Lethal Aid

Book Description

Despite massive infusions of financial and technical assistance from the northern hemisphere, Africa is worse off today - economically, societally, and environmentally - than it was 30 years ago. But were economic development, poverty alleviation, and democracy ever actually the objectives of either donor or recipient states in the first place? To what extent was the limitless potential of the self-reliance strategy foreclosed by the corrupting power of foreign aid? As much as military power, propaganda, or diplomacy, "aid" is - realistically and essentially - one of the economic instruments of statecraft and, as such, has historically been used as a policy tool for various attempts at influence. While policies and strategies on both sides of the aid process may give primacy of place to development, actual practice almost invariably reveals the opposite, as donor and recipient alike employ aid resources to pursue their respective national, class, or even regime interests. Through the Tanzanian experience of "Big Brother's" helping hand, the author examines the true role of foreign aid in the development process and exposes certain widely-held myths about that role.

Adult Education and the Development of Socialism in Tanzania

Book Description

Monograph on the role of adult education in socialist-oriented economic development in Tanzania - examines adult educational development trends since independence, the creation of rural area training centres to foster rural development, cooperative education, etc. Bibliography pp. 138 to 144 and statistical tables.

Beyond the Non-formal Fashion

Book Description

Le contexte historique de la réforme de l'éducation en Tanzanie. Les buts, le coût de l'éducation. Les méthodes et contenus, l'organisation et le financement, les influences étrangères, les relations entre l'éducation formelle et non-formelle. Bibliographie.

Socialist and Self-Reliance In Tanzania

Book Description

This study developed from a keen interest in the politics of contemporary Africa, especially in regard to the seemingly intractable problem of political dependence with its economic correlate of underdevelopment. The most interesting contemporary work on African political economy explores the link between economic underdevelopment and political dependence. Development and independence are seen as moving in the same direction in the long run, even if in the short run there appear to be inherent contradictions in their immediate needs in a concrete situation. The focus of this work emphasizes the internal contradictions’ (such as exist between the bureaucracy and the political leadership) within Tanzania rather than the external linkages.

International Perspectives on Older Adult Education

Book Description

This important book builds on recent publications in lifelong learning which focus on learning and education in later life. This work breaks new ground in international understandings of what constitutes later life learning across diverse cultures in manifold countries or regions across the world. Containing 42 separate country/regional analyses of later life learning, the overall significance resides in insiders’ conceptualisations and critique of this emerging sub-field of lifelong learning and adult education. International perspectives on older adult education provides new appreciation of what is happening in countries from Europe (14), Africa (10), the Americas (7), Asia (9) and Australasia (2), as authored by adult educators and/or social gerontologists in respective geographical areas. These analyses are contextualised by a thorough introduction and critical appraisal where trends and fresh insights are revealed. The outcome of this book is a never-before available critique of what it means to be an older learner in specific nations, and the accompanying opportunities and barriers for learning and education. The sub-title of research, policy and practice conveys the territory that authors traverse in which rhetoric and reality are interrogated. Coverage in chapters includes conceptual analysis, historical patterns of provision, policy developments, theoretical perspectives, research studies, challenges faced by countries and “success stories” of later life learning. The resultant effect is a vivid portrayal of a vast array of learning that occurs in later life across the globe. Brian Findsen is Professor of Education and Postgraduate Leader for Te Whiringa School of Educational Leadership and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Marvin Formosa is Head of the Department of Gerontology, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta, and Director of the International Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta).