Zen and the Unspeakable God

Book Description

Zen and the Unspeakable God reevaluates how we study mystical experience. Forsaking the prescriptive epistemological box that has constrained the conversation for decades, ensuring that methodology has overshadowed subject matter, Jason Blum proposes a new interpretive approach—one that begins with a mystic’s own beliefs about the nature of mystical experience. Blum brings this approach to bear on the experiential accounts of three mystical exemplars: Meister Eckhart, Ibn al-ʿArabi, and Hui-neng. Through close readings of their texts, he uncovers the mystics’ own fundamental assumptions about transcendence and harnesses these as interpretive guides to their experiences. The predominant theory-first path to interpretation has led to the misunderstanding and misrepresentation of individual mystical experiences and fostered specious conclusions about cross-cultural comparability among them. Blum’s hermeneutic invites the scholarly community to begin thinking about mystical experience in a new way—through the mystics’ eyes. Zen and the Unspeakable God offers a sampling of the provocative results of this technique and an explanation of its implications for theories of consciousness and our contemporary understanding of the nature of mystical experience.

Reality and Mystical Experience

Book Description

Responding to our modern disillusionment with any claims to absolute truth regarding morality or reality, this book offers a conceptual approach for discussing absolutes without denying either the relevance of divergent religious and philosophical teachings or the evidence supporting postmodern and poststructuralist critiques. Case studies of mysticism within Advaita-Vedānta Hinduism, Mādhyamika Buddhism, and Nicene Christianity demonstrate the value of this approach and offer many fresh insights into the metaphysical presuppositions of these religions as well as into the nature and value of mystical experience. Like Douglas Hofstadter's Gōdel, Escher, Bach, this book finds ultimate reality to be rationally graspable only as an eternal fugue of pattern and paradox. Yet it does not so much counter other philosophical views as provide a conceptual tool for understanding and classifying incommensurable views.

The Gospel According to Zen

Book Description

At the living heart of both Christianity and Zen lies a single, luminous perception: Whether it is called Satori or Salvation, it is nothing less than the perfect knowledge of God. This unusual book brings together the most enlightening parables, riddles, and poems of East and West, to explore and illuminate this 'new conciousnesss' that is thrusting modern religious thought beyond theology.

Living Zen, Loving God

Book Description

The release of Ruben Habito's new book, Living Zen, Loving God has coincided with a rave review from Publishers Weekly magazine: "Habito may not seem himself as a revolutionary, but his humble life calling - to illuminate the commonalities between Zen Buddhism and Christianity - seems a profound gift. Habito excels in illuminating the connective spiritual tissue between the two religions, while explaining the principles of Buddhism. This is an excellent book for readers who want to deepen their understanding of Christianity, as well as Buddhism." - Publishers Weekly Exactly right. This wonderful book, in its friendly, informative tone, carefully explains Buddhist ideas - from key concepts like Emptiness and The Truth of Suffering to an in-depth and enlightening examination of the Heart Sutra - all in terms that will help modern Christian practitioners to deepen their faith, and Buddhists, to revitalize and broaden their perception and understanding. This is a book with immense value to anyone interested in interreligious dialogue and studies, and as such, has already won accolades from Habito's contemporaries. (See below.) Habito, a practicing Catholic and former Jesuit priest - as well as an acknowledged Zen master and professor in the School of Theology at Southern Methodist University - makes a clear case that Zen practice can deepen a Christian's connection to God, further clarify the Gospel teachings of Jesus, and enable one to live a more joyous, compassionate, and socially engaged life. Habito demonstrates that the practice of Zen meditation and even some elements of the Buddhist worldview can enable one to love God more constantly and commit to the service of the Realm of Heaven and the human community more wholeheartedly. Ruben L.F. Habito is the author of numerous publications, in both Japanese and English, on Zen and Christianity and is a prominent figure in the Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. A native of the philipines, Habito served as a Jesuit priest in Japan under the guidance of the great spiritual pioneer Father Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle and studied Zen with renowned teacher Koun Yamada. He lives in Dallas, Texas.

