Zooming in on Quasar Accretion Disks Using Chromatic Microlensing

Book Description

Observing the temperature profiles of accretion disks around black holes is a fundamental test of an important astrophysical process. However, angular resolution limitations have prevented such a measurement for distant quasars. We present a new method for determining the size of quasar accretion disks at a range of wavelengths, thus constraining their temperature profiles. The technique uses single-epoch, multi-wavelength optical and nearinfrared imaging of gravitationally lensed quasars in conjunction with X-ray imaging, and takes advantage of the presence of microlensing perturbations to the magnifications of the lensed images. The dependence of these perturbations on the angular size of the source, combined with the temperature structure of quasar accretion disks, causes the flux ratio anomalies due to microlensing to appear chromatic. This allows us to probe regions of the quasar that are too small to be measured by any other technique. We apply this method to observations of 12 lensed quasars, and measure the size of the accretion disk of each in 8 broadband filters between 0.36 and 2.2 microns (in the observed frame). We find that the overall sizes are larger by factors of 3 to 30 than predicted by the standard thin accretion disk model, and that the logarithmic slope of the wavelength-dependent size is ~ 0.2 on average, much shallower than the predicted slope of 4/3. This implies that the temperature is a steeper function of radius than the thin disk model predicts. With this new approach to determining quasar accretion disk sizes, we are thus able to rule out the standard thin disk model as the source of the (rest-frame) ultraviolet and optical continuum in these bright quasars.

Size is Everything

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We examine the effect that the shape of the source brightness profile has on the magnitude fluctuations of images in lens systems due to microlensing. We do this by convolving a variety of accretion disk models (including Gaussian disks, uniform disks, "cones," and a Shakura-Sunyaev thermal model) with two magnification patterns in the source plane, one with convergence [kappa] = 0.4 and shear [gamma] = 0 (positive parity), and the other with [kappa]=[gamma]= 0.6 (negative parity). By looking at magnification histograms of the convolutions and using chi-squared tests to determine the number of observations that would be necessary to distinguish histograms associated with different disk models, we find that, for circular disk models, the microlensing fluctuations are relatively insensitive to all properties of the models except the half-light radius of the disk.

A Microlensing Analysis of the Central Engine in the Lensed Quasar WFI J2033-4723

Book Description

We measured the size of the accretion disk in the gravitationally lensed quasar WFI J2033-4723 by the analysis of 13 seasons of optical imagery. Using point spread function (PSF) modeling software, we measured the brightness of each of this system’s four images in 7 seasons of optical monitoring data taken at the 1.3m SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo, Chile and in 6 seasons of optical monitoring data from the 1.5m EULER telescope in La Silla, Chile. We combined these new data with published measurements from Vuissoz et al. (2008) to create a 13-season set of optical light curves. Employing the Bayesian Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique of Kochanek (2004), we analyzed these light curves to yield the first-ever measurement of the size of this quasar’s accretion disk log{(rs/cm)[cos(i)/0.5]1/2}= 15.86+0.25 −0.27 at the rest frame center of the R-band ðrest = 247 nm. Despite the fact that we now know of ~ 106 lensed quasars, the size of the central engine has been measured in only 14 of these systems.

Quasar Structure from Microlensing in Gravitationally Lensed Quasars

Book Description

Abstract: I analyze microlensing in gravitationally lensed quasars to yield measurements of the structure of their continuum emission regions. I first describe our lensed quasar monitoring program and RETROCAM, the auxiliary port camera I built for the 2.4m Hiltner telescope to monitor lensed quasars. I describe the application of our Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique to SDSS 0924+0219, a system with a highly anomalous optical flux ratio. For an inclination angle cos(i)=0.5, I find an optical scale radius log[r_s/cm] = 14.8"0.4. I extrapolate the best-fitting light curves into the future to find a roughly 45% probability that the anomalous image (D) will brighten by at least an order of magnitude during the next decade. I expand our method to make simultaneous estimates of the time delays and structure of HE1104-1805 and QJ0158-4325, two doubly-imaged quasars with microlensing and intrinsic variability on comparable time scales. For HE1104-1805, I find a time delay of Delta t_{AB} = 162"6 days and estimate a scale radius of log[r_s/cm] = 15.7"0.5 at 200 nm in the rest frame. I am unable to measure a time delay for QJ0158-4325, but the scale radius is log[r_s/cm] = 14.9"0.3 at 300 nm in the rest frame. then apply our Monte Carlo microlensing analysis technique to the optical light curves of 11 lensed quasar systems to show that quasar accretion disk sizes at 250 nm are strongly correlated with black hole mass. The resulting scaling relation is consistent with the expectation from thin disk theory, but it implies that black holes radiate with relatively low efficiency. These sizes are also larger, by a factor of approximately 3, than the size needed to produce the observed 800 nm quasar flux by thermal radiation from a thin disk with the same temperature profile. Finally, I analyze the microlensing of the X-ray and optical emission of the lensed quasar PG 1115+080. I find that the size of the X-ray emission region is approximately 1.3 dex smaller than that of the optical emission, and I find a weak trend supporting models with low stellar mass fractions near the lensed images.

