Das Transzendentale bei Ibn Sīnā

Book Description

Following al-Fārābī’s approach, Ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037) undertakes a new foundation of the First Philosophy based on his own critical systematisation of the Aristotelian theory of science, yielding the result that metaphysics is only possible as a transcendental science, i.e. that not only the subject-matter of metaphysics and its properties but also the arguments by which the first principles of knowledge are defended must be transcendental. This book provides the first systematic reconstruction of Ibn Sīnā’s concept of metaphysics, and, given the considerable influence his achievement had on the Islamic tradition as well as on scholastic philosophers, it is relevant to the study of the history of metaphysics, Islamic theology (kalām), and Arabic philosophy.

Rhetoric and Contingency

Book Description

Human life is susceptible of changing suddenly, of shifting inadvertently, of appearing differently, of varying unpredictably, of being altered deliberately, of advancing fortuitously, of commencing or ending accidentally, of a certain malleability. In theory, any human being is potentially capacitated to conceive of—and convey—the chance, view, or fact that matters may be otherwise, or not at all; with respect to other lifeforms, this might be said animal’s distinctive characteristic. This state of play is both an everyday phenomenon, and an indispensable prerequisite for exceptional innovations in culture and science: contingency is the condition of possibility for any of the arts—be they dominantly concerned with thinking, crafting, or enacting. While their scope and method may differ, the (f)act of reckoning with—and taking advantage of—contingency renders rhetoricians and philosophers associates after all. In this regard, Aristotle and Blumenberg will be exemplary, hence provide the framework. Between these diachronic bridgeheads, close readings applying the nexus of rhetoric and contingency to a selection of (Early) Modern texts and authors are intercalated—among them La Celestina, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Wilde, Fontane.

“Contradiction Resolves Itself” – An Analysis of the Arguments in the Chapter “The Essentialities or the Determinations of Reflection” in Hegel’s Doctrine of Essence

Book Description

It is well known that Hegel departs from tradition in his treatment of contradiction in a way that is scandalous to some. This book explores the question of what Hegel means by contradiction and how it can be made useful for philosophy. For this purpose, the context of Hegel's analysis of contradiction is subjected to a close analysis - the essentialities, namely identity, difference, diversity, and opposition. The contradiction that arises in the analysis of contradiction is resolved, thus opening up a groundbreaking method for a philosophy that proceeds systematically. Bekannt ist, dass Hegel in seiner Behandlung des Widerspruchs in einer für manche skandalösen Art von der Tradition abweicht. Vorliegendes Buch geht der Frage nach, was Hegel unter einem Widerspruch überhaupt versteht und auf welche Weise er für die Philosophie dienstbar gemacht werden kann. Dafür wird der Kontext von Hegels Analyse des Widerspruchs einer genauen Analyse unterzogen - die Wesenheiten, namentlich Identität, Unterschied, Verschiedenheit und Gegensatz. Der bei der Analyse des Gegensatzes auftretende Widerspruch löst sich auf und eröffnet so eine bahnbrechende Methode für eine systematisch verfahrende Philosophie.

Sound and Reason

Book Description

This book is about the human mental capacities that are mostly veiled in the use of language yet can be revealed through music activities. In speech, just one word is articulated at the time, whereas in music different pitches sound simultaneously. This conflict demonstrates that rationality must be regarded as relative, as rationality in music may create chaos in speech. Moreover, investigating the role of sound in synesthesia reveals that its aesthetic combinations are related to the human capacity to enjoy different types of harmonies in music. Drawing on new research regarding synesthesia as a more fundamental basis for human cognition, this book brings this a step further by introducing synesthesia as a general metacognitive process, hinting at the aesthetical origin of fundamental logical operations. Bringing together a number of cultural perspectives on music, language, and mathematics, this volume expertly illustrates that music reveals a fundamental system that deeply combines the sensorial and the intellectual human capacities.

Ibn Taymiyya and the Attributes of God

Book Description

In Ibn Taymiyya and the Attributes of God (orig. published in German, 2019), Farid Suleiman pieces together, on the basis of statements scattered unsystematically over numerous individual treatises, an overall picture of the methodological foundations of Ibn Taymiyya’s doctrine of the divine attributes. He then examines how Ibn Taymiyya applies these foundational principles as exemplified in his treatment of selected divine attributes. Throughout the book, Suleiman relates Ibn Taymiyya’s positions to the larger context of Islamic intellectual history. The book was awarded the Dissertation Prize 2019 by the Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) and the Classical Islamic Book Prize by Gorgias Press (2020).

