallel programming techniques, with an emphasis on Message Passing Interface (MPI), before it goes on to review grid technology techniques and offer a practical introduction to Virtual Observatory. The second half of the book, then, is devoted to applications of high performance computing techniques, including 3D radiation transfer, to jet and star formation processes. Aimed at graduate students in astrophysics, this book presents state-of-the-art methods, thereby offering interesting new insights to researchers in the field.