A Universidade e a Pandemia da Covid-19: A educação e seus desafios contemporâneos

Book Description

Assim como as demais instituições de ensino — de educação básica ou superior — as universidades foram atingidas fortemente pelo isolamento social, uma vez que não era mais possível a realização de aulas no formato presencial, para evitar a aglomeração de pessoas e, por conseguinte, a propagação do vírus. Era preciso, então, encontrar possibilidades para o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão darem continuidade a suas ações, apesar do contexto pandêmico que se apresentava. A Coordenadoria do Ensino de Ciências do Nordeste (Cecine/Proexc/UFPE), como uma unidade essencialmente extensionista, por sua vez, precisava dar sua contribuição. Ante tantas questões que careciam de respostas, a sociedade — especialmente aquela parte que acompanha e interage com as ações de extensão da Cecine — certamente esperava mais uma contribuição no sentido de apontar caminhos em tempos tão difíceis. Foi, então, que o Prof. Márcio Vilela, na condição de coordenador da Cecine, juntamente com toda a equipe técnico-pedagógica, teve a sensibilidade de criar um conjunto de momentos para reflexão sobre questões diversas envolvidas na situação de pandemia, o qual denominou “História, educação e saúde”. O objetivo era, além de manter a Cecine produzindo conhecimento, contribuir para o debate de ideias que buscava alternativas/soluções para as situações/os problemas que se apresentavam no contexto inicial de uma pandemia. Era final de março de 2020, quando a ideia foi gestada. Iniciou-se, assim, uma série de lives – momentos de conferências seguidas de debate – via meios digitais (inicialmente via Instagram da Cecine; posteriormente, via seu canal no YouTube). Foram convidados especialistas em diversas temáticas pertinentes ao contexto pandêmico para discorrer sobre seus estudos que pudessem esclarecer e/ou indicar possiblidades de ação. Com a mediação do Prof. Márcio Vilela, as questões/ponderações colocadas pelo público eram direcionadas aos especialistas convidados, ocorrendo assim o debate de ideias. Esta obra é constituída, portanto, pela maioria das lives realizadas, que foram transcritas no formato de entrevista, para compor esta coletânea.

Principles and concepts for development in nowadays society

Book Description

Temos o prazer de lançar o primeiro livro internacional do ano de 2022 voltado a área do desenvolvimento, que tem como título Principles and concepts for development in nowadays society, essa obra contém 152 artigos voltados a área multidisciplinar, sendo a mesma pela Seven Publicações Ltda. A Seven Editora, agradece e enaltasse os autores que fizeram parte desse livro. Desejamos uma boa leitura a todos

Measuring Utility

Book Description

Utility is a key concept in the economics of individual decision-making. However, utility is not measurable in a straightforward way. As a result, from the very beginning there has been debates about the meaning of utility as well as how to measure it. This book is an innovative investigation of how these arguments changed over time. Measuring Utility reconstructs economists' ideas and discussions about utility measurement from 1870 to 1985, as well as their attempts to measure utility empirically. The book brings into focus the interplay between the evolution of utility analysis, economists' ideas about utility measurement, and their conception of what measurement in general means. It also explores the relationships between the history of utility measurement in economics, the history of the measurement of sensations in psychology, and the history of measurement theory in general. Finally, the book discusses some methodological problems related to utility measurement, such as the epistemological status of the utility concept and its measures. The first part covers the period 1870-1910, and discusses the issue of utility measurement in the theories of Jevons, Menger, Walras and other early utility theorists. Part II deals with the emergence of the notions of ordinal and cardinal utility during the period 1900-1945, and discusses two early attempts to give an empirical content to the notion of utility. Part III focuses on the 1945-1955 debate on utility measurement that was originated by von Neumann and Morgenstern's expected utility theory (EUT). Part IV reconstructs the experimental attempts to measure the utility of money between 1950 and 1985 within the framework provided by EUT. This historical and epistemological overview provides keen insights into current debates about rational choice theory and behavioral economics in the theory of individual decision-making and the philosophy of economics.