Accretion Flows in Astrophysics

Book Description

This book highlights selected topics of standard and modern theory of accretion onto black holes and magnetized neutron stars. The structure of stationary standard discs and non-stationary viscous processes in accretion discs are discussed to the highest degree of accuracy analytic theory can provide, including relativistic effects in flat and warped discs around black holes. A special chapter is dedicated to a new theory of subsonic settling accretion onto a rotating magnetized neutron star. The book also describes supercritical accretion in quasars and its manifestation in lensing events. Several chapters cover the underlying physics of viscosity in astrophysical discs with some important aspects of turbulent viscosity generation. The book is aimed at specialists as well as graduate students interested in the field of theoretical astrophysics.

Active Galactic Nuclei

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive treatment of active galactic nuclei--the cosmic powerhouses at the core of many distant galaxies. The term active galactic nuclei refers to quasars, radio galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, blazars, and related objects, all of which are believed to share a similar central engine--a supermassive black hole many times the mass of the Sun. Astrophysicists have studied these phenomena for the past several decades and have begun to develop a consensus about many of their properties and internal mechanisms. Julian Krolik, one of the world's leading authorities on the subject, sums up leading ideas from across the entire range of research, making this book an invaluable resource for astronomers, physicists interested in applications of the theory of gravitation, and graduate students. Krolik begins by addressing basic questions about active galactic nuclei: What are they? How can they be found? How do they evolve? He assesses the evidence for massive black holes and considers how they generate power by accretion. He discusses X-ray and g-ray emission, radio emission and jets, emission and absorption lines, anisotropic appearance, and the relationship between an active nucleus and its host galaxy. He explores the mysteries of what ignites, fuels, and extinguishes active galactic nuclei, and concludes with a general review of where the field now stands. The book is unique in paying careful attention to relevant physics as well as astronomy, reflecting in part the importance of general relativity to understanding active galactic nuclei. Clear, authoritative, and detailed, this is crucial reading for anyone interested in one of the most dynamic areas of astrophysics today.

Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro

Book Description

The observation, in 1919 by A.S. Eddington and collaborators, of the gra- tational de?ection of light by the Sun proved one of the many predictions of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity: The Sun was the ?rst example of a gravitational lens. In 1936, Albert Einstein published an article in which he suggested - ing stars as gravitational lenses. A year later, Fritz Zwicky pointed out that galaxies would act as lenses much more likely than stars, and also gave a list of possible applications, as a means to determine the dark matter content of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. It was only in 1979 that the ?rst example of an extragalactic gravitational lens was provided by the observation of the distant quasar QSO 0957+0561, by D. Walsh, R.F. Carswell, and R.J. Weymann. A few years later, the ?rst lens showing images in the form of arcs was detected. The theory, observations, and applications of gravitational lensing cons- tute one of the most rapidly growing branches of astrophysics. The gravi- tional de?ection of light generated by mass concentrations along a light path producesmagni?cation,multiplicity,anddistortionofimages,anddelaysp- ton propagation from one line of sight relative to another. The huge amount of scienti?c work produced over the last decade on gravitational lensing has clearly revealed its already substantial and wide impact, and its potential for future astrophysical applications.

The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

Book Description

The classic account of the structure and evolution of the early universe from Nobel Prize–winning physicist P. J. E. Peebles An instant landmark on its publication, The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe remains the essential introduction to this vital area of research. Written by one of the world's most esteemed theoretical cosmologists, it provides an invaluable historical introduction to the subject, and an enduring overview of key methods, statistical measures, and techniques for dealing with cosmic evolution. With characteristic clarity and insight, P. J. E. Peebles focuses on the largest known structures—galaxy clusters—weighing the empirical evidence of the nature of clustering and the theories of how it evolves in an expanding universe. A must-have reference for students and researchers alike, this edition of The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe introduces a new generation of readers to a classic text in modern cosmology.

How Space Works

Book Description

The clearest, most visual e-guide to space and the Universe for complete beginners to astronomy. Have you ever asked yourself how big the Universe is, how far it is to the nearest star, or what came before the Big Bang? Then this is the ebook for you. How Space Works shows you the different types of object in the Universe (so you'll know your pulsars from your quasars) and introduces you to some of the strangest and most wonderful things known to science, including dark matter particles and ancient white dwarf stars that are almost as old as the Universe itself. The ebook starts with an explanation of our view of the Universe from Earth, then takes a tour of the Solar System, the stars and galaxies, and the furthest reaches of space. The last chapter looks at the technology we use to explore the Universe, from the International Space Station to Mars rovers and the new and revolutionary reusable rockets. Illustrated with bold graphics and step-by-step artworks - and peppered with bite-sized factoids and question-and- answer features - this is the perfect introduction to astronomy and space exploration.