A Guardian of Balance: the Role of BAF Chromatin Remodeling Complex in Astrogliogenesis During Mouse Forebrain Development

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In the human central nervous system, astrocytes vastly outnumber neurons and regulate a host of physiological processes critical to its function. Astrocytes form a functional syncytium tiling the brain with minimal overlap between individual cells. This anatomical organization implies that a balanced numbers of neurons and astrocytes must be generated during brain development. In spite of this, very little is known about the molecular events governing proliferation and differentiation in the astroglial lineage that culminate in the establishment of adequate numbers of astrocytes. In recent ...

Loss of BAF155 Impairs Neurogenesis in the Developing Olfactory System of Mice

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Neurogenesis is a core developmental process which comprises the maturation of neural stem cells to fully developed neurons. Former studies have provided evidence that in the neuronal development of the central nervous system, chromatin remodeling mSWI/SNF (BAF) complexes are indispensable factors to guide the proliferation and renewal of cells. Accordingly, given the key role in the central nervous system, the BAF complex currently receives scientific attention in how it regulates neurogenesis. As the olfactory epithelium constitutes an exceptional tissue, characterized by self-renewing ca...