Zechariah- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

Zechariah, written to encourage the remnant of Israel struggling to follow the Lord, looks ahead to the eventual triumph of God's people and the coming of the Messiah. It contains many prophecies about Messiah, His life on earth, His millennial reign, and the salvation He would bring--so many in fact that it has been called the "Revelation of the Old Testament." In this easy-to-read, easy-to-use commentary, J. Carl Laney takes you through these prophecies carefully, giving you guidelines for interpreting apocalyptic literature and enriching your understanding of the times in which Zechariah lived. With this Everyman's Bible Commentary as your guide, you can discover rich truths about the Lord Jesus Christ found in the minor prophets. Use it in your personal study or as the basis of group or Sunday school study.

Numbers- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

This passage-by-passage commentary incorporates charts and a simple outline in its exposition of an important Old Testament book. The events of Numbers form the story of the Israelites traveling from Mount Sinai to the border of the Promised Land. Sometimes called 'the book of journeyings' or 'the book of murmurings,' Numbers contains many significant lessons for God's people today. Dr. Jensen points out many pertinent applications of these lessons in this study, as well as explaining the history of the Israelites. "Its arrangement is commendable—it could serve as a marvelous guide for home study of the Bible or for group study. The outline before each section is well chosen and interwoven in the body of the material." — Derward W. Deere, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

First & Second Kings- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

By the waters of Babylon, in the sixth century B.C., the Jewish people felt like permanent refugees in a foreign land. Israel had undergone captivity once before, in Egypt. This time the people were in exile because of disobedience. The books of 1 and 2 Kings were meant as an antidote for the sorrow of heart that afflicted their souls. Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. guides you through the maze of kings and empires, prophets and priests, that are the subjects of those two Old Testament historical books. In those books, Hubbard says, are "peaks of unbelievable glory and valleys of unforgettable despair." His study of 1 and 2 Kings and of the chaotic time chronicled in those books is written in a comfortable style but with scholarly care. Hubbard applies to our lives today the lessons learned through years of pain. Scholar and layman alike will appreciate the combination of readability and scholarly investigation that marks this book.

First & Second Chronicles- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

To its own generation the book of Chronicles was a vivid reminder of hope in the faithfulness of God, a reminder of the promise--made both to the world and to the house of David--of peace and prosperity, to be fulfilled through the covenant people of God. Structurally, the book may be considered an exegetical summary of Old Testament history. Not only does it recount the important events of God's dealing with Israel, but it also explains the significance of those events to Israel's history.

Survey of the Old Testament- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

The New Testament Scriptures will never be properly understood by a person if the Old Testament Scriptures essentially remain a mystery to him,' says Paul Benware.Most Christians do not have a clear understanding of the pattern, unity, or progression of the Old Testament. They can tell stories of Moses, Noah, and David but aren't sure how all these events fit together. And they don't fully appreciate the doctrines found in the thirty-nine books between Genesis and Malachi.But the Old Testament does not have to be mysterious or confusing. Newly revised, Dr. Benware offers a chronological approach to give you a bird's-eye view of the historic value of the Old Testament, while his book-by-book analysis reveals important details and emphases.If you want a better understanding of the whole Bible, Survey of the Old Testament is the place to start.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary Minor Prophets

Book Description

God’s Love and Justice on Display What do we know about the date of Joel’s ministry? How do the warnings of Malachi relate to the Book of Revelation? How did Amos’s profession as a rancher influence his prophetic voice? Drawing on the research of internationally known Bible scholars, this detailed commentary looks at each verse of the final books of the Old Testament. The words of the minor prophets draw us closer to God by teaching us about His enduring love, His judgment to the unfaithful and mercy to the repentant, and His call to restoration for people who have suffered. Covering every book from Hosea through Malachi, this commentary shows the meaning behind these powerful prophecies while reminding us how ordinary people spoke extraordinary truth on behalf of a loving and just God.

Job- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

Unfathomable loss. Unmerited suffering. Why is this happening to me? For centuries people have tried to understand the reasons for suffering and grief. When we cannot connect our woes to wrongs we have done, we conclude that our suffering is undeserved and unfair. Like Job, we struggle to understand our pain. The universality of suffering makes the book of Job appealing, but the treatment of that theme often makes the book difficult to comprehend. Nonetheless, this section of Scripture offers powerful lessons for your life. Dr. Roy Zuck directs his commentary toward the layman. His clear, organized insights can reveal important truths for the struggling Christian. The uncomplicated, outlined content is suitable for both individual and group study. You can learn from Job's suffering--as well as from your own.

Zechariah’s Hope Paperback

Book Description

The Book of Zechariah may be one of the least read books in the Bible. For the past twenty years I have taught the Bible to pastors in Asian countries where life is difficult for them. My pattern was to begin each day with a devotional that would apply specific Bible lessons to their lives. When I started giving devotional thoughts from Zechariah, I learned that the Asian pastors had a keen interest in that prophet. They would often ask questions or share their thoughts about Zechariah long after our devotional had ended. I believe that a daily time with the Lord is essential for believers who desire to serve Him in this knotty world. According to Proverbs, life is a series of choices between which roads we will travel. We decide daily to either take the path of the righteous or the way of the wicked. We choose regularly to either walk on the path of the wise person or stroll along the way of the fool.

Hosea & Amos- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

God used Hosea and Amos--one right after the other--to announce to the Northern Kingdom (Israel) that God's patience had at last ended and that the hour of decision had arrived. These prophets challenged Israel to repent now or face God's immediate judgment and endure pitiless conquest and plundering at the hands of the merciless Assyrians. Both prophecies end with the assurance of God's abiding love for His people and His absolute pledge of their cleansing and restoration. Two biblical scholars encourage students to understand and be challenged by these biblical events that so closely parallel those of our own times. Their simple, organized commentary will prove valuable to students at any level, individually or in a group.

Ezekiel- Everyman's Bible Commentary

Book Description

The Old Testament book of Ezekiel is filled with visions and prophecies the Lord revealed to His prophet. Although these revelations were given to the people of Israel during their Babylonian captivity, many of them are yet to be fulfilled. Ezekiel gives warnings of punishment for evil practices and waywardness but also glorious promises to encourage those who seek to honor the Lord even in the midst of trials. Bible students are often puzzled by these difficult visions and fail to perceive God's central message--that He alone is Lord. Dr. Ralph Alexander discusses each section of the prophecy in summary and then treats the major themes, dealing with various questions and problems that arise.