Biblical Ages and Chronology from Adam Through the First Century Ad

Book Description

Published biblical timelines err. They use solar years instead of 360-day years of biblical prophecy as defined in the Bible, which anticipates the absence of a solar system in Heaven. Any synopsis of the gospels should include John's gospel as discussed herein and illustrated by his contributions to the chronology of the Gospels. Several chapters from that Gospel are discussed in detail to support this claim. This book refutes claims of biblical inaccuracy with an analysis of biblical ages and chronology from the creation of Adam through the First Century AD, which are compatible with substantiated historical and scientific facts. Errors in published guidelines and disputations about various passages are addressed. The ages at which sentinel events occur in the lives of individuals in the Bible teach us about the same in our lives, which is illustrated by the tryst of David and Bathsheba and its aftermath of twenty-three years. Dr. Edwards has practiced and taught internal medicine, geriatrics, and infectious diseases and been credentialed in these disciplines. He has been the primary author of several publications in scientific journals in the specialty of infectious diseases. His fellowships include the American College of Physicians, the Infections Diseases Society of America, the American College of Physician Executives, and the American College of Healthcare Executives. He has held several administrative and executive positions. He is a retired colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves. Dr. Edwards has been Dean of a Christian medical school. He has served on several boards in churches and Christian organizations. In his retirement, he has published about medicine and the Bible in periodicals and is the author of seven books, which are exegetical studies of the Books of Genesis, Judges, Samuel and the Kings, the Gospels, and Revelation. He has studied the biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek.

A New Chronology for Old Testament Times

Book Description

This book brings solutions to a very great list of hitherto unsolved chronological and synchronisation problems. The reason why those solutions could be found lies in the extensive research the author made in old and often rare texts instead of limiting himself to the near exclusive source of the Bible. Ample use has been made of information that is available in works like the Books of Enoch, The Apocrypha, The Legends of the Jews, The Seder Olam, the Book of Jasher and many more, as well as in the texts from known historians like Herodotus and the famous Jewish historian and priest Flavius Josephus Just a few of the many special findings are: The real reason why Joseph was so popular with the Pharaoh. Sarah was not Abrahams (half)-sister. Moses was uncircumcised and even forbade the ritual for 40 years. Terah was not 70 years old when he begat Abraham. The exact period of the Judges: when they started and when they ended. A solution for the verse of the about 450 years of Pauls speech. Why did the Lord God give form and then blew life into Adam? Eve was not made out of Adams rib but from another body part A solution to the impossible synchronism of Judah and his sons. Enoch made not one but 4 trips to Heaven. The definitive answer: why did King Josiah attack Necho II? Why did King Ahab not fight at Qarqar? And many more. The book has a unique style. It has nothing of the study book , difficult to understand texts. The subject is serious, well researched, and treated with respect. But that does not mean that it cannot be presented at a fast moving pace, in easy to read style with here and there even a bit of humour. The purpose of the book is to prove that the promise that the Lord God made to Adam was kept. It held that there would be exactly 5500 years between the arrival of Adam in this world and the arrival of Christ. Every person who was of importance in that timespan has been visited. For every single one there are his years of birth and death or the years of his rule. Every person has a short story about some important part of his life, his actions or the influence he had on the history of the Hebrew people that lived in that period.

Adam to Christ

Book Description

Adam to Christ is a study on the genealogy of Jesus Christ from the beginning of Creation. It is one of the most accurate accounts on His lineage, and includes the dating of each generation all the way back to Adam. A careful examination of all the numbers pertaining to the lineage has been made and a brief explanation is given on the life and times of all the people mentioned. The continuity of names in the lineage is unbroken as well as all the dating for the sixty generations.The Bible is the only source of information for all dates. The six days of Creation are also explained as the Bible reveals the step-by-step account of placing the sun, the moon, and all the stars in thier proper places, and then making mankind along with the animal kingdom. This is a break-through in Biblical dating as we see the cross references prove themselves out to be accurate. May God bless you as you use this guide. It will never be out of date!

A Chronological Textbook Examination of the Book of Revelation

Book Description

The book of Revelation encompasses the past, the present and future prophecy, and it was God's purpose to ake it difficult for readers to undertsand. I believe there are very few theologians who interpreted the whole book of Revelation methodically an din chronological order of events that will occur. Here are some of the major events explored: the Biblical calendar, the starting period of Christian Church, and the end-time period of the Christian Church, the great tribulation, the time of the rapture of believers, and the end of the world falling on the Day of Judgment. It is written in language that is frankly not understandable to most Bible readers. For that reason, I have written this book to clear up the confusion that has dogged many readers. I also included chapters on the Science of Biblical Interpretation, the Interpretation of Numbers, the Kingdom of Satan, and God's Program of Salvation.

Earth's Sacred Calendar

Book Description

The Real Age of the Earth is Revealed in the Old Testament "E""arth's Sacred Calendar: The Dated Events of the Old Testament" catalogs more than 1,200 Old Testament events in chronological order with Scripture references and commentary. This unique Biblical research uses over 100 pages of charts to show how the 364-Day calendar, consistent with the Bible, generates the currently used Gregorian solar calendar. This book is the only Old Testament chronological commentary that gives the exact number of solar years from Creation Week in 4101 BC to the Birth of Jesus in 5 BC that matches the Biblical text.Using only the dated years in the Bible, this research concludes that the real age of the earth is exactly 6,113 Gregorian solar years plus 14 days as of Sunday, November 3 in 2013 AD.Easily follow the events of the Old Testament with the only book that gives exact and estimated dates for Israel's Patriarchs, Noah's Flood, Joseph in Egypt, the Exodus, Joshua's conquest of Canaan, and the period of the Judges. The dated reigns of Israel's Kings and their Prophets are now accurately in sync with the Biblical text.The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 526 BC and the 70 "completed" years of the Babylonian Exile, ending in 455 BC, are tied to the specific start date of Daniel's 70-Weeks Prophecy. Daniel's 483-years plus 285 days ends with the Crucifixion of Jesus on Nisan 14-Passover in 30 AD. This date in 30 AD is Friday April 5 on the Gregorian calendar. This 626-page picture-illustrated commentary clarifies many Biblical texts that have previously been confusing. If you have ever wanted to know the real age of the earth, "Earth's Sacred Calendar" is for you.

Ages of Adam

Book Description

In remote prehistory, before anything and everything else that would come to pass, in a portion of the Bible that most people skip over, we have written treasure that extends into the distant past.