Adaptive Mesh Refinement Large Eddy Simulation of the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Round Turbulent Jet

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Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) is of interest to a range of engineering problems, including carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) as well as advanced cycles for power generation. Non-ideal variations in physical properties of sCO2 impact the physics of these systems. In this study, we simulate turbulent sCO2 jets to gain a better understanding of these physics.We use a second order finite volume method with adaptive mesh refinement as implemented in the first-principles simulation code PeleC to perform a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of three turbulent jets of sCO2. Additionally, we use the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state to close the system and examine the impact of a cubic equation of state on the turbulent flow physics. We look at velocity and Reynolds stress profiles at different downstream locations for three cases in which the temperature of the jet andthat of the ambient fluid differ in order to capture the effects of widely varying thermal properties in the pseudocritical region. These results are then contrasted with established theory for ideal gas jets.

Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for CFD Applications

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The main objective of this thesis is the development of an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm for computational fluid dynamics simulations using hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes. This numerical methodology is applied in the context of large-eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent flows and direct numerical simulations (DNS) of interfacial flows, to bring new numerical research and physical insight. For the fluid dynamics simulations, the governing equations, the spatial discretization on unstructured grids and the numerical schemes for solving Navier-Stokes equations are presented. The equations follow a discretization by conservative finite-volume on collocated meshes. For the turbulent flows formulation, the spatial discretization preserves symmetry properties of the continuous differential operators and the time integration follows a self-adaptive strategy, which has been well tested on unstructured grids. Moreover, LES model consisting of a wall adapting local-eddy-viscosity within a variational multi-scale formulation is used for the applications showed in this thesis. For the two-phase flow formulation, a conservative level-set method is applied for capturing the interface between two fluids and is implemented with a variable density projection scheme to simulate incompressible two-phase flows on unstructured meshes. The AMR algorithm developed in this thesis is based on a quad/octree data structure and keeps a relation of 1:2 between levels of refinement. In the case of tetrahedral meshes, a geometrical criterion is followed to keep the quality metric of the mesh on a reasonable basis. The parallelization strategy consists mainly in the creation of mesh elements in each sub-domain and establishes a unique global identification number, to avoid duplicate elements. Load balance is assured at each AMR iteration to keep the parallel performance of the CFD code. Moreover, a mesh multiplication algorithm (02) is reported to create large meshes, with different kind of mesh elements, but preserving the topology from a coarser original mesh. This thesis focuses on the study of turbulent flows and two-phase flows using an AMR framework. The cases studied for LES of turbulent flows applications are the flow around one and two separated square cylinders, and the flow around a simplified car model. In this context, a physics-based refinement criterion is developed, consisting of the residual velocity calculated from a multi-scale decomposition of the instantaneous velocity. This criteria ensures grid adaptation following the main vortical structures and giving enough mesh resolution on the zones of interest, i.e., flow separation, turbulent wakes, and vortex shedding. The cases studied for the two-phase flows are the DNS of 2D and 3D gravity-driven bubble, with a particular focus on the wobbling regime. A study of rising bubbles in the wobbling regime and the effect of dimensionless numbers on the dynamic behavior of the bubbles are presented. Moreover, the use of tetrahedral AMR is applied for the numerical simulation of gravity-driven bubbles in complex domains. On this topic, the methodology is validated on bubbles rising in cylindrical channels with different topology, where the study of these cases contributed to having new numerical research and physical insight in the development of a rising bubble with wall effects.

Three-Dimensional Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations of Shock-Driven Turbulent Mixing in Plane and Converging Geometries

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This paper presents the use of a dynamically adaptive mesh refinement strategy for the simulations of shock-driven turbulent mixing. Large-eddy simulations are necessary due the high Reynolds number turbulent regime. In this approach, the large scales are simulated directly and small scales at which the viscous dissipation occurs are modeled. A low-numerical centered finite-difference scheme is used in turbulent flow regions while a shock-capturing method is employed to capture shocks. Three-dimensional parallel simulations of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability performed in plane and converging geometries are described.

Large Eddy Simulations of Supercritical Multicomponent Mixing Layers

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The objective of this study is the fundamental understanding of fuel disintegration and mixing in a supercritical environment (relative to the fuel) in order to determine parameter regimes advantageous to mixing. The approach is based on developing a model of a supercritical, turbulent jet mixing with surrounding fluid. The method is one that combines the modeling of supercritical fluids with a systematic development based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach. This systematic development includes a consistent protocol based upon Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) for developing a Subgrid Scale Model (SGS) appropriate to supercritical fluids, rather than choosing in an ad hoc manner an existing SGS model developed under assumptions inconsistent with supercritical fluid behavior. This SGS model will be used in the LES of a supercritical turbulent jet.

Large Eddy Simulations of Supercritical Mixing Layers Based on Subgrid Scale Models Extracted From Direct Numerical Simulations

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The objective of this study is the fundamental understanding of fuel disintegration and mixing in a supercritical environment (relative to the fuel) in order to determine parameter regimes advantageous to mixing. The approach is based on the future goal of developing a model for a supercritical, turbulent jet mixing with surrounding fluid. The method is one that combines the modeling of supercritical fluids with a systematic development based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach. This systematic development includes a consistent protocol based upon Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) for developing a Subgrid Scale (SGS) Model appropriate to supercritical fluids, rather than choosing in an ad hoc manner an existing SGS model developed under assumptions inconsistent with supercritical fluid behavior. This SGS model should be used in future studies of supercritical turbulent jets utilizing the LES methodology.

