Addiction and God

Book Description

The roots of the modern disease theory of addiction can be traced back to the archaic medical philosophies of the eighteenth century. This popular theory is based primarily on the assumption that so-called addicts are physically unable to resist the call of addictive chemicals. They are presumably stricken from birth with this unlucky condition and all but helpless in the fight against the unhealthy symptoms of the so-called disease. The problem is that contemporary addiction research shows that substance abusers are not genetically or biologically different from anyone else. In fact, a growing group of physicians and researchers contend that addicts are simply guilty of making self-destructive choices in response to the commonplace stresses of everyday life. When addicts begin to take responsibility for their calculated chemical choices, they ultimately come to view their abusive behaviors in terms of not sickness but sin. They can then learn how to achieve forgiveness of their sins and deliverance from their addictions by offering their hearts, minds, and bodies to Jesus Christ. This is a skillfully written and powerful book about addiction and recovery. Having seen the devastating effects of addiction first hand, Mr. Mason was able to use his own personal experiences to develop a one of a kind text that dispels the myths about addiction and beautifully outlines the connection between the Spirit and recovery. After 14 years of working in the field of chemical dependency, I have never found a more complete and insightful view of addiction, recovery, and spirituality. Cindy Tidwell, MS, LPC Professional Addiction Counselor

The Heart of Addiction

Book Description

Substance abusers, addicts with a physical dependency, and those who cannot stop some type of pleasurable activity can gain insights and practical help from the hopeful message from the Bible regarding addictive thoughts and behavior.

Toxic Faith

Book Description

Experiencing Healing from Painful Spiritual Abuse When religion becomes a means to avoid or control life, it becomes toxic. Those who possess a toxic faith have stepped across the line from a balanced perspective of God to an unbalanced faith in a weak, powerless or uncaring God. They seek a God to fix every mess, prevent every hurt, and mend every conflict. Toxic Faith distinguishes between a healthy faith and a misguided religiosity that traps believers in an addictive practice of religion. It shows how unbalanced ministries, misguided churches, and unscrupulous leaders can lead their followers away from God and into a desolate experience of religion that drives many to despair. Toxic Faith shows readers how to find hope for a return to genuine, healthy faith that can add meaning to life. In the words of the author, “I want to help you throw out that toxic faith and bring you back to the real thing.”


Book Description

Cynthia Almaraz is an ordained minister, anointed Bible teacher, author, wife, mother and grandmother. Her years of practical experience as a public educator, creating drug outreaches for several churches and even for a maximum security prison in Oklahoma have contributed insight into the addictive mindset.She relates in sharing her...

God's Addiction Recovery Plan

Book Description

Michael Wrenn lost his military career, marriage and other blessings because of his addiction to alcohol and drugs. When three rehabilitation facilities failed to provide him with the help he needed, he reached out to God for help. God answered the cry for help, setting him free from addiction. He now enjoys a life free of addiction, and in this inspirational account he shares ten steps that helped him beat addiction. Learn how to find the plan that God has for you; recognize the people God has sent to help you; overcome the guilt and shame that comes with addiction; and make God an ally in your fight against addiction. The author has experienced the pain, misery, and loneliness of addiction. He shares a message of hope for addicts, recovering addicts, family members and pastors who desire to help them. By following God's Addiction Recovery Plan, addiction can be traded for a life of abundance, victory, purpose, peace and joy.

Conscious Contact with God

Book Description

Conscious Contact with God is a new paraphrase of the Psalms that reflects the experience of addiction and living in recovery. It will speak powerfully to anyone who shares those experiences and struggles to find God present in the midst of them. Ideal for personal prayer, reflection, and meditation, as well as for praying and reflecting in groups, these thoughtful and inspiring texts are rich in the vocabulary and vision of the Twelve Steps. This new resource fills a gap that has unfortunately existed until now for anyone addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or other substances or experiences. Here they will find compassion, understanding, and strength.

Amazing Grace Addiction Bible Study

Book Description

The current success rate for addiction treatment is less than 30 percent, which means that 7 out of 10 recovering addicts are not being cured of the so-called “disease of addiction.” Why doesn’t treatment work? The answer is simple - addiction is not a disease. In fact, the mainstream mythology of “Once and addict, always and addict” falls apart upon close inspection. Therefore addictive behaviors must be evaluated within the context of not sickness but sin. Through the study of the Bible, so-called “addicts” can learn how to achieve forgiveness of their sins and deliverance from their addictions by offering their hearts, minds, and bodies to Jesus Christ. They can then be taught how to take advantage of the powerful indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to wage war against their persistent addictive thoughts. Ultimately, this study has been designed to help substance abusers to focus their minds on God (instead of chemicals) in order to subdue their stubborn cravings for the seductive forbidden fruit of intoxication.

God’S Addiction Recovery Plan

Book Description

Michael Wrenn lost his military career, marriage, and other blessings because of his addiction to alcohol and drugs. When three rehabilitation facilities failed to provide him with the help he needed, he reached out to God for help and deliverance. God answered Wrenns call for help and freed him from bondage. He now enjoys a life free of addiction, and in this inspirational account he shares ten steps that helped him beat addiction. Learn how to find the plan that God has for you; recognize the people that God has sent to help you; overcome the guilt and shame that comes with addiction; make God your ally in your fight against addiction. Wrenn is familiar with the pain, misery, and loneliness of addiction, and he shares a message of hope for addicts, recovering addicts, and the family members and pastors who want to help them. By following Gods Addiction Recovery Plan, you can trade your addiction for a life of abundance, victory, purpose, peace, and joy.

God Our Anchor

Book Description

Do you have friend, family member, or loved one in the throes of addiction? Do you feel tossed by the storm of their struggle, wondering how to stay anchored in truth and hope as you walk beside them? Deborah Bailey has been there. Having lost her precious daughter to the darkness of addiction, she knows what it’s like to run to God in prayer and Scripture, asking the hard questions and dealing with great loss head-on. In God Our Anchor: Held Fast Through A Loved One’s Addiction, Deborah has crafted thirty devotionals for those who face a similar journey. Each thoughtful entry helps the reader navigate the storm of a loved one’s addiction and hold fast to our great anchor, the Lord. Whether you have lost loved ones to addiction, or still walk beside them even now in their struggle, Deborah’s devotionals are a safe harbor for you to meet the Lord, letting Him hold you fast in some of the roughest waters a person can brave.

How to Kill an Addiction

Book Description

"Growing up in small town America, I never imagined I would wake up one day to find myself an addicted, homeless bum. But at age 19, I lost everything. I was homeless, jobless, and friendless, with a cocaine addiction gripping my life. Eventually I found myself in cell 121. I had grown up going to church, but I only knew the rules-based 'religious' Jesus. While I was incarcerated, a gentleman with the Gideons would come visit me. He was there, every Sunday, and his commitment showed me that God wasn't done with me yet. Right there in cell 121, I accepted Christ. Even though I was still behind bars for nearly a year, it was one of the best years of my life..." excerpt, Voices of Recovery, by Rusty Boruff How to Kill an Addiction takes a unique approach. Instead of wondering why things happen, it asks the question, Did Jesus provide a way out or not? He did, and it is not just for the "sweet by and by," but for the rough "right here and now." With its uplifting section called Voices of Recovery, you will hear from real people facing real problems and rejoice with them as they share how they have overcome a variety of life-controlling issues. This can only happen when their focus is on the Chain Breaker (Jesus) rather than the chain itself. How to Kill an Addiction explains what has already been done to solve the problems we face. If you have tried everything (or nothing at all), I challenge you to read How to Kill an Addiction.