U.S. Air Force Posture Statement 2007

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2007 marks the United States Air Force's 60th year as an independent service. The Air Force is engaged every single day in global operations, fighting the Global War on Terror, defending our homeland, providing strategic deterrence, and giving our nation unparalleled Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power. We are committed to sustaining our position of strength, the asymmetric advantages the Air Force gives our nation America's edge. Our 2007 Posture Statement articulates the major elements required to fulfill our mission. It reaffirms our commitment to focus our energies on the Global War on Terror (GWOT); to develop and care for our Airmen and their families; and to recapitalize and modernize our aging aircraft, spacecraft, and equipment. Our top acquisition priorities include: the KC X Tanker; the CSAR X Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter; space communications, space situational awareness and early warning programs; the F 35A Joint Strike Fighter (JSF); and Next Generation Long Range Strike - a new bomber. Our Posture Statement further reaffirms our commitment to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us and our resolve to dominate air, space and cyberspace in defense of our Nation now and in the future.

Air Force Posture Statement

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Air Force Posture Statement

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United States Air Force Posture Statement 2005

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Today's security environment is characterized by change and ambiguity. The future will include a variety of challenges, including the risk of catastrophic attacks on the homeland, and the possibility of disruptive technological breakthroughs by our adversaries. The number and character of potential U.S. adversaries is growing and changing, as states and non-state actors acquire advanced technology and even weapons of mass destruction. We can foresee the near-term threats posed by ballistic and cruise missiles; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons; advanced double-digit surface-to-air missiles; and sophisticated combat aircraft. We should also anticipate computer network attacks and attacks on other critical infrastructure, including space networks. Not only must we be prepared to confront these known threats, but we also must be ready for unexpected, disruptive breakthroughs in technology that may undercut traditional U.S. advantages. Maintaining a strong defense able to overcome and defeat these threats remains an imperative for our nation. Currently, the Air Force can command the global commons of air and space, and significantly influence the global commons of sea and cyberspace; however, we cannot maintain this advantage using yesterday's technology in the systems and air and space vehicles of our current force structure. Recapitalizing our aging systems is our number one challenge.

Air Force Posture Statement 2008: Department of Air Force Presentation to the House Armed Services Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Fiscal Year 2009 Air Force Posture Statement

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This Statement articulates the major elements of our Air Force Posture - our strategy for fulfilling our role in defending the Nation and its interests; our contributions to winning the Global War on Terrorism; our most critical efforts and concerns; and our top priority programs. Three overarching Service priorities serve as the organizing principles for all of our efforts: Winning Today's Fight; Taking Care of Our People; and Preparing for Tomorrow's Challenges. The Air Force's top acquisition priorities specifically begin to address our critical recapitalization and modernization needs the new Tanker (KC-X); the new Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter (CSAR-X); modern space systems to provide capabilities vital to our Joint warfighters; the F-35A Lightning II; and a new Bomber we intend to field by 2018. We will continue our efforts to modernize and protect America's vital air, space, and cyberspace capabilities. We strongly recommend extending the existing C-130J production line. We are also concerned with preserving America's aerospace industrial base. Additionally, we seek relief from restrictions on the retirement of aging, worn-out aircraft which are increasingly unsafe, unreliable, and obsolete. The Air Force is highly engaged in national efforts to assure sustainable energy, and we will continue to push the performance envelope on fuel efficiency and renewable energy technologies. We are committed to the Joint Basing initiative and want to work through the transfer of total obligation authority (TOA) and real property control without impacting command authorities, reducing installation service support, or negatively affecting quality of life. Finally, we will continue our practice of recruiting and retaining the world's highest quality Airmen. We will build upon our successes in achieving Total Force Integration of our Regular, Guard, Reserve, and Civilian Airmen.