Fast Algorithm Development for Large-Eddy Simulation of Circular-Jet Turbulence

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This research project deals with the computational fluid dynamic investigation of the turbulent mixing layers of several prototype circular-jet configurations. The predictive research addressed the large-eddy simulation computations for the large-scale motions and the subgrid-scale turbulence models for the small-scale motions in the near field downstream of an axisymmetric nozzle. The initial attention is focused on the single free jet expanding into a quiescent environment, with the emphasis on two-dimensional computations and one-point closure models. The numerical algorithm development has examined the applicability of a variable reduction method, and the simulation of a sustained unsteady motion through weighted combinations of stable and unstable schemes.

Adaptive and Convergent Methods for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion

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In the recent past, LES methodology has emerged as a viable tool for modeling turbulent combustion. LES computes the large scale mixing process accurately, thereby providing a better starting point for small-scale models that describe the combustion process. Significant effort has been made over past decades to improve accuracy and applicability of the LES approach to a wide range of flows, though the current conventions often lack consistency to the problems at hand. To this end, the two main objectives of this dissertation are to develop a dynamic transport equation-based combustion model for large- eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent spray combustion and to investigate grid- independent LES modeling for scalar mixing. Long-standing combustion modeling approaches have shown to be suc- cessful for a wide range of gas-phase flames, however, the assumptions required to derive these formulations are invalidated in the presence of liquid fuels and non-negligible evaporation rates. In the first part of this work, a novel ap- proach is developed to account for these evaporation effects and the resulting multi-regime combustion process. First, the mathematical formulation is de- rived and the numerical implementation in a low-Mach number computational solver is verified against one-dimensional and lab scale, both non-reacting and reacting spray-laden flows. In order to clarify the modeling requirements in LES for spray combustion applications, results from a suite of fully-resolved direct numerical simulations (DNS) of a spray laden planar jet flame are fil- tered at a range of length scales. LES results are then validated against two sets of experimental jet flames, one having a pilot and allowing for reduced chemistry modeling and the second requiring the use of detail chemistry with in situ tabulation to reduce the computational cost of the direct integration of a chemical mechanism. The conventional LES governing equations are derived from a low-pass filtering of the Navier-Stokes equations. In practice, the filter used to derive the LES governing equations is not formally defined and instead, it is assumed that the discretization of LES equations will implicitly act as a low-pass filter. The second part of this study investigates an alternative derivation of the LES governing equations that requires the formal definition of the filtering operator, known as explicitly filtered LES. It has been shown that decoupling the filter- ing operation from the underlying grid allows for the isolation of subfilter-scale modeling errors from numerical discretization errors. Specific to combustion modeling are the aggregate errors associated with modeling sub-filter distribu- tions of scalars that are transported by numerical impacted turbulent fields. Quantities of interest to commonly-used combustion models, including sub- filter scalar variance and filtered scalar dissipation rate, are investigated for both homogeneous and shear-driven turbulent mixing.

Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows on Graphics Processing Units: Application to Film-cooling Flows

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations can be very computationally expensive, especially for Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent flows. In LES the large, energy containing eddies are resolved by the computational mesh, but the smaller (sub-grid) scales are modeled. In DNS, all scales of turbulence are resolved, including the smallest dissipative (Kolmogorov) scales. Clusters of CPUs have been the standard approach for such simulations, but an emerging approach is the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which deliver impressive computing performance compared to CPUs. Recently there has been great interest in the scientific computing community to use GPUs for general-purpose computation (such as the numerical solution of PDEs) rather than graphics rendering. To explore the use of GPUs for CFD simulations, an incompressible Navier-Stokes solver was developed for a GPU. This solver is capable of simulating unsteady laminar flows or performing a LES or DNS of turbulent flows. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved via a fractional-step method and are spatially discretized using the finite volume method on a Cartesian mesh. An immersed boundary method based on a ghost cell treatment was developed to handle flow past complex geometries. The implementation of these numerical methods had to suit the architecture of the GPU, which is designed for massive multithreading. The details of this implementation will be described, along with strategies for performance optimization. Validation of the GPU-based solver was performed for fundamental bench-mark problems, and a performance assessment indicated that the solver was over an order-of-magnitude faster compared to a CPU. The GPU-based Navier-Stokes solver was used to study film-cooling flows via Large Eddy Simulation. In modern gas turbine engines, the film-cooling method is used to protect turbine blades from hot combustion gases. Therefore, understanding the physics of this problem as well as techniques to improve it is important. Fundamentally, a film-cooling configuration is an inclined cooling jet in a hot cross-flow. A known problem in the film-cooling method is jet lift-off, where the jet of coolant moves away from the surface to be cooled due to mutual vortex induction by the counter-rotating vortex pair embedded in the jet, resulting in decreased cooling at the surface. To counteract this, a micro-ramp vortex generator was added downstream of the film-cooling jet, which generated near-wall counter-rotating vortices of opposite sense to the vortex pair in the jet. It was found that the micro-ramp vortices created a downwash effect toward the wall, which helped entrain coolant from the jet and transport it to the wall, resulting in better cooling. Results are reported using two film-cooling configurations, where the primary difference is the way the jet exit boundary conditions are prescribed. In the first configuration, the jet is prescribed using a precursor simulation and in the second the jet is modeled using a plenum/pipe configuration. The latter configuration was designed based on previous wind tunnel experiments at NASA Glenn Research Center, and the present results were meant to supplement those experiments.