The Triple Helix

Book Description

The triple helix of university–industry–government interactions is a universal model for the development of the knowledge-based society, through innovation and entrepreneurship. It draws from the innovative practice of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with industry and government in inventing a regional renewal strategy in early 20th-century New England. Parallel experiences were identified in “Silicon Valley,” where Stanford University works together with industry and government. Triple helix is identified as the secret of such innovative regions. It may also be found in statist or laissez-faire societies, globally. The triple helix focuses on “innovation in innovation” and the dynamic to foster an innovation ecosystem, through various hybrid organizations, such as technology transfer offices, venture capital firms, incubators, accelerators, and science parks. This second edition develops the practical and policy implications of the triple helix model with case studies exemplifying the meta-theory, including: • how to make an innovative region through the triple helix approach; • balancing development and sustainability by “triple helix twins"; • triple helix matrix to analyze regional innovation globally; and • case studies on the Stanford's StartX accelerator; the Ashland, Oregon Theater Arts Clusters; and Linyi regional innovation in China. The Triple Helix as a universal innovation model can assist students, researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to understand the roles of university, industry, and government in forming and developing “an innovative region,” which has self-renewal and sustainable innovative capacity.

Introduction to Syndemics

Book Description

This book explains the growing field of syndemic theory and research, a framework for the analysis and prevention of disease interactions that addresses underlying social and environmental causes. This perspective complements single-issue prevention strategies, which can be effective for discrete problems, but often are mismatched to the goal of protecting the public's health in its widest sense. "Merrill Singer has astutely described why health problems should not be seen in isolation, but rather in the context of other diseases and the social and economic inequities that fuel them. An important read for public health and social scientists." —Michael H. Merson, director, Duke Global Health Institute "Not only does this book provide a persuasive theoretical biosocial model of syndemics, but it also illustrates the model with a wide variety of fascinating historical and contemporary examples." —Peter J. Brown, professor of Anthropology and Global Health and director, Center for Health, Culture, and Society, Emory University "The concept of syndemics is Singer's most important contribution to critical medical anthropology as it interfaces with an ecosocial approach to epidemiology." —Mark Nichter, Regents Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona "Merrill Singer offers the public the most comprehensive work ever written on this key area of research and policy making." —Francisco I. Bastos, chairman of the graduate studies on epidemiology, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz "Exquisitely describes how this new approach is a critical tool that brings together veterinary, medical, and social sciences to solve emerging infectious and non-infectious diseases of today's world." —Bonnie Buntain, MS, DVM, diplomate, American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine "For too long the great integrative perspectives on modern biomedicine and public health disease ecology and social medicine-have remained more or less separate. In this innovative and provocative book, Merrill Singer develops a valuable synthesis that will reshape the way we think about health and disease." —Warwick H. Anderson, MD, PhD, professorial research fellow, Department of History and Centre for Values, Ethics, and the Law in Medicine, University of Sidney

Computer Supported Qualitative Research

Book Description

This book includes selecting the articles accepted for presentation and discussion at WCQR2021, held on January 20th to 22nd, 2021 (Virtual Conference). The World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) is an annual event that aims to bring together researchers, academics and professionals, promoting the sharing and discussion of knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations on Qualitative Research. WCQR2021 featured four main application fields (Education, Health, Social Sciences, and Engineering/Technology) and seven main subjects: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of Approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research; Data Analysis Types; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Context; Qualitative Analysis with Software Support. The book is a valuable resource for everyone interested in qualitative research, emphasizing Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS).

Racism and Human Development

Book Description

This book addresses the lifelong effects of racism, covering its social, psychological, family, community and health impacts. The studies brought together in this contributed volume discuss experiences of discrimination, prejudice and exclusion experienced by children, young people, adults, older adults and their families; the processes of socialization, emotional regulation and construction of ethnic-racial identities; and stress-producing events associated with racism. This volume intends to contribute to a growing international effort to develop an antiracist agenda in developmental psychology by showcasing studies developed mainly in Brazil, the country with the largest black population in the world outside of Africa. Racism as an ideology that structures social relations and attributes superiority to one race over the others have developed in different ways in different countries. As a response to the 2020 social and health crisis, some North American developmental psychologists have started promoting initiatives to openly challenge racism. This book intends to contribute to this movement by bringing together studies conducted mainly in Brazil, but also in Germany and Norway, that adopt a racially informed approach to different topics in developmental psychology. Racism and Human Development intends to be an inspiration to students, scholars and practitioners who are seeking tools and examples of studies of race and racism from a developmental perspective. The establishment of an antiracist agenda in developmental psychology will never be possible without a commitment to the study of race as an indispensable social marker of human ontogeny in any society. This book is another step towards racial equity and towards a developmental science that leaves no one behind.

Sectoral Systems of Innovation

Book Description

This volume provides a novel way of examining innovation in sectors by proposing the framework of sectoral systems of innovation. It analyses the innovation process, the factors affecting innovation, the changing boundaries and transformation of sectors, and the determinants of the innovation performance of firms and countries in different sectors.