Zombis Robot Radioactivos: Libro Segundo

Book Description

Retomando directamente después de los eventos del primer libro, el profesor Aurahawlk, el comandante Cain, Adrian y Marpitt se encuentran en una situación desastrosa. El hermano de Cain está muerto, dejando a Cain en un estado traumatizado de rabia, Adrian ha quedado inconsciente e incapaz de defenderse, Marpitt encuentra una pista para los eventos y el profesor Aurahawlk tiene que encontrar una manera de reagrupar a todos. Además, los eventos en otro Explorador Universal revelan a un Tirano devastador. Con un mapa que muestra eventos pasados, esta es una emocionante continuación de esta nueva historia. Espero que disfrutes del segundo capítulo de Radioactive Robot Zombies.

Zombis Robot Radioactivos: Libro Tercero

Book Description

Después del desastroso enfrentamiento con las criaturas zombis, Adrian Winstar ha sido secuestrado y tomado como rehén. El profesor Aurahawk, el comandante Cain y Marpitt deben encontrar una manera de rescatarla. En el intento de rescate, las criaturas zombis se vuelven más agresivas y comienzan a transformarse en una forma más horrible. Eventos desafortunados le suceden al profesor Aurahawk y lo ponen en una circunstancia indeseable. Más eventos pasados se revelan en el Explorador Universitario de Pinta, que muestra cómo el Tirano esclavizó a las víctimas para el ataque zombi a Cygnus, y la construcción de su nuevo cuerpo usando la IA Central.

Zombis Robot Radioactivos: Libro Primero

Book Description

En un futuro lejano, la humanidad se enfrenta a su mayor amenaza. La Tierra se está volviendo habitable, y la humanidad debe dirigirse a las estrellas para encontrar un nuevo hogar. Cinco gigantescos exploradores universales son el último esfuerzo desesperado del hombre. Estas naves viajarán a través de la galaxia en busca de un nuevo planeta para habitar. La historia comienza presentando un nuevo elenco de personajes en medio de la terraformación de un planeta para que sea habitable. Acontecimientos inesperados conducen a una invasión apocalíptica con un trágico desenlace para dos hermanos. Únete al profesor Aurahawlk, al capitán Adrian Winstar, al comandante Cain Sayzar, a su hermano Able y a Marpitt, un robot de inteligencia artificial genial, en Radioactive Robot Zombies.

Radioactive Robot Zombies

Book Description

Far in the future humankind faces its greatest threat. Earth is becoming inhabitable, and humankind must set to the stars to find a new home. Five gigantic universal explorers are man’s last-ditch effort. These vessels will travel across the galaxy searching for a new planet to inhabit. The story begins by introducing a new cast of characters in the middle of terraforming a planet to be habitable. Unexpected events lead to an apocalyptic invasion with a tragic outcome for the two brothers. Join Professor Aurahawlk, Captain Adrian Winstar, Commander Cain Sayzar, his bother Able, and a cool A.I. robot Marpitt in Radioactive Robot Zombies.

Radioactive Robot Zombies: Book Three

Book Description

After the disastrous confrontation with the zombie creatures Adrian Winstar has been abducted and taken hostage. Professor Aurahawk, Commander Cain, and Marpitt must come up with a way to rescue her. In the rescue attempt the zombie creatures become more aggressive, and start to transform into a more hideous form. Unfortunate events happen to Professor Aurahawk and put him in an undesirable circumstance. More past events are revealed on the Pinta Univeral Explorer, showing how the Tyrant enslaved victims for the zombie attack on Cygnus, and the construction of his new body using the Central A.I.

Zombies Vs. Robots 2

Book Description

"Sunken in emptiness and despair, the world continues to decay. The eyes of the infected dead glare around every corner with nowhere to escape. Zombies outnumber humans. Humans are hid away in FEMA camps or have joined gangs of cannibals hoping to survive the ongoing war and the Callechio family and friends are locked away hoping to live just another day. With mega-corporations such as Cyclone Corp binding together to form a new group the Community of the Phoenix, they continue their genocide of the human population and bond with the Army of God to push the apocalyptic theme onto the surviving populace. The government hangs on by a thread but the brave men and woman who work in its ranks are not about to let the remaining society fall. No-one is more affected by the recent losses then Emma. Believing her father is dead, she plots her revenge but is he really gone? After multiple recent deaths, the Callechio's continue their struggle for survival by all the methods of science, technology, and creativity they have but in a world so destroyed, is it even worth it to live another day."

Zombies Vs. Robots

Book Description

The Sandman: The Deluxe Edition Book One

Book Description

One of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time, Neil Gaiman's award-winning masterpiece The Sandman, is finally being collected for the first time in deluxe hardcover format. Illustrated by an exemplary selection of the medium's most gifted artists, the series is a rich blend of modern and ancient mythology in which contemporary fiction, historical drama, and legend are seamlessly interwoven. This first book collecting Neil Gaiman's genre-defining series about the Dream King in a new deluxe edition series featuring an oversize hardcover format and bonus content. Collects the first two paperback volumes of the critically acclaimed series Sandman, issues 1-16, and Sandman Midnight Theatre 1.

Zombies Vs Robots Omnibus

Book Description

"Originally published as Zombies vs. robots issues #1-2, D'Airain issues #1-2, Zombies vs. robots vs. Amazons issues #1-3, Zombies vs. robots aventure issues #1-4, Zombies vs. robots: undercity issues #1-4, Zombies vs. robots annual 2012, Hero Comics 2012, and Zombies vs. robots: no man's land"--Indicia.

Zombies Vs Robots: Diplomacy

Book Description

Zombies vs Robots Goes International! It's the Cold War in Hell as undead flesh clashes with uncaring metal. The zombie apocalypse is a true global conflagration, and ZvR: Diplomacy is at the frontlines with a collection of original stories either set in Russia or the UK. On all front, s rabid braineaters battle gleeful warbots, with a beleaguered (and dwindling) mankind caught in the middle. Featuring original stories by today's leading perpetrators of zombie terror and robot rampage, namely Steven Lockley, Rio Youers, Robert Hood, Gary McMahon, Ekaterina Sedia, Simon Clark, Dale Bailey, and Simon Kurt Unsworth, ZvR: Diplomacy is a unique new chapter in the ongoing Zombie vs Robots prose program, and is fully illustrated by horror-master Michael Dubisch.