ABCs of the Christian Life

Book Description

26 passages from Chesterton's works, arranged alphabetically by theme, offering his ideas on the Christian life.

ABCs for Christian Growth - Laying the Foundation

Book Description

Part One: The Assured Life * Preface * General Introduction: Why We All Need the ABCs * Introduction to the Truth of Assurance * Lesson 1: Assurance Regarding the Gospel * Lesson 2: Assurance of Salvation * Lesson 3: Assurance of Eternal Security * Lesson 4: Assurance of God?s Daily Provision * Lesson 5: Assurance of God?s Provision for Sin * Lesson 6: Assurance of God?s Guidance * Lesson 7: Assurance of Eternal RewardsPart Two: The Transformed Life * Preface * Lesson 1: Truths That Transform * Lesson 2: The Faith-Rest Life * Lesson 3: The Christ-Centered Life * Lesson 4: The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 1) * Lesson 5: The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 2) * Lesson 6: The Word-Filled Life * Lesson 7: The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 1) * Lesson 8: The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 2) * Lesson 9: The Devotional LifePart Three: The Multiplied Life * Preface * Lesson 1: The Stewardship of Time * Lesson 2: The Stewardship of Talents * Lesson 3: The Stewardship of God?s Truth * Lesson 4: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 1) * Lesson 5: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 2) * Lesson 6: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 3) * Lesson 7: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 4) * Lesson 8: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Discipleship * Lesson 9: The Stewardship of TreasuresAppendices * Appendix 1: Thoughts on Ezekiel 2:8; 3:1-3, 14 * Appendix 2: Exposition of Isaiah 55:1-3 * Appendix 3: Preparing to Truly Hear God?s Word * Appendix 4: The Believer and Daily Cleansing (John 13:1-17) * Appendix 5: An Overview of the Forgiveness of Believers * Appendix 6: Key Verses on the ?Daily? Emphasis of Scripture * Appendix 7: Seven Subtle Snares of Worldliness * Appendix 8: Soul Nourishment First by George Muller * Appendix 9: The Middle Voice of 1 Corinthians 13:8

ABCs of Christianity

Book Description

The ABCs of Christianity is a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the religion of Jesus, presented so today's generation will understand the Bible and experience the gift of knowing God. Yes, this is Grandma's religion. The underpinnings are the same rock solid concepts taught for 2,000 years. But this book is what texting is to ancient scrolls with each concept presented in concise, almost outline, form. Every doctrine is further referenced by Scripture, allowing readers to use the Bible translation of their choice-whether it be a leather-bound King James Version on onion-skin paper, a Biblical translation app, (on phone or tablet), or favorite spirituality Internet site. Stripped of anecdotes, wordsmithing, and other mechanics used to communicate biblical truth, this handbook is meant to serve all who wish to live in the now and experience the gift of actively knowing God.

The Christian Alphabet Book

Book Description

A Christian ABC book with unique, visual, and enjoyable ways to learn the basics of Christianity. This book guides you from A to Z with special Biblical lessons of love for all ages. Each letter is educational and has spiritual significance. In these 26 letters, you will find close to 100 ancient and modern images used in the past 2000 years to express Christianity.

The ABC's of Being A Christian

Book Description

This text is a collection of phrases beginning with each letter of the alphabet; each phrase represents a behavior that will help readers find the joy of Jesus Christ. (Practical Life)

The Church History ABCs

Book Description

Dramatically converted on the stormy seas, a slave-trader-turned-abolitionist penned the best-loved hymn of the Christian faith. A church father was arrested and martyred for teaching the truth about Christ's incarnation. Captured by pirates and shipped off to Ireland, a priest baptized thousands of pagans, from paupers to princes. Now who ever said church history was boring? The Church History ABCs is a fun way for kids to learn about great figures in Christian history. Twenty-six heroes of the faith march through the alphabet, boldly telling their stories in language children can understand. This wide range of characters—men and women from across the centuries, from all over the globe—reflects the breadth of church history and reminds children that these great figures of the past were living, breathing people who lived and died for the glory of God.


Book Description

This little book of ABCs A Balanced Christians Guide, is a primer to help the average Catholic and Christian ally his or her life with God in their daily world in more harmonious fashion! Through illustrationsand examples, a seeker reading this book will learn strategies to regain, amidst busyness and stress, a holistic, intentional spiritual life. Balance means avoiding extremes of action with prayer; busyness with virtues; working endlessly with contemplation, and questionable moral choices with spiritual knowledge. Our goal is to balance our stressed minds and souls with Gods natural plan for us!

The Abc's of Christian Growth

Book Description

After the New Birth comes growth. If there is no growth, there is no life. To be in Christ means to be saved, converted, regenerated, sanctified, and continually growing in grace and knowledge. Christian growth is learning what God wants through his Word; doing what God wants; and living our lives through his love. The evidence of growth in grace and knowledge can be found in (1) an increase in love; (2) an increase in faith (3) an increase in respect for God's Word; and (4) an increase of the fruit of the Spirit. God wants us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. But how can we who are in Christ grow in a suitable and wholesome manner? In the ABC's of Christian Growth you will find guidelines for growth in the Christian's life. We will explore from A to Z some basic principles to embrace in the day to day walk with the Lord. When these ideologies are applied to the life of the believer, growth is inevitable.

The Abcs of Faith

Book Description

The ABCs of faith is a step by step guide to walking the Christian walk and living your life in a manner that demonstrates your faith through joy, compassion, and service. This study provides examples, both Biblical and real life, of how each attribute looks and asks meaningful questions to help you consider how they apply to you.

The ABC's of Successful Christian Living

Book Description

Many of us struggle to find true joy and lasting peace in our lives. And while many find the answers in religion, some see it simply as a system of can'ts and don'ts meant to stifle their lives. But the Bible says that Jesus came to save the world and that God has great things in store for us. So why are countless people experiencing failure, depression, and anxiety instead of God's victory, joy, and peace? In "The ABCs of Successful Christian Living," author Bear Mills spells out the basics of Christian life to help you move out of frustration and into fulfillment. By walking through the letters of the alphabet, this book offers twenty-six chapters of spiritual building blocks to help you in your search for truth. Written in a simple devotional style, it's a book you can mull over one or two pages at a time and dive in again somewhere else, or thumb through and read a page that speaks to you in the moment. For fans of Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, and Henry Blackaby, this book similarly uses uncomplicated language to provide practical, sensible spiritual guidance that you can incorporate into your life today.