Book Description

Everyone is having nightly experiences while their physical body sleeps, whether they are aware of the fact or not. Each of us is individually unique and so are Your RealSide Experiences, Your DreamVisions. Duane The Great Writer & Educator is here to share his RealSide Experiences with those who want to realize their TruPotential as a 'Being of Light'. This Journey to RealFreedom is huge and it takes RealGuidance and a RealEducation for a person to learn to See Beyond this one-dimensional 'Place in Life'. You are now invited to enter The Hidden Worlds and Real UNUverses LifeIS. There is so much more to Life that is unseen than seen. Those who are successful with Your DreamVisions are usually more childlike in nature and their RealExperiences come to them rather easily. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret UNUverses. For more information about Your DreamVisions, I will send you a Free NUBook. Email Duane at: [email protected] / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

We are all Beings of RealLight from The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is Real! You can 'think' of yourself any way you want to, but The RealTruth IS, You are a Being of Incredible Light and RealAwareniss. Decide whatever you will, but it will not change who you really are, but it may keep you from Seeing and PerSeeving who you are. You have come a long ways through many different created forms of processing to where you are ready to compare all you have been through into The NUNowniss LifeIS. You have gone through countless creations from yourself and others and bowed and knelt to the Invented Gods of Man and other Alien Lifeforms, those who have convinced you for lifetimes you are to be subordinate to them and all their Authoritarian Rulers. You have come from lifetimes of unconsciousness to this very moment when you can finally decide to Become MoreAware of who you really are. Take The Risk Now!


Book Description

There has been a Huge Deception taking place for decades and it is right in front of Everyone... JoanKrone is The Alien Reptilian that TapLines the Krone Korporation MemberShrimps while they are in their DreamWorlds. The TapLines are placed at the back of the person in their Astral Body to where they cannot see what is happening, and then their energy is taken from them and they become weaken and diseased and even die in the physical body. This is Very Real and has taken place for decades with the TapLine Master HarOld and JoanKrone. This is also been occurring for the longest time with so many of the Korporations on this planet. Today, there is so much Psychic Influence that is crippling people. Duane The Great Writer is Now providing The WorldWide WakeUp Call with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. By doing The NU-U Sessions and Watching Your DreamVisions, YU will be shown What IS Real Now with THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN. It is Your Life and YU decide!


Book Description

Your DreamVisions is an endless scenario of created places and things that the educated part of yourself knows nothing about. Learn to pay attention to The RealGuidance YU can have with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. This IS Very Real Now! YU have been taught to be one-dimensional, so YU are not able to See past the Marketed Fronts of those who control YU, and so here is The Great Advantage YU have been looking for in Your DreamVisions. When your body sleeps, The RealU goes to other worlds and explores while your physical mind sleeps and is unaware of what is taking place. It does sound rather funny, but as YU learn to 'watch yourself' more closely YU will begin to See beyond what YU have been taught here. It is all up to YU and how YU decide your life to be Right Now. LifeIS all about Becoming MoreAware. YU can never go past yourself, as YU are Always Here & Now! With RealGuidance, YU will be shown what YU will never learn on the earth alone, but YU must Take The Risk!


Book Description

LifeIS an ISNIS NOW. At first this seems so odd to your mind. YU, The RealU will begin to SeeMore than just what you have come to know and decided as a life here. The Whole of LifeIS invisible and not visible. The TruReality LifeIS cannot be determined with a Literal or Logical Approach. ALL Life IS an ISNIS. This IS The RealTruth LifeIS. Until YU take the time to learn to See Beyond what YU have come to know here, then YU will continue to reenter more body forms and be at the mercy of those who Kontrol this Prison Planet. YU must learn to 'earn your way' out of here, and the existing KEK Systems cannot do this, because they do not want YU to BE Free, even though they 'imply' they do, they really do not! Being Now is part of this adventure and journey, but YU must also Recognize THE ALLIS LifeIS, or no matter what you 'Think' or do here will not amount to anything, even though it may seem to. Have Fun Deciding!


Book Description

"LifeIS The RealAdventure Now! Your Life without Restriction IS Real! You have been psychologically taught and over-conditioned to Agree to Restrictions that really do not apply to The TruNature of YU, The RealU, Your RealAwareniss, that is experiencing what we have come to know here as Creation. There is far more to YourSelf than you will ever imagine, as YU, The RealU, is a part of everything that is seen and unseen. The Earthly Educational Systems have their place, but they do not come close to 'Your DreamVisions' and The RealGuidance and RealEducation that is provided by Duane The Great Writer. As you take on this NUAdventure, you will soon enter Wonderful NUWorlds that have been hidden from you. You can learn to See Beyond what your mind will never know, as The RealU explores and discovers The TruKnowledge of Life.