Aristotle: Semantics and Ontology

Book Description

This study intends to show that the ascription of many shortcomings or obscurities to Aristotle is due to the persistent misinterpetation of key notions in his works, including anachronistic perceptions of statement making. In the first volume Aristotle's semantics is culled from the Organon. The second volume presents Aristotle's ontology of the sublunar world, and pays special attention to his strategy of argument in light of his semantic views. The reconstruction of the semantic models that come forward as genuinely Aristotelian can give a new impetus to the study of Aristotelian philosophic and semantic thought.

Selected papers on Renaissance philosophy and on Thomas Hobbes

Book Description

-Selected papers on Renaissance philosophy and on Thomas Hobbes offers the best work in these fields by the acclaimed historian of philosophy, Karl Schuhmann (1941-2003), displaying the extraordinary range and depth of his unique scholarship, -Topics covered include Renaissance philosophy of nature; the development of the notion of time in early modern philosophy; Telesio's concept of space; Hermetic influences on Pico, Patrizi and Hobbes; Hobbes's Short Tract; Spinoza and Hobbes; Hobbes's political philosophy, -This book brings together, in chronological arrangement, twelve papers. Though these were published before in some form, several were not easily accessible so far, -All articles have been edited in accordance with the author's wishes, and incorporate his later additions and corrections

Salomo in Schlesien

Book Description

Friedrich von Logau ist der wichtigste deutschsprachige Epigrammatiker des 17. Jahrhunderts. Auf den Titeln seiner Sammlungen erscheint der Autorname anagrammatisch verschrieben zu Salomon (i.e. Friedrich) von Golaw. Salomon "redete dreitausend Sprüche" (1 Könige 5,12), und Logau legt 1654 sein zu ebensolcher Größe ausgewachsenes Werk der Epigramme vor: Deutscher Sinn-Getichte Drey Tausend Das sind Kurzsatiren, Gelegenheitsgedichte, Devisen und lyrische Bemerkungen in Überzahl: ein Thesaurus kritisch reflektierten Wissens seiner Zeit. Da geht es aber nicht mehr um salomonische Weisheit in ihrer Urteilssicherheit und Apodiktik. Das Epigramm ist im 17. Jahrhundert das Genre scharfsinnigen, auch spitzfindigen Denkens, das sich nicht mehr an Normen ausrichten läßt. Jedes neue Epigramm Logaus verlangt einen Blickwechsel und eine andere Sicht auf die Welt. Das schließt Widerspruch und kritische Rücknahmen ein und ergibt im Resultat: Pluralität des Denkens.


Book Description

Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century, both in the analytic and continental traditions, metaphysics was deemed to be passé. The last few decades, however, have witnessed a remarkable growth of interest among analytic philosophers in various traditional metaphysical topics, such as modality, truth, causality, etc. which resulted in the emergence of various forms of analytic metaphysics. The new forms of metaphysics differ from its traditional forms mostly in their methodology (we may notice various applications of contemporary formal logical techniques) and in the range of proposed solutions to particular problems. Besides these and other differences, however, there are also many similarities and there are even some who intentionally develop traditional metaphysical themes using the contemporary analytical methods. All these developments call for detailed exploration, which is the general goal of the present publication Metaphysics: Aristotelian, Scholastic, Analytic. The publication is the fruit of the conference which took place in Prague in 2010 and which had for its aim to bring together those willing to explore relations between the traditional and contemporary concerns, both from among the leading analytic philosophers working in metaphysics and the historians of philosophy devoted to the study of the metaphysical tradition. The specific focus of the conference was a re-examination of topics such as categories, metaphysical structure, substance and accident, existence, modalities, and predication.

Der Kategorienkommentar von Abū l-Farağ ʿAbdallāh ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib

Book Description

The Commentary on the Categories by Abū l-Farağ ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib is an important representative of the Aristotelian tradition in Arabic culture. Formally based on late antique commentaries on Aristotle's Categories, it provides the last example of the learned tradition still alive in eleventh-century Baghdad. The introduction offers a general survey of the commentaries on Aristotelian Categories , from the first Greek texts to the Arabic version featured here. The life and works of Ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib are also discussed. Systematic comparison with surviving Greek commentaries and a series of thematic studies elucidate the author ́s method. The critical edition of ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib's Commentary is accompanied by a detailed summary, which facilitates its use by readers unfamiliar with the Arabic language.