Advances, Challenges, and Trends in Veterinary Science Teaching

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Information and communication technology (ICT) has taken on a new role in the teaching and learning process and is currently a hot topic in all academic fields, including veterinary science. ICTs present benefits as well as challenges for veterinary science professionals and institutions. On the other hand, recent developments have enhanced the use of feed through the genetic improvement of livestock, which has advanced economic and sustainable animal production. Advances, Challenges, and Trends in Veterinary Science Teaching discusses ICT and its use in the teaching of veterinary science, livestock production, genetic and nutritional improvement, physico-biochemical changes, and methods for using animal products. Covering topics such as agricultural byproducts, eco-friendly livestock rearing, and veterinary science teaching, this premier reference source is an essential resource for veterinary science professionals, animal science professionals, information sciences, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians.

Critical Needs for Research in Veterinary Science

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Research in veterinary science is critical for the health and well-being of animals, including humans. Food safety, emerging infectious diseases, the development of new therapies, and the possibility of bioterrorism are examples of issues addressed by veterinary science that have an impact on both human and animal health. However, there is a lack of scientists engaged in veterinary research. Too few veterinarians pursue research careers, and there is a shortage of facilities and funding for conducting research. This report identifies questions and issues that veterinary research can help to address, and discusses the scientific expertise and infrastructure needed to meet the most critical research needs. The report finds that there is an urgent need to provide adequate resources for investigators, training programs, and facilities involved in veterinary research.

Veterinary Medical Specialization: Bridging Science and Medicine

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Recent trends toward specialization in veterinary medicine parallel similar trends in the practice of human medicine. W. Jean Dodds, the new editor of Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine, has brought together recognized authorities to integrate the legal and ethical implications generated by the issue of specialization. Routine and specialized veterinary practices, including genetic screening, are now associated with clinical trials. This book establishes the links between specialization in the veterinary sciences and the factors that influence the use of animals in basic science and medicine.

The Lifelong Learning Journey of Health Professionals: Continuing Education and Professional Development

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Health professionals grapple with a critical challenge: the traditional Continuous Medical Education (CME) model falls short of fostering the unique skills and self-directed learning required for a dynamic career. As medical practitioners navigate a world of new epidemiological models, technologies, and strategies, the need for a transformative solution becomes evident. The Lifelong Learning Journey of Health Professionals: Continuing Education and Professional Development is a book that not only identifies the limitations of existing education models but also provides a comprehensive solution for ushering in a new era of lifelong learning. This compelling book advocates for a paradigm shift towards Continuous Professional Development (CPD), a contemporary concept that embraces non-traditional learning formats. It dismantles the inadequacies of credit-based training by emphasizing the importance of self-direction and self-assessment for adult learners. From core principles for designing a robust CPD system to exploring successful models, alternative credentials, and the role of learning communities, the book offers a holistic approach to reshaping medical education.

Tending Animals in the Global Village

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A book like no other in the field of veterinary medicine with pertinent information every student and practitioner will find beneficial. Veterinaries have access to a great variety of texts, journals, and continuing education opportunities to keep them on top of the tremendous technological advances in clinical care and preventive medicine. Outside of the technical realm, however, there are many global trends, which exert profound effects on how the veterinary profession serves society and how veterinary professionals define their role in a rapidly changing world. This new and unrivaled book delves into these influences in impressive detail, identifying new challenges and opportunities for the veterinary profession in a global context. Unique topics covered include: The important global trends with implications for veterinary medicine. Different cultural attitudes towards the human use of animals, their impact on the human-animal relationship, and the challenges this poses for veterinarians. The role of livestock in food security, rural development, and sustainable agriculture and the opportunities for veterinarians to improve the lives of people who depend on animals around the world. The relationship of global environmental change to animal health and production. The emerging field of conservation medicine and the important role of veterinarians in protecting biodiversity and conserving wildlife. A global perspective on veterinary service delivery and the opportunities and challenges for improving animal health care worldwide. The growth of international trade, its relation to food safety and animal health, and its impact on animal agricultural and veterinary medicine. The growing risk of foreign animal disease, the national and international institutions involved in animal disease control, and the role of the private practitioner in controlling foreign animal disease. Nontraditional career paths for veterinarians interested in working internationally and how to identify and prepare for such international career opportunities.

Trends in Veterinary Sciences

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Veterinary science is continuously achieving important developments in all its fields as a result of continuous technological advances in diagnostic tools and applied biology. This book contains 33 papers that were selected from those presented at the 65th Congress of the Italian Society for Veterinary Sciences held at Tropea-Drapia in 2011. It provides a timely overview of the current progress being made by Italian researchers and is of great value to anyone interested in all fields of veterinary science, both theoretical and applied, ranging from animal health and care to animal production and food hygiene.

Workforce Needs in Veterinary Medicine

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The U.S. veterinary medical profession contributes to society in diverse ways, from developing drugs and protecting the food supply to treating companion animals and investigating animal diseases in the wild. In a study of the issues related to the veterinary medical workforce, including demographics, workforce supply, trends affecting job availability, and capacity of the educational system to fill future demands, a National Research Council committee found that the profession faces important challenges in maintaining the economic sustainability of veterinary practice and education, building its scholarly foundations, and evolving veterinary service to meet changing societal needs. Many concerns about the profession came into focus following the outbreak of West Nile fever in 1999, and the subsequent outbreaks of SARS, monkeypox, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, highly pathogenic avian influenza, H1N1 influenza, and a variety of food safety and environmental issues heightened public concerns. They also raised further questions about the directions of veterinary medicine and the capacity of public health service the profession provides both in the United States and abroad. To address some of the problems facing the veterinary profession, greater public and private support for education and research in veterinary medicine is needed. The public, policymakers, and even medical professionals are frequently unaware of how veterinary medicine fundamentally supports both animal and human health and well-being. This report seeks to broaden the public's understanding and attempts to anticipate some of the needs and measures that are essential for the profession to fulfill given its changing roles in the 21st century.

Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach

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The intricate web of healthcare, sustainability, and legalities has never been more significant or complex. Bridging Health, Environment, and Legalities: A Holistic Approach embarks on an enlightening journey through these interwoven domains, exploring their relationships and their pivotal role in shaping global well-being. Not merely content with the surface, this book navigates the complex terrain of health equity and access to care, unveiling the role of social determinants of health and their legal implications. It critically examines sustainable medical innovations, scrutinizing the legal and regulatory challenges in adopting and implementing groundbreaking medical advancements. Intellectual property rights and ethical considerations in medical research are carefully dissected, offering guidance on promoting sustainable medical breakthroughs through policy and law.

Advances and Current Trends in Biomechanics

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This volume presents a collection of peer-reviewed papers on several areas in the field of biomechanics, including biofabrication; biomaterials; cardiovascular biomechanics, biofluids and hemodynamics; biomechanics of the injury/impact; biomechanics of rehabilitation; sports biomechanics; biomechanics of the skull and spine; biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system; biomechanics orofacial; orthopaedic biomechanics; experimental and numerical biomechanics; tissue engineering, and biomedical devices. A collection of novelties and research outcomes presented at the 9th National Biomechanics Congress (CNB 2021, 19-20 February, Porto, Portugal), this book reflects the enthusiasm and intense activity of the Portuguese biomechanical community, as well as the multidisciplinary character of the field. The National Congress of Biomechanics (CNB) is a scientific meeting organized in Portugal under the auspices of the Portuguese Biomechanical Society (SPB).