A Revised Correlation of Quaternary Deposits in the British Isles

Book Description

Realization that continental records of Quaternary rocks were more complex that hitherto believed came with the re-interpretation of oxygen isotope stratigraphy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This necessitated a comprehensive re-evaluation that has been assisted by the emergence of new geochronological methods for terrestrial as well as land-sea correlations. The current state of such correlations is presented in this revised set of proposals for correlations in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which also includes the Quaternary geology of the continental shelf.

A Revised Correlation of Quaternary Deposits in the British Isles

Book Description

The correlation and classification of Quaternary deposits is desirable for the following reasons: as an exercise in lithostratigraphy, to find out about palaeoclimate and to provide standard geographical information.