A Paradigm of Earth

Book Description

"A dozen or more humanoid alien infants have been brought to Earth to be given into the care of major Earth governments. This is stunning but distant news - until Morgan is hired to raise one of them, named Blue. When Blue confounds everyone by insisting on coming, with all the attendant government surveillance, to live in Morgan's house, conflict is inevitable and a murder is committed. But the mysteries of the alien boy ( or is it a girl?) in their midst are more profound than the mystery of the crime. Through it all, Morgan's ideals never waver, she truly believes that all beings, human and alien, can live in harmony. Dorsey's skill with characters, both human and alien, and with their complex relationships, will evoke comparisons with the SF classics of Theodore Sturgeon."--BOOK JACKET.

A Paradigm of the Divine

Book Description

For centuries mankind has been taught to view the divine from an established point of view to the extent that any attempt to explore the Divine from a totally different angle could be regarded as blasphemous. This book attempts to position the reader at an unusual angle to enable him to see the Divine from an unusual perspective. Viewing the Divine from such an unusual perspective, the reader would be able to see the errors in mankind's beliefs about the Divine as well as the hidden identities of such Divine personalities like the Prophet Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; including secular personalities like Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The errors in our beliefs about the Divine are expressed in satire and are meant to elicit humor, particularly for those who falsely claim Christhood. The book also attempts to bring out the common denominators between human and Divine endeavors.

A Paradigm of Care

Book Description

Remember the pots hammered by spoons from high Manhattan windows, and parades of cars and pick-up trucks holding dear the medical professionals responding to covid-19. This book is part of that chorus, that march, to express appreciation for the giving of care. And beyond doctors and nurses, bless their hearts, to mothers caring for their babies, for captains for their teams, for the soon-to-be widowers for their wives and teachers for their students, but also for the ranchers for their cattle and the contemplative world for our environment. This is a book to think more closely of the support for care, individual as it so often will be, to be woven more closely together in a paradigm of care. Care is always prominent. Care for others, of the family, care for those of the tribe, care for animals and homes and gardens and properties, self-care. And the purse. Even without teaching, compensation, or legislation, care survives, but even with these helpings, it falls short of the need. We live in a crisis of care. Thinking explicitly and beyond health care. There is no mechanism of state and conscience that delivers care to all the venues of need, and seldom in the amounts needed. The reservoirs of care are far from empty, but at a mark that needs topping up. There is need for care advocacy, a care ethic, a paradigm. This book is about that paradigm. A care paradigm may bring comfort and recovery more fully to the people and organic creations of the world. The paradigm hears the moan of indifference. It draws upon the eyes of the heart. The paradigm is about how we see the need for care. The care paradigm, the grand beholding, is manifest in how we provide for others, how we nurture them, give succor, how we are disposed, and are not, to sacrifice to relieve their hurt. It is not only caring for those visibly needing care, unable to care for themselves, but caring for all. It is having a disposition that the hurts, large and small, that all of us carry, arouse concern and appreciation from and for each individual, the community and the world.


Book Description

Why squander our life – the only one we have – in a permanent state of want and anxiety when we can live a life of abundance and bliss? Why make our happiness depend on externalities when the only truly lasting happiness is inside each one of us? Why sacrifice the happiness we could be enjoying today on the altar of a vague promise of future bliss when we already have everything we need to be happy in the present? In this work, the author shows us how to overcome the two main obstacles to happiness: attachment and anxiety. Readers will see that detachment and the ability to stop worrying are neither gifts of the chosen, nor inborn talents reserved for a few, but skills that can be learned at any moment in life, regardless of our situation. In the first part, we’ll focus on attachment to objects and people. We’ll see how attachment inevitably leads to fear, and that fear is incompatible with happiness. We’ll examine the role of craving and desire, of want and satisfaction, of control and freedom, of possessions and love – and we’ll see that precious little is needed to live a happy life. In the second part, we’ll delve into what is probably the main cause of unhappiness: anxiety. We’ll see that most of the worry that taints our happiness is unjustified because it stems from adversities that only exist in our mind. To understand this reasoning, we’ll analyze how we create all our expectations and fears in the present, how we project them into a future that is no less a product of our own imagination, and how we then await with apprehension the arrival of that future in which we have placed our hopes and misgivings. Happiness is not an unattainable dream, not even a future goal we’re doomed to pursue forever in vain, but a natural, innate gift we’ve all been endowed with. We have now, and always have had, all the happiness we’ll ever have, but we don’t allow it to bloom in our lives because we’ve unconsciously buried it under an ever-thickening layer of impediments that prevent it from manifesting every day of our life. This book is here to help you find your happiness, but to do so it has to challenge many of the received ideas and dogmas that for centuries have condemned humanity to unhappiness. Please read it with an open mind, and consider with fairness whether the ideas contained herein make any sense for you. When doing so, be honest with yourself and don’t let other people’s opinions influence your conclusions. Remember that ultimately you are your only judge, and that on your deathbed the opinions other people may have about you will not change the verdict of your conscience about how you lived your own life. Your happiness is in your own hands, and nowhere else, for only you can make it real. Let this book help you drop the ballast of your worries and attachments and glide smoothly through life! The solution is inside: discover it and let the magic happen! Don't wait until it's too late: it's now or never!

