Copyright Licensing Regimes Covering Retransmission of Broadcast Signals: Hearing Before the Comm. on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Rep. (2 reports together)

Book Description

Witnesses: Marsha Kessler & Fritz Attaway, Motion Pict. Assoc. of Amer.; Decker Anstrom, Nat. Cable TV Assoc.; Steven Cox, Sr. DIRECTV; James Goodman, Capitol Broad.; Wade Hargrove, Network Affil. Stations All.; William Hawkins, Starpath, KY; Charles Hewitt, Sat. Broad. & Comm. Assoc.; Tom Howe, PBS; Thomas Ostertag, Baseball Comm.; Marybeth Peters, Reg. of Copyrights; Peter Boylan, United Video Sat. Grp.; Thomas Casey, PrimeTime 24; Charles Ergen, EchoStar Comm.; Bob Phillips, Nat. Rural Tele. Coop.; Matthew Polka, Small Cable Bus. Assoc.; James Popham, Assoc. of Local TV Stat.; & William Sullivan, Nat. Assoc. of Broad.