Book Description

Este livro nasceu da observação em sala de aula no ano 2018, onde jovens usavam constantemente o celular dentro de sala de aula, o qual interferia negativamente no ensino-aprendizagem. Como amante da tecnologia, educadora e pesquisadora, idealizei unir o útil ao agradável, usar mecanismos metodológicos colocando a tecnologia como aliada ao ensino aprendizagem. Partindo desse princípio, a obra nascia a partir de pesquisas, entrevistas e reflexões sobre as práticas educacionais, objetivando contribuir com profissionais sobre um novo formato de ensinar, usando as ferramentas tecnológicas como amplo recurso de ensino aprendizagem. A pandemia nos pegou de surpresa, porém deixará grande marco tecnológico, principalmente na história da educação mundial.

Ferramentas Tecnológicas e Abordagens Pedagógicas na Educação: Uma Integração Necessária na Formação Docente

Book Description

Detalhes Técnicos: Título: Ferramentas Tecnológicas e Abordagens Pedagógicas na Educação: Uma Integração Necessária na Formação Docente Edição: 1ª Local de Publicação: São Paulo Editora: EBPCA – Editora Brasileira de Publicação Científica Aluz Editora-chefe: Bárbara Aline Ferreira Assunção Ano: 2023 Páginas: 147 ISBN: 978-65-85931-00-7 DOI: 10.51473/ed.al.fta Organizadores: Rita de Cássia Soares Duque Paulo Henrique Filho Fernando Luiz Cas de Oliveira Filho Solange Daufembach Esser Pauluk Eliédna Aparecida Rocha de Oliveira Cássia Rozária da Silva Souza Descrição: Ferramentas Tecnológicas e Abordagens Pedagógicas na Educação: Uma Integração Necessária na Formação Docente é uma obra fundamental para educadores, pesquisadores e estudantes interessados em compreender a interseção entre tecnologia e educação. Este livro proporciona uma análise sobre como as ferramentas tecnológicas podem ser integradas às práticas pedagógicas contemporâneas, enfatizando a importância dessa integração na formação de docentes. Com contribuições de especialistas na área, a obra aborda temas como inovação tecnológica no ensino, métodos de ensino-aprendizagem adaptados à era digital, e o papel da tecnologia na transformação da educação. Os capítulos exploram diferentes abordagens pedagógicas e oferecem perspectivas sobre como utilizar a tecnologia para enriquecer o processo educativo. Esta publicação é uma leitura essencial para aqueles que buscam estar à frente no campo da educação, oferecendo informações sobre as tendências atuais e futuras no uso de tecnologias educacionais.

Book Description

The Handbook of Blended Learning

Book Description

This comprehensive resource highlights the most recent practices and trends in blended learning from a global perspective and provides targeted information for specific blended learning situations. You'll find examples of learning options that combine face-to-face instruction with online learning in the workplace, more formal academic settings, and the military. Across these environments, the book focuses on real-world practices and includes contributors from a broad range of fields including trainers, consultants, professors, university presidents, distance-learning center directors, learning strategists and evangelists, general managers of learning, CEOs, chancellors, deans, and directors of global talent and organizational development. This diversity and breadth will help you understand the wide range of possibilities available when designing blended learning environments. Order your copy today!

Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age

Book Description

This book tackles the wider picture, addressing the social, cultural, economic, political and commercial aspects of schools and schooling in the digital age, offering to make sense of what happens, and what does not happen, when the digital and the educational come together in the guise of schools technology.

Academic Self-efficacy in Education

Book Description

This book documents systematic, prodigious and multidisciplinary research in the nature and role of academic self-efficacy, and identifies areas for future research directions within the three sections of the book: 'Assessment and Measurement of Academic Self-efficacy', 'Empirical Studies on What Shapes Academic Self-efficacy', and 'Empirical Studies on Influence of Academic Self-efficacy'. The book presents works by educators and researchers in the field from various parts of the world, highlighting advances, creative and unique approaches, and innovative methods. It examines discussions around the theoretical and practical aspects of academic self-efficacy in culturally and linguistically-diverse educational contexts. This book also showcases work based on classical and modern test theory methods, mediation and moderation analysis, multi-level modelling approaches, and qualitative analyses.

The New ABCs of Research

Book Description

The problems we face in the 21st century require innovative thinking from all of us. Be it students, academics, business researchers of government policy makers. Hopes for improving our healthcare, food supply, community safety and environmental sustainability depend on the pervasive application of research solutions. The research heroes who take on the immense problems of our time face bigger than ever challenges, but if they adopt potent guiding principles and effective research lifecycle strategies, they can produce the advances that will enhance the lives of many people. These inspirational research leaders will break free from traditional thinking, disciplinary boundaries, and narrow aspirations. They will be bold innovators and engaged collaborators, who are ready to lead, yet open to new ideas, self-confident, yet empathetic to others. In this book, Ben Shneiderman recognizes the unbounded nature of human creativity, the multiplicative power of teamwork, and the catalytic effects of innovation. He reports on the growing number of initiatives to promote more integrated approaches to research so as to promote the expansion of these efforts. It is meant as a guide to students and junior researchers, as well as a manifesto for senior researchers and policy makers, challenging widely-held beliefs about how applied innovations evolve and how basic breakthroughs are made, and helping to plot the course towards tomorrow's great advancements.

Handbook of Physical Education

Book Description

What is the condition of the field of Physical Education? How is it adapted to the rise of kinesiology, sport and exercise science and human movement studies over the last thirty years? This Handbook provides an authoritative critical overview of the field and identifies future challenges and directions. The Handbook is divided in to six sections: Perspectives and Paradigms in Physical Education Research; Cross-disciplinary Contributions to Research Philosophy; Learning in Physical Education; Teaching Styles and Inclusive Pedagogies; Physical Education Curriculum; and Difference and Diversity in Physical Education.

Cognitive Surplus

Book Description

The author of the breakout hit Here Comes Everybody reveals how new technology is changing us for the better. In his bestselling Here Comes Everybody, Internet guru Clay Shirky provided readers with a much-needed primer for the digital age. Now, with Cognitive Surplus, he reveals how new digital technology is unleashing a torrent of creative production that will transform our world. For the first time, people are embracing new media that allow them to pool their efforts at vanishingly low cost. The results of this aggregated effort range from mind-expanding reference tools like Wikipedia to life-saving Web sites like Ushahidi.com, which allows Kenyans to report acts of violence in real time. Cognitive Surplus explores what's possible when people unite to use their intellect, energy, and time for the greater good.

Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Book Description

The initial ‘idea’ for the book emerged during the seminar Sharing of Innovative Pedagogical Practices that occurred at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) in 2018. Like all ‘good ideas’, this one originated in a conversation between colleagues from the University of Coimbra and the University of West London in the United Kingdom. The ‘idea’ of this book was to move away from sharing experiences related to teaching and learning in higher education in just one or two countries, but instead to organise a more European view about the policy, research and teaching practices that are shaping the way our students learn, academics teach and do research. We have a total of 16 chapters from academics in Portugal, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and the Czech Republic. The book is organised in four interrelated themes: (1) policy and quality; (2) professionalisation of teaching and academic development; (3) research and teaching nexus; and (4) pedagogy and practice. Enjoy reading the book!