A Paradigm for Our Schools

Book Description

When we look at the education in the United States today, we find that the educational prowess and dominance has greatly eroded. Many countries that we call third world countries consistently beat our students in math, history, social studies, and science. These countries have different morals and understanding of life than we, but these things are not taught in their schools. They are taught where they ought to be. There are rules and regulations in the various countries that some in our country would like to adopt here, but that is why we are not known as a third world country. We have that thing called freedom and rights that those countries don't have. Some of the courts have told us to take God out of the school, the pledge, and out of our state governments. Our forefathers gave to us this method of understanding our history, and we must understand that our forefathers mostly believed in God, also that the very reason many people came to our lands in the beginning is to have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion. This is just one way the courts are trying to change our lives. This book will explore many reasons why teachers are unable to get the job done and why students aren't in the top ten of the world's knowledge pool. We need to think on these things before it is too late!

Parables of Enoch: A Paradigm Shift

Book Description

Internationally renowned contributors assess the signifcance of the Parables of Enoch in the study of Christian Origins, the New Testament and the Second Temple Period.

The Cognitive Paradigm

Book Description

In this study of the cognitive paradigm, De Mey applies the study of computer models of human perception to the philosophy and sociology of science. "A most stimulating, and intellectually delightful book."—John Goldsmith "[De Mey] has brought together an unusually wide range of material, and suggested some interesting lines of thought, about what should be an important application of cognitive science: The understanding of science itself."—Cognition and Brain Theory "It ought to be on the shelf of every teacher and researcher in the field and on the reading list of any student or practitioner seriously interested in how those they serve are likely to set about knowing."—ISIS

Consciousness, Color, and Content

Book Description

A further development of Tye's theory of phenomenal consciousness along with replies to common objections.

Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies

Book Description

FOREWORD In 1999, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the resolution to recognize the Vesak Day as an International Day of Recognition of Buddhists and the contribution of the Buddha to the world. Since then, the people and the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, in general, and Mahachulalongkornraja- vidyalaya University, in particular, were very honored to have successively and successfully held for twelve years the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations in Thailand. From 2004 to date, we have come a long way in the celebrations, and we are happy to be the host and organizer, but it is time for the celebrations to grow and evolve. The United Nations Day of Vesak is coming to maturity, with twelve celebrations under our belt, much experience gained, and it is time now to share this with others. There will always be room for growth and development, and we are elated to see it grow. In 2006-2007, having joined the International Organizing Committee for the UN Day of Vesak as Deputy Secretary General, Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu has played a crucial role in building strong relationships between the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and the International Council for Day of Vesak in particular and the Global Buddhist communities in general. We have supported and congratulated Vietnam on organizing successful UNDV celebrations and conference in 2008 and 2014, respectively. We have full trust in Vietnam being the host of UNDV 2019 for the third time. We like to thank all those who have contributed to the success of previous celebrations and wish all future celebrations be successful. The teachings of the Buddha see no boundaries; the minds of all are alike; the sufferings of all are similar and truly; and the liberation of all is the same. We are happy to initiate the process, develop the scope, and now it is time for others to follow in similar footsteps, evolve the celebrations into a truly international event that can be shared with Buddhists and Non-Buddhists alike. Let the Dhamma of the Buddha be the beacon to the world, shredding away the ignorance within our hearts, bringing development into sustainable capacity for humanity and more importantly, peace and harmony to the world. Most Ven.Prof. Brahmapundit President, International Council for Day of Vesak (ICDV) President, International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) ----------------------------------- PREFACE The history of mankind records how the Buddha got enlightenment and showed a path which not only leads but also guides the world till date. That is solely to emanate wisdom and offer insights which help us overcome numerous challenges and achieve the welfare of humanity. Recognizing his pragmatic approach, values and contribution of Buddhism, the United Nations in a resolution in 1999 decided to celebrate the Triply Blessed Day of Vesak (Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of Gautama), falling mostly in a lunar calendar in the month of May. The first celebrations were held way back in the year 2000 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and subsequently the day has been celebrated hugely in different countries. Today our planet is confronted with a number of crises and unprecedented natural disasters. The imminent threat of terrorism and ethnic violence, tackling poverty, providing education and sustainable development leads us to strive for social justice. There is an urgent need for concerted and constant planning and right effort at an international level to foster permanent peace in the societies and in the lives of individuals. Against the backdrop of such widespread misery and strife leading to complex issues and crises, Buddhism with its rich heritage of tolerance and non-violence can contribute immensely and inspire us with His message of loving-kindness, peace and harmony in today’s world. The United Nations Day of Vesak (UNDV) 2019 is a testimony to this fact. Vietnam got the chance and responsibility of hosting this international Buddhist event UNDV in 2008 and 2014 respectively. The event proved an amazing spectacle of religious and spiritual festivity, with thousands of Buddhists from around the world converging in Vietnam, to spread the Buddha’s message of peace, love and harmony. This is the third time that Vietnam is hosting this important international event which is viewed by Buddhists as an opportunity to spread the Buddha’s message and values of love, peace, non- violence, tolerance and compassion across the world. It is a great honor for Vietnam, the Vietnamese people, the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and Buddhists all around the world to participate in the UNDV celebrations and spread the rich Buddhist heritage, especially its teachings of equality, social justice, respect and understanding for the benefit of all humanity. World Buddhists and particularly the Vietnamese people are excited about their country hosting this auspicious and important event for the third time. This international religious, cultural and academic event would also certainly promote interaction and exchange of Buddhist cultural and intellectual values among diverse countries. The International Buddhist conference with the main theme of “Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies” during the celebrations could not have been more relevant and timely. The present book is the outcome of one workshop representing one perspective of the conference. Other perspectives of the conference include: (i) Mindful Leadership for Sustainable Peace, (ii) Buddhist Approach to Harmonious Families, Healthcare and Sustainable Societies, (iii) Buddhist Approach to Global Education in Ethics, (iv) Buddhism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and (v) Buddhist Approach to Responsible Consumption and Sustainable Development. This international conference aims to foster co-operation among Buddhist communities and institutions, and to develop Buddhist solutions to the global crisis. Papers selected for this volume are those that combine thematic relevance, familiarity with the main theme or sub-themes, significant research in primary resources, innovative theoretical perspectives, clarity of organization and accessible prose style. Acceptable articles in this volume are determined by the Academic Peer-Review Committee. UNDV 2019 certainly is an opportunity for the world Buddhists, the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and all the members of the international community to benefit from the rich traditions, values and spiritual ideals of Buddhism. The pragmatic path shown by Buddha can make the world a better, safer, more peaceful and harmonious place to be cherished and enjoyed by all sentient beings. On behalf of the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and myself, I would like to warmly welcome President of Myanmar, H.E. Mr. U Win Myint, Prime Minister of Nepal, Right Hon. Mr. K.P. Sharma Oli, Vice President of India, H.E Mr. Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Chairperson of the National Council of Bhutan, H.E. Mr. Tashi Dorji, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations/ Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, H.E. Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Director-General of UNESCO, H.E. Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Ambassadors, and many other dignitaries. It is my honor to warmly welcome National Assembly Chairwoman H.E. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Prime Minister of Vietnam, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee H.E.Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister H.E.Mr. Truong Hoa Binh, Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of External Affairs H.E.Mr. Pham Binh Minh, other dignitaries including former Political leaders of the Government of Vietnam. I extend my warmest welcome to all respected Sangharajas, Sangha Leaders, Buddhist Leaders, Sangha members and 1600 Buddhist Scholars and practitioners from 115 countries and territories, participating in this international celebration and conference. Let me thank all of you for your contributions to this celebration and Conference. My heartfelt thanks are extended to respected members of the Supreme Patriarch Council and Executive members of the National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, especially 25 sub-committees for UNDV 2019 in Vietnam for their devotion and contribution. I take this opportunity to express here my profound gratitude to Most Ven. Prof. Brahmapundit for his continuous supporting Vietnam to host this international event. I also thank profusely all members of the International Council for Day of Vesak (ICDV), Conference Committee and Editorial Board for their devotion. I am grateful to Mr. Xuan Truong for his generosity and other donors, sponsors, volunteers and agencies from the public sector and the private sector for their excellent contribution. This publication and other 29 books printed for Vesak could not have been possible without the persistence, hard work, and dedication of Editorial Committee for their devotion including Most Ven.Dr. Thich Duc Thien, Prof. Le Manh That, and especially Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu serving as the international conference coordinator. I extend my warmest and best wishes to all the delegates and participating countries on this special occasion which strengthens our resolve to improve the world by walking on the path shown by the Lord Buddha. Whatever merit there is in publishing this book may be transferred over to the welfare and happiness of all sentient beings. May all sentient beings be happy and released from suffering. We wish the celebration of the United Nations Day of Vesak 2019 in Vietnam every success. Most Ven. Thich Thien Nhon President of National Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Chairman of the United Nations Day of Vesak 2019 in Vietnam