Your Journey with God Through Cancer

Book Description

devotional centered around promise, prayer and hope in going through Cancer

Seeing God in Your Cancer Journey

Book Description

An excerpt of six devotionals from Seeing God in Your Cancer Journey- written toassist those struggling with cancer to draw closer toGod during their cancer journey through scripture,prayer and connection to others facing the samestruggles.

50 Days of Hope

Book Description

Eib shares amazing, true stories of those who have been through cancer and discovers that when God and cancer meet, hope is never far away. This book is packed with a daily dose of encouragement.

Strength for the Cancer Journey

Book Description

Though the Road is Long, You Don’t Have to Walk Alone There’s nothing easy about having cancer. For most people, cancer is a hard, reluctant journey through rugged, unfamiliar terrain. Ultimately, however, there are really only two ways to face cancer: in our own strength or with the help and strength that God supplies. Strength for the Cancer Journey provides empathetic, daily reminders that God is present for anyone facing the challenges of cancer. Each of these thirty devotionals draws upon anecdotes and insights from God’s Word to help readers invite God into the realities, uncertainties, and frustrations of their cancer experience. While cancer is a journey no one wants to take, no one ever has to walk that road alone. This devotional book will help both patients and caregivers to engage deeply with God, gaining new strength for the cancer journey.

A Journey Through Cancer

Book Description

Bestselling author Emily Barnes shares her life-changing encounter with illness and healing and provides comforting, encouraging words to those who are going through difficulties, be it illness, bereavement, job loss, or relationship problems.

Aboard God's Train: A Journey with God Through the Valley of Cancer

Book Description

What is a woman supposed to do when her world is turned upside down by a medical diagnosis? How will she get through the stress of all the medical appointments, surgery and follow-up therapies? How will she deal with telling her family, friends, and co-workers? How will she cope with the stigma of having cancer? The shame of losing a breast? These are the questions that went through my mind at my doctor's ominous proclamation: "You have breast cancer." It's true that I had something that most women who must walk this road do not have: I had a promise. But would it be enough? Or would this trial prove to be more than my shaky faith could handle? As I was fumbling with these questions, God took me on a whirlwind tour of France, bringing me face to face with the stresses of trying to navigate my way through a foreign country in a foreign car. I came away realizing that it is much better to take the train and let someone else drive! But does that "train" also run through the valley of breast cancer?

When God & Cancer Meet

Book Description

A book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways—some in their bodies, others in their minds, all in their spirits—offers inspiring testimony that, when God and cancer meet, cancer is conquered. The author, herself a cancer survivor, gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse of 18 personal encounters with God. Here's what others are saying about When God & Cancer Meet: “Lynn has captured the essence of hope in this book; captured hope in ways that I have always taught in my professional world as well as in my spiritual community. This book is a treasure to those who struggle with the fears of cancer and I want to keep it close at hand for those reasons.” —Judy Lentz, RN, MSN, OCN, NHA Executive Director, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association “I co-lead a cancer support group at my church, and we have been looking for “just the right book” to study and discuss. Guess what?! Lyn wrote it! I was truly touched by all the stories; of course being a cancer-survivor myself, I saw myself in one of the stories, as if Lyn were writing my own personal story. I was truly impressed with the way she incorporated scripture, and God's viewpoint into every story. I think that is of utmost importance for anyone facing this disease. Lyn's book is “Real-Life”; some quickly are healed of the cancer, some deal with it over a prolonged period, some deal with recurrences, some, mercifully, die rather quickly. I share Lyn's belief that GOD sometimes chooses to heal in different ways: physically, emotionally and spiritually. In the process of surviving a primary brain tumor, surgery, Chemo, and radiation, I gave my life to Christ, realizing that my physical health was not GOD's main concern, my Spiritual health was the biggest victim of a disease that needed attention and this was the way He FINALLY got my attention. Lyn's book alludes to this fact in every one of her stories. In this day and age that we are living, where it is against the rules to even mention GOD ( unless we mention His name in vain) it is refreshing to have a book written, praising Him for His care and concern for us; written by a woman who has experienced the disease firsthand, and continues to minister to others with cancer, and to work for a Doctor! who isn't ashamed of his Faith ! WOW!! Obviously, Lyn's book has my highest reccomendation, and my support group will be purchasing multple copies, and we plan to invite Lyn to speak with us. Lyn is a wonderful person, and I thank God for allowing our paths to cross. I'm sure this book will touch many lives,and give many a new perspective and hope with their cancer.” —Chris Winand, cancer survivor

Hope for the Journey Through Cancer

Book Description

Cancer touches nearly everyone, whether firsthand or through the life of a loved one. Counselor and teacher Yvonne Ortega discovered this when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and began her journey to recovery. In Hope for the Journey through Cancer, she shares with readers her personal triumphs and setbacks with humor and refreshing candor, always reminding us of God's desire to meet us exactly where we are. These sixty devotions are divided into sections--diagnosis, surgery, treatment, and recovery--each incorporating Scripture into daily life. Ortega's attention to even the most basic hopes and fears that a cancer patient faces each day offers encouragement that can come only from one who has been there herself.

A Spiritual Journey Through Breast Cancer

Book Description

Judy Asti writes about how she renewed her faith while undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

Our Journey Through Cancer with God

Book Description

Our Journey through Cancer with God is a chronicle of a pastor's wife and her husband as they confront her cancer. In this account you will find their very real responses to God's interventions and her treatment as they navigate through the ups and downs of this disease. From September 15: There are sacred and often frightening times in life in which we are up against our own mortality, and there's nowhere to flee except into the arms of God. It's here that we can touch, feel, and give gratitude for God's immense mercy. It's a place where there is no pretense and no bravado, just the soul touching God's mercy. In this we cry for God's help. What prevails here is God's purpose for us, and to that we cling. Bob Bevier Bob Bevier received his Doctor of Ministry degree in 1978. He was ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament and has served as a pastor in several churches. He has also practiced for 18 years as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He is a Spiritual Director as well. Bob enjoys running and bicycling. Bob and his wife Annette have two married children and three grandchildren. They enjoy the beauty of God's nature, being with family and friends, and delicious cuisine together.