Histoire Et Avenir De L'organisation Mondiale Du Commerce

Book Description

Un compte rendu complet des questions �conomiques, politiques et juridiques qui ont accompagn� la cr�ation de l'OMC et son �volution. Largement illustr�e au moyen de photos en couleur et en noir et blanc qui remontent aux d�buts des n�gociations commerciales, la publication retrace les succ�s et les difficult�s de l'Organisation, et recense les questions fondamentales que les Membres de l'OMC doivent r�gler dans le futur. Ce livre d�crit les fondements th�oriques du syst�me commercial, la composition de l'OMC, le d�veloppement de la communaut� du commerce � Gen�ve, les n�gociations commerciales et la formation de coalitions parmi les Membres, ainsi que les relations de l'OMC avec les autres organisations internationales et la soci�t� civile. Il traite aussi des r�gles r�gissant le r�glement des diff�rends, du lancement et de l'�volution du Cycle de Doha, de la multiplication des accords commerciaux r�gionaux, de la direction de l'OMC et de la gestion de l'institution.

100 fiches de vocabulaire anglais

Book Description

Des fiches de vocabulaire divisées en huit thèmes proposent les éléments indispensables à la pratique de la langue anglaise. Permet de mémoriser les termes les plus utilisés dans la vie quotidienne et leurs synonymes.

Multiculturalism and International Law

Book Description

This volume examines the role and influence of multiculturalism in general theories of international law; in the composition and functioning of international organizations such as the ICJ, the ILC, the UN, and the ICC; and in the progressive development of substantive international law regarding issues such as anti-terrorism, cultural identity, the Danish cartoons controversy, indigenous peoples, and cultural exemptions at the WTO. With Forewords from Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Shigeru Oda, this authoritative volume contains contributions from 36 distinguished scholars from every continent of the world tackling multiculturalism and international law an ever more topical issue in honour of, appropriately, Edward McWhinney, an eminent scholar who has spent a substantial part of his life promoting multiculturalism.

500 QCM d'anglais

Book Description

11 tests de 40 questions chacun permettent d'aborder les difficultés grammaticales et lexicales les plus fréquemment rencontrées. Les réponses sont accompagnées de points explicatifs pour compléter ses acquis.

Women and Trade

Book Description

Trade can dramatically improve women’s lives, creating new jobs, enhancing consumer choices, and increasing women’s bargaining power in society. It can also lead to job losses and a concentration of work in low-skilled employment. Given the complexity and specificity of the relationship between trade and gender, it is essential to assess the potential impact of trade policy on both women and men and to develop appropriate, evidence-based policies to ensure that trade helps to enhance opportunities for all. Research on gender equality and trade has been constrained by limited data and a lack of understanding of the connections among the economic roles that women play as workers, consumers, and decision makers. Building on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of opportunities through which trade can improve the lives of women.