E=Mc2 the God in Einstein and Zen

Book Description

Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world? Why does a loving, all-knowing and all-powerful God allow it? How can we find purpose, happiness, freedom, and fulfillment amidst despair? In The God in Einstein and Zen, author N.M. Reyes blends Albert Einsteins famed equation (E = mc2) with Zen thought to provide a profound and satisfying answer to the human condition and human purpose. A thought-provoking, grand sweep of history, philosophy, science, religion, and mysticism, The God in Einstein and Zen shows how Einsteins profound insights into the mystery of the universe and creation resonates in Zens view of reality and human existence. Reyes attempts to bridge the gap between science and mysticism through an unexplored path. Presented in simple, non-technical language, The God in Einstein and Zen takes a candid and fearless journey into the human condition. It provides the key to understanding lifes great mysteries such as the existence of God, human suffering, personal salvation, happiness, and human destiny.

Honest to God

Book Description

On first publication in the 1960s, "Honest to God" did more than instigate a passionate debate about the nature of Christian belief in a secular revolution. It epitomised the revolutionary mood of the era and articulated the anxieties of a generation.

Mystics and Zen Masters

Book Description

Thomas Merton was recognized as one of those rare Western minds that are entirely at home with the Zen experience. In this collection, he discusses diverse religious concepts-early monasticism, Russian Orthodox spirituality, the Shakers, and Zen Buddhism-with characteristic Western directness. Merton not only studied these religions from the outside but grasped them by empathy and living participation from within. "All these studies," wrote Merton, "are united by one central concern: to understand various ways in which men of different traditions have conceived the meaning and method of the 'way' which leads to the highest levels of religious or of metaphysical awareness."

The Gospel According to Zen

Book Description

Experiencing God Through Zen Insight

Book Description

What is life? Where do we come from? Where do we go? What is self? The book discusses these questions and many other topics. The author challenges our preconceived way of thinking and stimulates a new way of "thinking" from the inside out. The author stimulates deeper thinking and perhaps what might be called a deeper "logic." This book dispels myths about Zen Buddhism and sheds new light on the subject through the personal experiences and insights of a contemporary American Zen Buddhist priest. The author speaks in a voice that is plain and direct. She has been an avid student and practitioner of Zen Buddhism since 1968, when she began study at the age of nineteen. Later she became an osho (priest-teacher) in 1989. Her teacher is a high-level master from Japan. The author dares to answer such questions as, "What is the foundation of existence?" She handles such subjects authoritatively from the perspective of firsthand spiritual experience, revelation, if you will, while employing an intellect that springs from that firsthand experience in conjunction with the foundation of study that includes important Buddhist sutras and scriptures, her master's teisho (spiritual transmission lectures) and his direct, personal teaching, along with the entire spectrum of Zen training. The direct and personal study with a master is done through koan practice that includes frequent private interviews called "sanzen." The firsthand experience is based upon years of meditation and sincere study intermixed with intense training periods with the master as well as application of practice in all aspects of everyday life. She gives the reader a look inside the world of intense Zen practice and training with the front-row seat of her own experience. The subjects of human nature versus one's True Nature, and human consciousness versus Absolute Mind, are discussed various ways. This not only stimulates individual thinking, it gives the reader a taste of the Zen mind, which

Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit

Book Description

A new revised edition of the classic title on Zen and Christian living. Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit is a study of the intersection between Zen Buddhism and Christianity. Robert Kennedy explores how Zen can help us to live deeper lives and how we can return from a study of Zen to a more profound understanding of Christian living and practice. "What I looked for in Zen," says the author, "was not a new faith, but a new way of being Catholic that grew out of my own lived experience and would not be blown away by authority or by changing theological fashion." Kennedy is unique in being competent in both Catholic and Zen practice and who responds to people who are drawn to this form of prayer and life. This is a refreshingly simple but also most beautiful book.